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  1. I purchased a 2016 Mack Truck in August 2016. and at that time purchased the extended warranty (see attached Picture) for $5000.00. However I cannot get information from my Mack Dealer as to what it covers and how long it extended the standard warranty. Can anyone help. Please refer to the attached sales order for appropriate information.
  2. I got the truck back 9 days ago and did 1300 miles so far. The soot level is near L1, average driving speed is between 35 to 70 MPH. When does the active regen start?
  3. The sent the Dpf filter to be checked and clean. They are also changing the 7th injecter. One item to note the engine brake was not working and they fixed it the first week.
  4. They loaned me the 2007 Mack I traded in, been using it for the last week. Today they wanted me to put a loaded rolloff dumpster on the truck and simulate an average work day, I told them it would not make a difference since it was clogging up at high speed. They are testing the fuel to see if it is contaminated and removing and cleaning the filter. I guess they will go from there. So far they do not have any clue as what is wrong.
  5. Update. They reprogrammed the truck and did a forced regen. Engine light went off. Did a 100 mile high speed avg 70mph, and checked filter after the drive and it was 50 percent clogged. There were no active or passive regen during the 1 hr drive. MACK is putting the truck in intensive care. Escalating it to the highest level.
  6. Have a 2016 Mack Granite 1400 miles, with a regen problem. It will not do a passive regen which results in the filter getting clogged every 4 days. We average speeds of over 60 Mph. The check engine light came on and I took it to Mack. they said that it needed a regen although it did not request it. They did a forced regen and it did not complete. They do not know how to fix it. They have escalated it to higher level for advice to fix it.
  7. I purchased a 2016 Mack Gu 813 rolloff truck 6 days ago in South Florida. I took it out to work and the engine brake does not work. I called Mack and they think I am an Idiot by telling me that with the engine brake on, it does not make a sound and it does not assist in slowing the truck down. The problem is they do not know how to fix it. The truck has 400 miles. I cannot use this truck for very heavy loads. I guess my other 2 trucks make loud noises and slow the truck down with the engine brake on, must be a mulfunction.
  8. 2007 Mack Granite, CV 713. When I apply the brake, the rear tires lockup and leave skid marks. The ABS light is off. my mechanic put the computer on and there were no faults. I hear six clicks when I turn the ignition on. I suspect the ABS is not regulating the pressure to the wheels. Changed brakes, drums, slack adjusters, s cams and bushings, the only items remain are the ABS ECU, and the ABS modulating valves (2 each).
  9. Had a T310M transmission rebuilt. Three weeks later I started hearing a grinding noise on all the gears. I took it back and they dissassembled the transmission and checked all the gears. Then rebuilt it again. Still same problem. The mechanic said the problem is somewhere else probably the rear end. or the power divider. He is completely lost and cannot find the problem. Need help.
  10. Looking for a speedometer cable for a 1988 MACK MR600 series truck part number 54MT314DP196. Any help will be appreciated
  11. I have a 1988 mack mr600 series. I rebuilt the injector pump and injectors because it was smoking. Now I can only get a max of 55 MPH on the highway. I need help.
  12. I have been having some problems lately with my T310m transmission. When I select any of the low range gears (1st - 4th) I hear a grinding noise and the gears will not engage. Hhigh range (5th - 8th) gears work fine.. A mechanic think it may be a defective gear on the synchorizer.What is the purpose of the Synchronizer gears and how does it work with the low gears. Also can u change the Synchronizer gears without removing the transmission.
  13. Can I replace a T310M with a fuller RTO16908LL 8 speed without having speedometer and computer problems on a 2007 CV713 manufactured in 2006. Or I will have to install a Eaton Fuller 16210C. The T310 have too many problems and is jumping low range randomly.
  14. Can you replace a 2007 cv713 T310M with a 2005 fuller RTO 16908LL 8 speed transmission. The truck was manufactured in 2006. Would there be any problems.
  15. Have the same problem, with the same model truck. 2007 cv713. Starting to jump out in low range gears. How did u fix the problem.
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