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High Binder

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Everything posted by High Binder

  1. A few pictures from the 2015 truck show. About 85 trucks showed up. Great show, great venue, and great people.
  2. John, Could be it or 1 of the 4 built. According to my buddy, the Mack Museum is tracking his truck. Every time it changes hands, they are aware of it. They really want it in the museum. Mack built four for the same truck line.
  3. I'm not sure about the exact number but there was well over a hundred trucks at Paris, Ky. last year. I feel there will be more this year. I don't know about Renfro Valley. I wasn't able to make that show.
  4. I think he's undecided on what he's going to do with the Crew cab. I think he's going to restore to original the H model. He has a lot of nice trucks and many projects. The only other crew cab I've seen is the green one that comes to Macungie.
  5. He's restoring them for himself.
  6. According to the Mack museum, the H61 is one of 4 built with a Cummins. The crew is factory built. I looked at the log trailer is a real nice trailer. Yes he builds them and they are really well built.
  7. Went to a friends place today. Hadn't been there in a while and I found a bit of Mack heaven. I took a few pictures that I thought you would enjoy. Dan
  8. What are the odd's that there's another person out there named "Otherdog"? Very curious. Ha!
  9. DailyDiesel, That's the truck. Sure sounds good. Thanks for posting the video. The fellow that owns the truck said he had to wear ear protection on the way to the show from New York. You weren't one of those fellows after that corn were you? LOL Thanks, Dan Also, I enjoyed your other videos on youtube.
  10. This was my favorite sounding truck. When the owner pulled around for his picture, everybody looked. All of a sudden, it looked like you threw a bucket of cracked corn in the yard on a chicken farm. People were almost running to get a picture of it. It had an 8V71 with straight pipes and jakes. It sure sounded good.
  11. This was one of my favorites. Not a binder but pretty cool.
  12. I don't know anything about Mack shutters and I'm probably wrong but I think they are supposed to move. Second picture, bottom left, shows a slot where the end of the shutter is supposed to rotate. All of the shutters should be hooked together. I also think you are missing parts. Besides that, why would they be there if they didn't rotate.
  13. Odog, Awesome as usual.
  14. Odog, Glad everybody made it out ok. What I want to know is "What's happening with the Windfall wimmin"? You haven't said much about them lately. Also, do you know what the difference between an airplane take off and landing is? The take off is optional.
  15. IS IT WORTH IT? That's up to you. This would not be a tough one if you go into the project with the understanding that you're going to have to touch every nut, bolt, and screw on the truck. I think you have to ask yourself, do I have the time? This one will take some time. Do I have the space and tools to do it with? What part of the restoration are you going to pay someone else to do? Can you do it all? From metal fabrication to paint to mechanical repairs. Is the truck complete? How many parts are you going to have to find? And probably most important, to what level of restoration are you considering? Like new original or get it running and put a little paint on it. The big out of pocket cost is having to pay someone else to do the work. As a good friend used to say," If it will cast a shadow it can be restored". Hope to see it running in a couple of years. This one would be a labor of love on your part.
  16. Larry, Do you have your B61 insured with State Farm? If yes, do you have the B61 licensed as Historic? If yes, What does it cost you per year? I just changed over to State Farm and I'm wondering if they are cheaper than what I'm paying now. Thanks, Dan
  17. Coaldigger, Did you find a windshield? Others might be looking. Thanks,
  18. Try pilkingtonclassics.com to see if they might have them. They have windshields for the L,R,S series IH's. They should be able to give you the NAGS number for the windshield if they don't have them. Dan Also, part numbers left side tinted, 341003C1, Right side tinted, 341004C1.
  19. Paul is correct on the engines. At one time, I think there were maybe 28 different engines available for IH trucks. How confusing would that be for someone looking to buy a new truck. Paul, I was just curious about the nose. I've never seen one with fiberglass. Dan
  20. The RD401 was a carb governed engine. I've seen them generally in the R185 series fire trucks. Dan
  21. Paul, I like the tater truck. Looks like an early 60's V190 or V200. What engine does it have? Are you sure the cab tilts on the Kemp truck? The only tilt cabs I've seen had 4 grill bars. What did you mean by glass nose? Dan
  22. I like the gal in the car. Looks like she knows how to take great pleasure in driving. Flexible too! Left knee against left shoulder, left hand.......?
  23. Paul, I agree with you on the 240 engine's in the R-160 series. The 180 series offered the option of the 264?, 282. and 308. The 190, 200, and 205 series offered the 401 or maybe 406 and 450 engines. I've never seen a 160 or 180 series with the tilt cab. I would think they are rare.
  24. The pics of the maroon tilt master were taken at Macungie. The owner lived in Pa. He moved to Fla. and then to who knows where. The truck has gone off the grid. A friend of mine knew the owner quite well but has no idea what happened to him or the truck. He's tried to locate him several times with no luck.
  25. Here's my 1953 diesel version.
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