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High Binder

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High Binder last won the day on December 23 2022

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About High Binder

  • Birthday 08/18/1947


  • Location
    Morehead, Ky.

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    Old trucks
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  1. P.L. was a very nice gentleman and he loved to talk trucks. He and I spent several hours together and I enjoyed every minute of it. Here's a picture of him and his son, Glenn.
  2. LV-401.
  3. It's a V-190 with plenty of room in the cab with dogs riding on the bunk. Plenty of room for personal stuff under the bunk.
  4. This is interesting to me because I have a truck doing the same thing. I know my batteries are not real good, due to sitting, and I assumed the generator was trying to fully charge the batteries since all I do is throw a quick charge on them prior to starting. This makes me think in a different direction.
  5. Being a 52, I'm assuming it's a positive ground. I would load test my batteries before I did anything else. Bob is correct about crossing the points on the regulator. It's a simple task but I ruined two regulators crossing them.
  6. Not being negative, sarcastic, or bashing, but this thread reminds me of the situations I've faced numerous times. Do I keep it original or modernize? Just remember the old cliche, "Speed cost, how fast do you want to go?". I just run the backroads and don't worry about it.
  7. I always heard the two happiest days in a boat owner's life is the day he bought the boat and the day he sold the boat.
  8. Geoff, I think I would give Coker Tire Co. a call to see if they have any info. They would know if anyone does.
  9. In 56, IH tilted the Cummins engine to lower the height of the High Binder.
  10. You should have called corporate customer service to begin with. My sister was having problems with her car. It had been to the dealership about three times without fixing it. I called corporate and commenced to use profanity. The fellow told me to calm down that he knew what was wrong with the car and ask me when I could have it at the dealership. I dropped it off at the dealership at 8 am, picked it up at 10 am. Never had another problem with the car.
  11. Glad to hear you're getting better. Hang in there.
  12. Just curious, what if you put something under the bottom tray, 1/4 plywood, plastic, or maybe piece of aluminum for the trays to set on.
  13. You're my kind of treasure hunter Bob. Love the Transtars, the trucks that built America.
  14. I'll bet he's looking for someone to look at or pick up a KW bullnose COE. Just a guess.
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