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    Old trucks and old machinery.

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  1. I get the trucks for auction on Government Liquidation and today this truck was listed. http://www.networkintl.com/lotdetail.aspx?lot_id=145916&slxauction=QFPIRA0WSALK&utm_campaign=gl%20-%20ia14121_%20ia14122_%20ia21725%20_%20NI.html&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua
  2. Glad to see so many trucks lovingly restored and appreciated. Thanks for putting on the photographer hat Mike!
  3. It is a conversation starter for sure.
  4. I finally found a picture of my DMM. I am away from home on a pipeline job and this is the only picture of it I can find on my pc. The story is I found the old truck crane and then I found the Mack. The lower part of the crane is too far gone to fix but the upper is complete and low hours. The Mack was in a truck salvage yard waiting to be parted out. It began life as a ready mix truck in FL. The salvage yard man found that the components, 237-5spd-solid walking beam and ultra low gears were not in demand. He sold it to me for $3500 just to get it gone. My plan is to restore the upper crane and mount it on the Mack but until I get around to that, I have installed a 5th wheel and winch and I use it to move my other machinery. There isnt a rougher riding or slower truck on the road but I get many good comments on it at the fuel stops. When I bought it, all of the hood emblems were still on it. Arkansas roads pounded them off. 52 mph top speed. Dont laugh... I would like to put a V-8 in it.
  5. I am going to get a scolding from you guys but I will tell you how the shop I worked in and the trucking family trucking company that grew to 50 macks over 50 years lifted engines. We made a pair of plates that consisted of 3 holes each spaced to fit the valve cover bolts and a lifting bale welded on. I swear you would not think it to be enough but we picked hundreds of engines using 6 valve cover bolts with the covers still on and never hurt a single one.
  6. Macks AAAND a friction crane! A centerfold worthy picture for sure!
  7. It sold yesterday to a neighbor farmer who will keep it nice and use it some. It went for $6500.00
  8. I have a DMM just like that only with smaller engine. Mine began its life as a ready mix truck so it has the same walking beams with no springs. Concrete shifting from side to side on springs is a tip hazard. Now it is my lowboy hauler with a large winch. Even the lady cashiers at the fuel stops tell me how cool my truck is. Yep, it is a chick magnet. I hope you can save and enjoy that one. You will be my hero if you can!
  9. This is a nice truck. No rust anywhere I could see. Working twin cylinder hoist. Tires all good. Needs seats recovered and thats about it. Look good in any show. This is the only item like this on the sale. Mostly modern but not real new farm equipment. Sale is next saturday the 31 of may. Www.warnerauctionrealestate.com Doyle Walker owner 580-799-2298 Earl Warner auctioneer 5804714832 Unless they practically give it away, I will not be bidding. Doyle is a nice old guy whose health is forcing sale. I am just helping him out by spreading the word.
  10. I havent seen this one yet. Maybe this evening. Here is the sale bill I picked up at the quick shop in Elk City ok this morning. Carter is not far south of here. I have to work but maybe I can sneak by to see how it goes.
  11. Spotted this near off ramp. Had to take a closer look. I saw one of these at the fair when I was young. 14:00 x 24 tires mean business.
  12. Reality tv isnt reality. Looking great!
  13. I saw this privately owned working R600 winch truck and I had to get a closer look. Thought I would share the pictures. I do love the off road trucks.
  14. One project at a time! I kinda like being able to see the ones you have out front. Take your time moving them out. I have a 903 in an army crane. They do sound good. My old boss Roger Ford used to say they were too fast for the field and too slow for the road. Glad you got yours running.
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