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Red Horse

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Everything posted by Red Horse

  1. Hah-well further to this, I'm overseeing a job at my homeowners association tennis courts-ripping up asphalt. owner/op backs in with a beautiful new WS (4700?). So I say to guy, "Nice truck-but I hate Freightlner-I'm an old Mack- Ford guy". He says I'm an old Ford guy too that is what this replaced - we talk some more and I pull up this picture from my I-phone. that I took two years ago--his old truck-Cat powered LT-9000
  2. Ouch-so I would guess someone on the line failed to put a key zip tie in place? did they offer you an explanation at least? And maybe X hours of free service?
  3. Hah- I was always of belief when you hit a deer, cow etc less chance you lost control as cheesy bumper would not be jammed into front tire Probably all of above were contributory reasons.
  4. thx Jim & Hayseed
  5. Beauty-and what did that have for power??
  6. Nice LTL's but is it my imagination or are those cabs wider than the versions we had in US? And are those real two piece windshields?
  7. Nice Jim-this a Nortrax site?
  8. And in construction, heavy haul, etc etc.🙄
  9. Right-and I dont see how those economics work. Another disruption to the Cummins production line I would imagine to paint them silver and tweak them however Paccar wants? takes me back to the late 60's when Cat designed the 3208-with I believe some Ford money??-and it started life as a Ford exclusive. But this is different. International is taking those same engines and sticking them in the MV-red color and all I believe. I would have to think they are getting a better price than Paccar. seems like a Hollywood movie set to me....open the door and there is nothing in back of it🙄
  10. So trans is Eaton? as Maxidyne says. Less than honest spin by Paccar
  11. Yes my thought on Mack-but when you look at the options, looks like at this point a very narrow market. The only trans is a 12 spd AMT. I am told pavers around here don't want AMTs as they don't work well with paving machines-maybe BS-just what one guy told me who works for a good size used equipment store-trucks and construction-he just took in 5 Pinnacles with 500m miles and M drives-dry freight trucks. Also their only rear is a 40,000. And their front is a 20,000! Talk about a mismatched axle pair. Kevin-assuming trans and axles come from EU?
  12. Ah Matt but it does- I took this picture on March 29, 2019
  13. Can these guys build these new "Diamond Reos"?? I'm sure they can. Can they build them and make a profit? Sure -if enough people are willing to pay the price. My bet is there is no way that is going to happen. Maybe twenty years ago this might have been possible. But with today's regulatory bullshit and all kinds of compliance issues, I don't see how. "Economy of scale" is a buzzword we all hear about-and unfortunately I think it is a real factor. And by the way- Osterlund tried doing it twenty years ago right? And that didn't work. Hope I'm wrong.
  14. No Denis still has the last Superliner built.
  15. And if you sat in it, you would never guess it has over 1.4 million miles on it. But in typical fashion when Denis did this over, end result is it is like new.
  16. Try Brewster FD in Brewster MA. They had one on a truck that they removed. I'm assuming this ios the three bulb device that rotates like a propeller??
  17. So when do they hit Italy, France, Germany and take on the big guys??
  18. Ahh-Telebelt-what a labor saver!
  19. Every year I recall reading about a reunion these guys had. I believe they had a rare bottle of scotch and the last two attending would open it. My alma mater's annual calendar's April picture was the crew of the Whirling Dervish and a guy from the class of 1940 was on that. He was wounded by AA fire but made it back. When you talk about flying into the face of death, carrier was spotted by the Japs some 200 miles from the intended launch point. They launched at that point knowing they would probably not have the fuel to make it to their designated landing strips in China-that is if they survived the AA fire and the fighters. Sad thing is every day we lose another piece of history when these guys pass on. And for sure it is doubtful that kids in school today get taught anything about WW II. One thing I can say, my generation had the good fortune to learn something from the TV of our era- The Victory at Sea series.
  20. How would you like to be the guy that signed off on that service bulletin
  21. For sure. Better question-how many people in Congress have that understanding?
  22. I think your comment probably reflected the sentiments of a lot of younger guys back then. The perception was they wanted to be in a "real big truck". And as for the old timers, many were "Mack" guys or "White" guys etc. You had to overcome their old prejudices-or should I say likes. When we got our first LT-9000's I would always be asking how guys liked them and most were very favorable. One old timer though said ..."Ok, but".....I said.."but what?" His answer..."well I don't like that big windshield-its like you are sitting in your living room in front of your picture window and everyone can see you". Visibility! One of the Louisvilles biggest positives and this guy felt he had no privacy!🙄
  23. Rare for sure. JIM H or Rich P will probably remember old timer who lived in Blackstone MA had one on his property. Forgot his name but nice old boy. Last saw him at Macungie 3+ years ago. Has since passed on and family cleaned up property. In addition to the D had a bunch of AC's in various stages.
  24. Figured I would start a new thread instead of adding to the LTL thread. Saw this LTS go by me at an intersection today and never saw this old boy around before. So guy pulls up at a job site and I stopped in. Owners son driving and they have owned this 350 HP 3406 since new. Very nice shape (Hippy, Jim, from NH but I forgot town)-they also have an active 400 farm. Don't see too many 20+ year olds that look this good. In addition to the JD on the trailer they also had a 550 dozer and a Cat 315 on the site. Nice to talk to a guy like this. Obviously took a lot of pride in hi family business.
  25. Thx. That Granite I do believe had a ton of miles on it. Sold by original owner and guys who own it now did it up right.
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