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High Binder

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Everything posted by High Binder

  1. What's wrong with Kentucky? Us hillbilly's have trucks.
  2. Vlad, Thanks for the pictures and the comments about your travels. You're correct, the scenery is beautiful and I really like your bike.
  3. Hope you had a good one!
  4. Sounds like a shop here back in the day. Hand them $10 and you got a sticker. They never looked at anything. One time I never got out of the car.
  5. He's my buddy and he stays right under my feet. If I fart, he has to be there to smell it. LOL
  6. I'll drink to that!
  7. Happy Birthday!!!!!
  8. Terry, The latest information I have is that there is a problem with the server and they are working on it.
  9. Rubber Duck, looks like we're both correct. Here's the car that Bill Patch built and gave to Johnny Cash. It's a three door Cady and it's in a museum in Bon Aqua, Tn. The one above was built for a publicity tour and was destroyed at the end of the tour.
  10. That's J.C. and the band. I'm sure the car was made as a publicity stunt.
  11. Julie, A few years ago, Glenn made some comments about life in general. Those comments have stuck with me all these years and made a tremendous impression on me. He was a good man and he will be missed by all.
  12. The wife and I have had both shots and two boosters. I would hate to deal with it without some immunity built up.
  13. I really thought Covid was pretty much behind us until the wife started feeling bad. We have taken every precaution possible and still wear our mask in public to avoid contracting the virus. Needless to say, the wife is about 10 days in and I'm now a week into it. I have to say that I feel the worst I've felt in years and I don't wish the virus on anyone. It is really kicking my a$$ to the point I may have to make a trip to the ER. I'm afraid they will admit me to the hospital or I would go now. I found out that the virus has made a resurgence in our little part of the world and we are considered in the "Red zone". Just a warning, don't let your guard down on this virus, especially the old farts like me.
  14. When I was teaching in the diesel program at the local community college, one of the welding students snuck out and poured a qt. of oil down the stack of his buddy's truck. You talk about a sight. He thought he's blown it up and his daddy done told him no more money. I laughed my fat a$$ off watching him squirm. Still chuckle a little when I think about it.
  15. Used to see a lot of black smoke here until the Feds moved in. Those hefty fines took their toll. If I remember correctly, it was 3-5k for first offense, maybe more. I have CRS syndrome so I may be wrong. They fined a business not far from here 100k for modifying emissions systems.
  16. Bob, if you put a fishing worm in water, it will live. If you put it in bourbon, it will die. Moral is, if you drink bourbon, you won't have worms. Ha!
  17. Bob, At 140 proof, all you have to handle is the first drink. After that, it really won't matter. Ha!
  18. Many people don't know and most probably care but in 1966, our wonderful congress made professional sports teams tax exempt. No wonder they can pay crazy salaries to participants. No wonder it's great to be a team owner.
  19. Was watching a documentary on oil production the other day on TV and they talked about the billions and billions and billions of dollars worth of natural gas that's being released by the oil rigs into the atmosphere every day. I can't believe no one is screaming about that. Natural gas burns pretty clean as I recall.
  20. Michelle and my son at ATHS show in Huntsville, Al.
  21. Odog, Can I borrow that frame stretcher? I've got a couple I'd like to stretch. Terry T, Wow! Nice job, I don't think I would have tried it. We haven't seen the other side of the trailer though. LOL
  22. Wow, You've got two really nice trucks.
  23. Looks like those gravels did a lot of damage. Ha!
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