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High Binder

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Everything posted by High Binder

  1. Bob, Thanks!
  2. Might as well throw in my 2 cents worth.
  3. Red Horse. I feel your pain. I lost my daughter the 20th of September to a freak accident. I don't think I'll ever get over it. The following might be appropriate to all of us who have lost loved ones.
  4. Holey mackerel Andy!
  5. According to the owner it is a 1958 with a 6V92 and a 15 speed with a 4 speed O/D box.
  6. I sorta like this truck also.
  7. Didn't see that. I guess I've got tunnel vision. Ha!
  8. Checking out the patina.
  9. Love the paint scheme.
  10. For some reason I've always been partial to this truck.
  11. I'm sure the Bluegrass Chapter made around 1,300 of them. I would hate to have to make 2,600 so that each truck could have two with all the hand work involved. I think the host chapter is responsible for the expense. A lot of time and materials gets donated by the members and it's a matter of pride. I saw some fellow at a show display about 20 of them in front of his truck.
  12. Wheel chocks from Lexington were pretty nice. A lot of work went into them.
  13. Odog, you missed this one. Wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the floppy hat next to the "Superliner" in your pictures. This retirement is causing you to lose your edge. LOL I guess that black truck is a Superliner. Since no girl in car pics, i thought you were trying to sneak one in on us.
  14. Love that floppy hat. LOL
  15. Only problem with that is you can't sit on your rear end and do nothing to receive it.
  16. H67, your are correct. I have two of the day cabs and one sleeper cab and where isn't much room in the cab especially for a fat boy.
  17. The owner, who is now deceased, pulled the sheet metal off the single axle chassis and put it on a later freightliner chassis. I took a few pictures as he was building it and after he completed it.
  18. Correction, I don't know what it is. I know it isn't factory built. It has parts that cover multiple years and many of those parts have been modified. I took pictures of it when it was being built by the owner as it appears today. I didn't see the truck when it was a single axle.
  19. Rumor has it that Zina has him a door greeters job at the local Wal-mart in Fla. I don't know, just say'n. By the way, congrats odog. You'll enjoy retirement.
  20. From what I've read, it was a nice, large, full service truck stop that fell victim to the interstate road system. After it closed, there was a fire in the maintenance building that pretty much destroyed it. The second picture was taken in 1984.
  21. Love the sign.
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