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Everything posted by Coach

  1. At first this is what I though also, but there are only 4 of us that service the vehicles and with this computer age we live in, records show who did what and when. About a year and a half ago, Mack changed the P/N of the filters. What about the filter itself was changed i don't know, but this is when we began to have issues with removal. It seems as if the gasket doesn't want to let loose even though it was lubed upon install, I even went as far as to lube one with a synthetic grease and it too gave problems being removed. Thanks for your reply........
  2. Simple question. Has anyone had problems in removal of the oil filters on these engines. I'm talking Mack filters. These things are getting locked to the mounts and it takes a strap wrench with a 1/2" breaker bar and 8' pipe over the handle to get them to start to move. In over 30 years in servicing Macks, I've never had this happen and now it's every unit that comes in the door with this engine. Thanks......Coach.
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