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  1. Denny

    1964 B61

    Maddog is right. ST with I believe to be 34 rears
  2. Denny

    1964 B61

    nice quiet 711 motor, 20 speed Quad, almost new steer tires, older drives, 10.00-20, working wet kit, controls outside the back of drivers door, pulled a 28' dump on the farm, double frame, 175" wb. Nice running truck. $ 14000 Phone me at 217-827-4271
  3. Anyone interested in hauling an RW 713 from New Hampshire to Ill.
  4. Junior, I have an overhaul manual that would work for your E6 350, published Nov. 84, fingerprints on front and back cover, one loose page, the rest are great, a T2090/T2100 service manual, February 1984, excellent, and an electrical systems manual, 1985, excellent condition. Give me a call if you still need something like these. 217-827-4271
  5. The close-ups were taken in 08, shortly after the paint job was new. Got some others, but with name and numbers are on the door. But don't want those plastered on the internet,Sorry.
  6. Central Illinios, close to Decatur. You know, the land of liers,thieves,and thugs!
  7. Had to have my son help me with posting these. They were before I got name and numbers on the doors.
  8. No longer in the business. Selling my R Model, 1985, E6 350,36inch bunk,Mack 9sp.,rebuilt 4.42 carriers on 3 leaf suspension,230 inch wb.,new sliding 5th wheel,new radiator,new front tires,new paint.new injector pump,lines,and injectors.Many small things done also. All this done in 08. Nice inside and out,tan interior, red paint. Drives straight down the road.The work is already done,$21,000, you can drive it home.Can't rebuild one up for that money now!Can send some pictures email if you like..Evenings ph. 217-756-3114
  9. Has anybody out there had any experience on converting an R688ST from 3 leaf spring to Newway air ride. Just wandering about the cost and all.
  10. I currently have one in my 01 CH. All I can say is guys either love em or hate em. I thought it sounded like a great idea when I bought my 01, I've learned to adjust I guess. Like others have said you split every gear position, lo/hi,back to lo next gear, so on of course. Nothing new to you guys. But what works best for me is to first off, positively DON'T get in a big hurry to punch the throttle shifting up with a split. Stop light traffic will get the best of you in this one. Just don't hurry and you'll be fine. I start out easy, and throttle my shifts to 15-1600 all the time. If you go up past that you have to wait too long for the rpms to come back to 1200 for it to complete the shift up, I always preselect my splitter on the way up also. Then if you get in a hurry, and punch the throttle too soon, you've missed it all together. Other trucks try to run my ass over ALL the time. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a jack rabbit. But pay attention what position you're at all the time. I've got a 427 in front of mine. It's all right I guess. But I drove a Superliner with an E9 and a Mack 12 behind it one time, shifts just the same way. Man but a SWEEEEET son of a bitch. That's what I would call an ideal truck. Anyway, that's my judgment on the Super 10.
  11. AMEN Rob, This should be published in every paper, billboard, and editorial in this country from now until 2012!!!!!!
  12. Hey out there, Can anybody tell me who's got a good serviceable takeoff turbo to fit my 85 688ST E6 350 Econodine? Everything else is fine, turbo getting weak on boost. Thanks
  13. Mackpro, Why does the range syncros still fail, is it a lack of preselecting the range button? Then grinding the syncros?
  14. Thanks for posting that MackPro, just reading through it tells me that Mack has not improved that much over the 200 series. I was hoping that they upgraded enough to be with the times. Sounds like as much of a pain my Super 10 is, I better just put up with it . Thanks Again
  15. What is the difference between the T200 series and the T300 series transmissions. I have a T2090 in my R model. Are they any more driver friendly, or easier to shift? I've been thinking about swapping out the Super10 in my CH for a T310. But are they really better than the 200 series? I really like 2090 In the R, but I have to clutch to come out of gear in the high side to make a really smooth shift. I also need to look at the ratios to see if they are pretty close to each other.Thanks
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