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High Binder

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Everything posted by High Binder

  1. IH, LDC-405, Produced 1950-52, then became RDFC-405 from 53-56.
  2. Glad you found the problem. That's a first for me since I've never had the main line collapse. My trucks are older and still run hard lines off the compressor. I learned something.
  3. Just my two cents worth, you're assuming the new governor and the compressor you put on are good. I would first replace the governor, maybe the compressor, and find your air leak. We've had to replace a lot of new and reman parts lately. Your pressure drops from 90 to 50 when your rpm's drop. Where's the 40 lbs of pressure going? JMO
  4. We have three in urn's and my wife wears a locket with the ashes of the last one inside it.
  5. My wife got her second shot Thursday along with some of our friends. This one made them all really sick and my wife is still pretty bad. She has knots popping up all over her body. This China made virus may be the death of all of us.
  6. I feel your pain and can totally relate.
  7. Didn't know him personally but he seemed to be a pretty nice guy. Really hate to hear the news.
  8. I like the guy who calls and ask "Is Jim there?" I you say "no", he'll say "well maybe you can help me", and he starts his sales pitch. I love to screw with him, I always answer "Yes, hang on" and then mess with him.
  9. Sorry to hear this. I wondered what happened that he wasn't posting any more. Definitely in my prayers.
  10. Wow!!!! That a nice truck. I'd love to own one.
  11. Glad you're doing better. Take care of yourself and your family.
  12. All kinds of reman kits and reman compressors on Ebay. There's all kinds of Compressors available from various suppliers on the net. Check item no. 254618021568 on Ebay.
  13. Odog, When the wife and I have been able to speed a couple of winter months in St. Pete, it's been $700 a month plus utilities for an RV site that you couldn't whip a cat on. You can find cheaper rates but you have to go inland.
  14. Wow!!
  15. That's the end of '"James Bond".
  16. Check him out in a 1986 movie "The name of the rose". Starts out a little slow but it's a thriller. The wife and I both liked it.
  17. Wow! That's amazing.
  18. Odog, Thanks for the pictures. I wanted to attend the show but health issues are keeping me close to home. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  19. What's really amazing is the people who worked there and their stories. My grandmother boarded a train in Hazard, Ky. along with my mother and two aunts, leaving behind my grandfather and three other aunts. My grandmother, my mother, and one of my aunts worked as "Rosie the riveters" building aircraft while my second aunt maintained the house. My grandfather, who stayed behind with the younger children due to their illnesses, joined them later. Here's a picture of the "Delzie Bowen" family outside their little employee house. What a story of sacrifice!
  20. Pretty funny!!
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  21. I read a news release out of Fla. this morning saying one of the big problems they're having is people who have been tested and have the virus are not staying home or in quarantine. They're out running around. It would be that way at the shows.
  22. I was really hoping the decision wouldn't be made until May 1st but I'm not involved in the scheduling and set up. I'm sure the Board had to make a timely decision. I was really looking forward to this years show.
  23. Harry, I'm pretty sure everything is original. I've seen a few other trucks with the Budd drive and the Dayton pusher hubs. I've only seen pictures of the single wheel pushers. I've only seen single wheel tags on buses and RV's.
  24. Here's the back end of my truck plus some info.
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