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High Binder

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Everything posted by High Binder

  1. What Galaxy? If those two young ladies are trying to start a fire, like rubbing two sticks together, they sure started a fire in me. Wow, where did my wife go?
  2. What time frame are you talking about 50's, 60's, 70's?
  3. This is all I have on file.
  4. Thanks for all the well wishes! Paul, my mind tells me I'm still a young fella, but then my body reminds me that I'm not.
  5. Thanks Bob! I'm still kick'in just not as high. I check in a couple of times a day but mostly just read the threads. Who ever said the later years are the golden years is full of crap.
  6. Looking forward to seeing lots of pictures. I couldn't find anyone who wanted to make the 10 hour trip with me. Everyone have fun!
  7. Odog, I haven't seen the movie "Fury". I started watching it but got interrupted and really forgot about it. I'll check it out the next time it's on TV.
  8. Was married, teaching school, and thought I was deferred. Glad I went, changed my life, grew up in the Army. By the way, I was a college graduate, basketball coach, and thought I knew everything. I ended up a tank commander and I was damn good. Retired as a first sergeant.
  9. I hate to say it but you can find like new couches etc. on F/B for next to nothing. My son found a couch and love set, like new, just to come and pick it up.
  10. My father who passed in 81 was a marine and carried a flamethrower. He was wounded on Siapan and spent a year at the Memphis Naval hospital. Purple heart etc. and received 10 percent disability. What a joke. He was shot all to hell. Sure do miss him. I was drafted during Viet Nham and sent 2yrs in Bamberg, Germany. I joined the Army reserves an spent 32 years training Army tankers at Ft. Knox. It was a privilege to serve.
  11. Posted before but still one of my favorites.
  12. He commented on a thread Mar 23,2022.
  13. Big money controls this country. Big money controls the politicians and there's not an honest one in Washington. I can't remember where I read it but what I read said that if it cost a dollar to refine a gallon of gas, it cost nineteen cents to refine a gallon of diesel. The oil companies are making a killing off of diesel. It's called price gouging but the politicians aren't going to do anything about it. An old trucker, now deceased, told me it was a way to drive all the independent truckers out of business. He told me he was getting fuel one day and a driver with one of the major hauling companies was fueling next to him. The old man said, in talking with the other driver, that he didn't see how the major haulers could make any money paying 4.89 a gallon. The other driver said that they only paid 1.59. The driver, who said his brother worked in the main office, said that at the end of the year that they submit their fuel cost to the govt and they get a rebate from the govt that brings their cost down to 1.59. May be BS but who knows when big money controls everything.
  14. Fellow in Ohio restored this one and had it at MATS.
  15. Bob, Thanks, I'm glad several survived. I'm expecting to see lots of pictures of them in August. LOL
  16. Just curious, have any of the Clipper 100 COE's survived? Don't seem to see many current photo's at truck shows etc. Sure was a good looking COE.
  17. I've been around a while but when I was a kid, my friend and his brother had a Cushman scooter with a gallon tank on it. We would pool our pennies and buy 10 cents worth of gas, which would almost fill the tank, and we would ride around town all day. The garage mechanic, who also pumped the gas, would get so mad because he would have to stop working on a vehicle and pump 10 cents worth of gas. Gas was around 14 cents a gallon. I would love to have that scooter now. It would be worth more than my car.
  18. Thanks for the comments. My buddy was a really nice guy and had a great family. I was looking through some pictures and found some of an L model tilt cab which means IH built it's first tilt cabs maybe 51-52. The emblem on the hood is indicative of the L model and the four horizonal grill bars indicate tilt cab. Non tilts only had three bars. The truck now resides in OZ.
  19. The truck above belonged to one of my best friends who was killed by a drunk driver. The truck now belongs to a museum in Fla. I tried to buy it off my friend but he wouldn't sell because he and his daughters restored it. So I found one and restored my own. He always accused me of stealing his paint scheme. Mine is non tilt with a Cummins. To my knowledge, the tilt cab only came with gas motors.
  20. No, IH made their first tilt cab over around 1953.
  21. This should explain mine.
  22. Here's another picture of the LTL.
  23. I have several pictures of her LTL but can't seem to find them. It was red in color. Here's a B/W of her LTL and her N model trucks.
  24. Brocky, I've been trying to find Michelle's obituary on the net. Do you know if it has it been posted?
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