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  1. Chapter 5: A success story Scania Group Press Release / 17 January 2019 Nettbuss Stadsbussarna operate nine lines in Östersund with a total of 30 yellow Scania buses. A key person in the electrical bus project is Håkan Olofsson, Traffic Planner and System Operator at the company. Nettbuss is Scandinavia’s second largest bus company, with businesses in Norway and Sweden. In the autumn of 2017, the electric bus project started in Östersund, and in December that same year, the first timetable for electric bus traffic was created. In March 2018, the first electric buses from Scania were delivered and operated. “This has been a very positive experience. Our employees believe that it has worked very well. The electric buses actually work better than our well-run diesel buses, even when it comes to torque, acceleration, stability, brakes and more”, he says. Planning routes for electric buses instead of regular diesel buses puts other demands on Håkan Olofsson. Charging stations and charging time on the two ends of the bus line have an impact on timetables. “Generally, the transition to electrical vehicles has been wonderful. Our drivers have been very interested in this project, they have embraced it and really want it to be success.” Theoretical training for 100 drivers When starting the new bus route, Scania held theoretical training for 100 drivers, as they all needed skills in operating electrical buses. When in regular service, appointed instructors from Nettbuss Stadsbussarna joined the first trips. If additional help was needed, Scania’s experts were available on site. “We are positively surprised at how smooth the introduction of these new buses has worked, with this new technology. The first three buses have been in traffic for about 40 hours a day with temperatures ranging from minus 30 degrees Celsius in the winter – and more snow than ever – to 30 degrees Celsius in the summer.” The Nettbuss’ city bus model is called Citywide LF 4×2 and is equipped with a 130-kW electric motor powered by 110 kWh lithium ion batteries. Additional vehicles will be launched in early 2019, which will have more powerful electric motors and even larger batteries. Energy saving measures Electric buses also have Electronic Stability Control (ESP), which you usually do not find on city buses. Both heat and air conditioning consume a lot of energy and keeping energy consumption down is particularly important for electrical buses. Composite flooring, additional roof insulation and LED lighting are examples of energy saving measures inside the buses. .
  2. Chapter 4: A tour with “Potter” on Line 6 Scania Group Press Release / 17 January 2019 Line 6 between Torvalla and Brittsbo is one of the busiest bus routes in Östersund, with about 100 departures a day. After the line was rescheduled and electrified, several new residential areas now have access to the city buses, enabling them to choose the bus instead of cars. The line is just over 14-kilometres long and runs from Torvalla in south-eastern Östersund, through the city centre and past the hospital, to the new large residential area Brittsbo in the north. During peak hours, the bus runs every 15 minutes and the line is covered by a total of seven buses. The line has more than 800,000 passengers per year and is operational 16 hours a day. Each Line 6 bus covers 330 kilometres a day. Part of the route has dedicated bus lanes. At the end stations in Brittsbo and Torvalla Centrum, the buses are charged for 6-8 minutes using pantographs, before returning to the other end station where they are recharged again. A full charge gives the buses enough range for a return trip. Therefore, the buses can continue driving even if one of the charging stations is out of service, or if there is no time to charge the bus. In Brittsbo, the pantograph has just charged the batteries, when Petra boards the bus with her stroller and daughter Lina. Petra appreciates the open space and the low and flat floors, as it makes her travel easy and convenient. Lina is sleeping and as soon as Petra takes a seat, she plugs in her phone in one of the power sockets to charge it, and to surf while going downtown. “To be honest, I don’t see this as a bus”, she says. “The drive is so quiet and smooth that the 20 minutes to downtown feel more like some sort of… waiting or resting-room.” The buses were all given individual names The first three electric buses were all given individual names. “Tor-Britt” is named after the two end stations Torvalla and Brittsbo, “Jorm” after a regional mountain troll. “Potter” is of course named after the British soccer coach Graham Potter, who propelled Östersund FC to Europa League and international fame, before he was recruited to the English Championship Club Swansea. “What Potter did for soccer in Östersund was almost magical. Perhaps this electric bus and the other ones can make an even greater footprint”, says Petra. At Kyrkparken’s bus stop in the centre of Östersund, Karin gets off “Potter” to go to her home at Odenbacken. She has made this trip five days a week over the past six months, and now she finds it hard to remember riding a regular bus. Appealing interior and practical features “I work in the service sector in the city centre, and my days are usually quite hectic. It is lovely to step on the electric bus to go home, so smooth and silent. Sometimes, I would like the trip home to be longer,” she adds. The design of the electric buses has been determined by travellers’ wishes for an appealing interior with practical features on board. The buses have extra wide doorways with low inlets, allowing quick and smooth loading and disembarkment. “They are so incredibly quiet!” Line 6 used to be a rough ride, according to the bus driver Janne Monteiro. Every shift felt like an eternity. “It was busy, crowded, and the 14-kilometre long route felt even longer with many stops on the way”. But it all changed with the electric buses. “Above all, they are so incredibly quiet! You do not feel the same fatigue when driving them. It is a different drive all together”, he says, and gives an example: “Two and a half hours in an older bus … you really feel it. But driving an electric bus for the same amount of time, I could easily take another lap without a break.” The setting around the driver’s seat is very similar to a regular Scania Citywide, although the instrument panel is a bit different. For example, the tachometer has been replaced by an instrument showing the charging status of the batteries. When the bus arrives at the charging station, Janne Monteiro only needs to pull the handbrake, make sure that the bus is placed correctly, and that the electrical outlet on the roof is connected to the pantograph for the charging to take place. The entire charging process takes no longer than 6-7 minutes. Every bus driver in Östersund has been positive so far. They value the quietness and absence of vibrations, but also the quick response when starting and accelerating. In fact, acceleration is throttled electronically, which keeps the wheels from losing traction or passengers from being injured, but also saves energy. Janne Monteiro knows many of his passengers well and he finds them satisfied with the new city buses. “Most people I have talked to enjoy Scania’s electric buses. Quiet and comfortable. I even know of people who wanted to go for another round – 28 kilometres – just for the joy of it!” A concert hall on wheels To further highlight the non-existent noise level of the electric buses, the theatre group Estrad Norr was invited to perform as on-board entertainment, offering different performances like opera, dance, scenic readings and music improvisations. They also produced a video clip where Estrad Norr performs the lead theme of the Phantom of the Opera. Watch the video here: .
  3. Chapter 3: When the trout came back Scania Group Press Release / 17 January 2019 Fifty kilometres south of Östersund’s city centre, Claes-Göran Bergh gazes down at the Billsta stream. Here, the hydroelectric power supplying energy to Scania’s electric buses in Östersund coexists with high ecological values. In 1964 Bergh joined Jämtkraft’s predecessor Östersunds Elektriska AB – on the first day of his working life. He started by washing analogue electric meters with gasoline. Soon he advanced to building high voltage lines. After five years of environmental studies, his career took a new direction. Now, he is Environmental Manager at Jämtkraft, and is passionate about sustainable overall solutions. He points at the wooden tunnel that leads the water down to the turbine in one of Billsta stream’s three small-scale power plants. He explains that it matters how the electricity is produced when operating buses in local traffic. “Fossil-produced electricity, using for example coal, has a major impact on the climate, while the electricity that we produce in the Billsta stream is renewable and fully carbon neutral. It is more the kind of electricity requested by the community, and that you want when working with transport.” The Billsta stream runs from Lake Näkten, down to Storsjön, the fifth largest lake by water surface in Sweden. In the 19th century, the lake was surrounded by rich wildlife. But 100 years ago, when a saw and mill were built, and timber was transported on the water, it lost its natural current. Fast forward to today, and the project “Förbifart Billsta” (Bypass Billsta). In an unconventional cooperation with Jämtkraft, The County Administrative Board of Jämtland, The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and the fisheries area of Storsjön-Berg, the small hydroelectric stations in the Billsta river were built. Three fish ladders were created to bypass the power plants, a dam was removed, and the waterways could eventually be reopened for fish migration. Like turning on a switch “What´s incredible is that the Billsta stream was closed for 100 years, but the genetics in the fish in Storsjön still remained. When the power plants were rebuilt, and the stream was reopened, it was like turning on a switch! Immediately, the grayling began to move up the river to play. Suddenly, hundreds of large trout – some weighing up to 10 kilograms – were climbing up the bypass channels.” Even the eel are back, and osprey have been seen around the Billsta river. “It is like all these species took a pause for 100 years” Claes-Göran Bergh smiles happily and concludes: “It is like all these species took a pause for 100 years. Now we are able to operate the public transport system in Östersund with renewable electricity, while increasing biodiversity. There is a huge spectrum of benefits with this project, and they all lead to a more sustainable society.” With the electric bus project, Jämtkraft reaches the inhabitants in Östersund doubly, as the energy company’s customers consume electricity at home as well. “As we use renewable electricity in multiple systems, Jämtkraft and our customers can reduce fossil energy consumption very effectively. Scania’s electric buses obviously contribute in a good way to a more profitable deal for us in this production of renewable electricity.” Watch the trout move up the Billsta river Current data from fish counting stations around Sweden is presented at fiskdata.se. When the fish pass the counter in for example the Billsta river, time, direction, speed and size of the fish are recorded. At the same time, a shadow image is created that allows you to distinguish whether the registered object is a fish or not. The fish counting stations are also equipped with underwater cameras that record every object. With the video, it is possible to determine the species of the fish with high accuracy. Watch the giant trout move upstream in the Billsta river here. .
  4. Chapter 2: The energy expert: “Change will be fast” Scania Group Press Release / 17 January 2019 In the municipally owned energy company Jämtkraft’s head office at Kyrkgatan in Östersund, the company’s newly appointed CEO Erik Brandsma is settling in. He is a Forest Engineer trained in the Netherlands and Canada. He has a solid background in energy issues from international power companies and sustainable development projects within the UN and the OECD. As General Director of The Swedish Energy Agency for the past six years, he has worked with energy systems development and electrification of transport. Erik Brandsma gladly talks about synergies in the transition that the energy and transport sectors are in the middle of, and he is impressed by the cooperation in the electric bus project in Östersund. The project is being carried out in collaboration with Scania and Östersund Municipality, Krokom Municipality, Jämtkraft, Nettbuss, Länstrafiken (the public transport organisation in Jämtland county), The Swedish Transport Administration, Region Jämtland Härjedalen and ABB. “This is a partnership where all parties contribute with different perspectives. We provide expertise within energy and transmission, and we also contribute by delivering local renewable energy into this system. Scania provides know-how and products, and the municipality works as a marketplace that keeps it all together.“ Not a one man show “This is how innovation will drive the transformation that we need in our different sectors”, he says and clarifies: “In the transport and energy sectors, we have realised that this is not a one man show. We need to work together to find new innovative ideas and solutions that support and grow society. Our partnership in Östersund is an example of how we have succeeded in creating a solution together that helps. This project is a model for further development of new business ideas.” “We are examining how future cities will look” “We have two different actors from two industries that collectively contribute to an offer that we have built from scratch. We are examining how future cities will look. There are so many aspects that play a part in this, ranging from quality of life to climate change, and how to use the city wisely. That´s what I find so unique about this project.” We must reach our climate goals Erik Brandsma sees electrification as an important – although not the only – solution for the shift in the transport sector. “There are biofuels and other aspects that could be addressed. But electrification with renewable green energy is a prerequisite for us to meet our climate targets in the Paris Agreement.” And he is convinced that the electrification of the transport sector will be fast. “For every new forecast we make, we estimate that it will go even faster. Frankly, it needs to be fast, because we must reach our climate goals. We also see a demand that increases much faster than we thought. Cities want clean, quiet and efficient transport. This is exactly what the partners in the electrical bus project can offer.” .
  5. Chapter 1: The beginning of something greater Scania Group Press Release / 15 January 2019 Line 6 in Östersund is a newly established 14-kilometre long main bus route that runs from Torvalla, south of the city, through the city centre and to the newly built Brittsbo district in the north. The route is operated by Nettbuss, with electric buses from Scania. Line 6 in Östersund is a newly instated 14-kilometre long main bus route that runs from Torvalla, south of the city, through the centre and to the newly built Brittsbo district in the north. This route is operated by Nettbuss, with electric buses from Scania. Since Line 6 began its operations in March 2018, three electric buses have rolled 120,000 kilometres. More than 300,000 travellers have commuted silently to and from their jobs – with zero emission. “In the beginning of 2019, we will add another three of Scania’s electric buses to Line 6. Our plan is to open another electric bus route at Frösön, where Östersund’s Airport is located”, says Anne Sörensson, Climate Coordinator and Project Manager for the electric bus project in Östersund .“This is only the beginning of something greater,” she adds. “We are also exploring the possibility of using electric buses at the two world championships that Östersund and Åre will host in the beginning of 2019: The FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 5-17 February, and IBU World Championships Biathlon 7-17 March. It takes a great deal of planning, as well as adding mobile charging stations at the airport and in Åre. Offering fossil free transport during these major events would be amazing”. The electric buses are an important piece of the puzzle in electrifying the entire transport sector in Östersund. “We invested early in charging infrastructure for electric cars and have now moved to electric buses. We see electrification as an important part of Östersund’s mission to be fossil fuel free in 2030. It is a very ambitious target”, Anne Sörensson continues. “Sustainable transport is about moving people and goods while contributing to economic and social development without risking the environment or people’s health and safety. We are approaching a tipping point, where new technology, new business models and sustainable transport are taking off across the board,” she says. In Östersund, the transition to fully fossil fuel free transport is driven by a partnership between the municipality, companies, organisations, regional and national authorities. Since 2015, municipalities and county councils in Sweden can seek funding from The Swedish Transport Administration to promote sustainability through urban environment agreements. The ideal application should take a holistic approach to promoting sustainable urban environments and sustainable travel. Charging infrastructure for electric buses may be included in the city’s environmental agreements, if they are a part of a larger solution with other public transport facilities, such as dedicated bus routes with bus stops and signal systems. How the project started In the first round of applications in 2015, Östersund’s municipality was granted co-financing for an electric bus line. One of the reciprocal requirements was that it should be completed by 2018. To find suitable vehicles, it was natural for the project group to visit the Scania headquarters in Södertälje. With close to 100 per cent of the existing city bus lines and extensive regional testing of new vehicles and solutions, Scania was already very much present in the Östersund municipality. They eventually selected the model Scania Citywide Low Floor, which was introduced at the world’s largest bus fair Busworld in Kortrijk, Belgium, at the end of 2017. After seven months of operational experience, Anne Sörensson is extremely satisfied with the electric bus system, claiming that it has fulfilled all of their requirements. “We began last winter when it was minus 30 degrees Celsius and we have operated in 30 degrees Celsius weather over the summer. The vehicles have worked flawlessly over a span of 60 degrees!” “And it has been rewarding to see how satisfied the locals are. Their only complaint is that now the old buses are too loud”, adds Anne Sörensson. .
  6. Scania Group Press Release / 17 January 2019 The grayling, the trout and the osprey are back in Billsta stream, where three small-scale power plants produce local renewable energy for Östersund’s electric buses. This small city in the middle of Sweden, located some 560 kilometres north of the capital Stockholm, is developing a sustainable transport system for the future that is partner-driven and combines ecological, economic and social sustainability. For the locals, the reborn wildlife in Billsta stream is the icing on the cake. First and foremost, they are proud of being at the forefront of developing sustainable transport systems for the future. The electrical bus project in Östersund shows that you can combine public transport with modern environmental requirements, efficient renewable hydropower and high natural values. In partnership and cooperation with different stakeholders, a solution has been developed that benefits nature, energy production and transport.
  7. https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/22128-en-471-gas-motor-questions/
  8. Power Torque Magazine / January 2019 Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell has taken delivery of a Freightliner Coronado ahead of another hay run to the Queensland outback. Freightliner has lent Mr Farrell the Coronado 122 for summer so he can continue his tireless work helping Australian farmers through tough times. In addition to his role helping drought-stricken farmers, Brendan is also an owner-driver and has already put the Coronado 122 to work. The Coronado 122 will also be used to carry hay for the 15th Burrumbuttock Hay Run to be held on January 26, which will deliver hay to farmers in Quilpie and surrounding areas in South West Queensland. The scale of the operation is hard to comprehend, with Mr Farrell expecting a fleet of 300 volunteer truck drivers delivering more than 10,000 large hay bales. Freightliner was quick to organise a truck for Mr Farrell when it heard his own two older trucks were off the road. “Brendan has been helping Aussie farmers for years in a truly selfless manner,” says Freightliner Australia Director, Steve Downes. “When we heard he was having truck trouble, it was a no-brainer to help him out with a Freightliner for a few months. We know the Coronado is tough enough to do this important work and we know Brendan will love driving it.” Brendan has completed several runs in the Coronado 122, which was built to road train specification. He is impressed. “This is Mickey Mouse compared to my old trucks,” he says. “It is so comfortable to drive, and to sleep in. I’m doing a lot of kilometres, so it’s important to be able to get a good rest when I pull up.” Brendan says the Coronado’s 15-litre Detroit engine “has plenty of horsepower.” He is also pleased that it has been fitted with an 18-speed Eaton manual as he still enjoys shifting gears himself. “It’s bloody beautiful – a real nice looking truck,” he says. For information on helping out with the Australia Day hay run or donating to the cause, head to the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners’ Facebook page. .
  9. Owner-Driver / January 18, 2019 Owner//Driver reader Arnold reckons the old gear needs to stay... Contrary to the call by Todd Hacking, Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia CEO, to adopt new prime movers, the undersigned advocates to keep those reliable old girls (in good working order) working hard. The reason? The old girls are inherently safer and are void of EGR, DPF, CRs, ABS, EBS, ESC and precariously located full flow large capacity fuel filters and return line fuel coolers. Hence the old girls are inherently considerably more reliable. Hence use those old girls to haul refrigerated and time sensitive loads. Why? Because new prime movers have the tendency to stop road side simply because a relatively trivial sensor has tripped or become inoperative due to say dirt or moisture ingress or due to excessive ambient heat load. Definitely, keep all the old rust free chassis with chassis numbers and VIN numbers operating. Upgrade the drum brakes on the old girls to disc brakes and install or upgrade the drive air suspension to dynamic load sharing standard. The latter modification is strongly recommended as it will confidently put 30kW of extra power to the tyre road contact where it is needed. Namely, should the standard drive air suspension be maintained the 30kW of power is otherwise dissipated in the driveline so eroding fuel economy. Another major advantage of opting for dynamic load sharing air suspensions is that the prime mover will ride and handle considerably better. Why? Because the extent of prime mover pitching will be greatly reduced. Here it must be noted pitching greatly governs the extent of driver fatigue, front axle suspension thump out, bump steer and roll steer. So keep those smiles to yourself and your bottom line as you pass those new prime mover powered rigs parked road side awaiting an after-hours’ service call out. Furthermore does the very mention of mandatory EGR, DPF, CRs, ABS, EBS and ESC really urge you to race out and buy a new prime mover? .
  10. Cadillac: ‘We've got one chance' Micahel Wayland, Automotive News / January 21, 2019 Returning Cadillac to some measure of its previous glory, and positioning it as an EV leader, promise to be a heavy lift. DETROIT — Behind General Motors' bold pronouncements about a high-tech, electrified future for Cadillac lies a grimmer reality: Despite a decade of similar efforts to elevate and transform the brand, it remains in fragile shape. Strong China results lifted Cadillac to record global volume last year, but U.S. sales for the quintessentially American luxury marque were down for the third straight year, and 2018 marked another upheaval of its executive ranks. But Americans love a comeback story, and Cadillac, led by GM President Mark Reuss and brand chief Steve Carlisle, is promising to deliver one — first, through an influx of new and freshened sedans, crossovers and SUVs, and then through leadership of GM's charge toward all-electric vehicles. Cadillac this month previewed an electric crossover expected in 2021 that will be the first vehicle to ride on GM's next-generation EV platform. "We've got one chance. This is it," Reuss told Automotive News last week. "We will leave nothing on the table, but we've got to get there. ... We're going to get there." Reuss and Carlisle expect to succeed where others have failed by leveraging Cadillac's growing popularity and profits in China, which became Cadillac's top market in 2017. They'll be building on an aggressive product plan orchestrated by Johan de Nysschen, the former Audi and Infiniti executive who left a plodding brand-building effort unfinished when he was ousted as Cadillac's president in April. At the same time, they're erasing some hallmarks of the previous leadership era, during which Cadillac moved its headquarters to New York, embraced esoteric marketing and sought more autonomy from executives in Detroit. Cadillac is now giving up its New York presence entirely and relocating to a refurbished building in suburban Detroit. Reuss took oversight of Cadillac from then-GM President Dan Ammann in June. Cadillac Chief Marketing Officer Deborah Wahl, who returned to the auto industry after a 10-year hiatus to succeed Uwe Ellinghaus last year, is bringing more upbeat, less-pretentious marketing and advertising to the brand. Cadillac is still dogged by a reputation as a large-car brand, she said, but there are "pieces of its heritage that are still strong in people's mind." Returning Cadillac to some measure of its previous glory and positioning it as an EV leader promise to be a heavy lift. It means going up against not only the traditional luxury leaders from Europe, but also electrification pioneers with far stronger brands that are establishing beachheads in high-performance or luxury EVs, including Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche. Cadillac's performance against luxury rivals during its current three-year product blitz will either build a firmer foundation for the brand to make that climb into EVs or bury it in an even deeper hole. Head-scratcher Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer, who is leading the launch of Lagonda as a zero-emission luxury marque, is skeptical that Cadillac can break through. "There's a real disadvantage of being a premium brand inside a mass company," the former Nissan executive said last week at the Automotive News World Congress. "Basically, Cadillac inside of GM, Lincoln inside of Ford or Infiniti inside of Nissan — none of them will make it." Within a mass-market company, Palmer said, such brands are forced to push sales volume and profits for the company, even when it risks undermining the brand with incentives. Brands such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW, he said, don't have that problem. In 2018, Autodata estimates, Cadillac's incentives averaged nearly $8,900 per unit sold — among the highest in the auto industry. BMW and Mercedes-Benz were both at roughly $5,750. As Cadillac unveiled the XT6 three-row crossover last week in Detroit, there were already murmurs that it may not be up to the challenge. A long-awaited vehicle in a fiercely contested segment, it opened to middling reviews for its performance numbers, technology and conservative design, similar to the response that greeted the XT4 compact crossover when it launched last year. "There's no reason why the XT6 can't sell well," said Stephanie Brinley, IHS Markit principal analyst. "But when you think of Cadillac as the leading technology brand, it doesn't have as much technology as some of its competitors." Given the amount of time Cadillac spent on the vehicle, and its being on an established platform — shared with the midsize XT5 and other large GM crossovers — the lack of innovations "leaves you scratching your head a little bit," Brinley said. Missing from the XT6, for example, is Super Cruise, the hands-off driver-assistance system for highways that launched in 2017 on the Cadillac CT6 sedan. It's designed for the kinds of long-haul road trips that a family might take in an XT6. ‘The way it is' Reuss, who last year announced the technology would expand across Cadillac's lineup beginning in 2020, made no excuses for the technology not being on the XT6. "I'm very respectful of all the people who have worked on Cadillac in the past [and] work on it now," said Reuss, who has led GM's product development arm since 2013. "I will take all the heat for it not being there, and that's the way it is." Removing excuses has been part of Reuss' plan since he took oversight of Cadillac last year. It's one of the reasons why he says it was important to move Cadillac's headquarters back to Michigan after the four-year run in New York. The move back, he said, eliminates travel time and moves Cadillac's leadership right across the street from the GM Technical Center just north of Detroit, the automaker's epicenter for product design and development, including battery EVs. "Nothing against New York, but we need really talented people to ... bring Cadillac to a different place than it's been in my entire career, frankly," Reuss said. "I'm trying to eliminate all the excuses of why we're not. And that's one of them." .
  11. https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/54727-from-2009-the-cias-communications-suffered-a-catastrophic-compromise/?tab=comments#comment-408828
  12. The spin-on filters, all with the same proud Mack graphics, were available from Fram or Hastings via a "ship direct" program.......the dealer's choice.
  13. We had Howard Sober (our forwarder) set up a facility at the Port of Wilmington (Delaware) where the Mid-Liners came in. Sober would deck them as 3-ways (2 trucks piggybacking a third truck on the ground). Back at the beginning, most were MS200Ps. I ran many 3-ways up the extension to Allentown and was very impressed with the engine's willingness to pull and the top end, and this all with the Spicer 5-speed.
  14. None of the Mid-Liner transmissions had an odd shift pattern. European Spicer 5052A (5-speed - MS200/250) BDSL5552A (5-speed - CS200/250) BDSL2142 (5-speed - MS/CS300) BDSL2152 (5-speed paired with 2-speed rears) Eaton 4106B (6-speed - MS/CS-200/250) BDSL181 (6-speed - MS/CS-300) BDSL2052R (splitter type 10-speed)
  15. Penske, Ryder and numerous other fleets loved them, and local customers waited in line for Penske and Ryder trade-ins.
  16. I have no idea what you're talking about and I know my Mid-Liner transmissions. The Renault 10-Speed BDSL2052R splitter type transmission, fully synchronized and paired with an air-assisted clutch, was an absolute pleasure to operate, alike the pedigreed splitter type TRDL1070 10-speed.
  17. Incestuous......abortion........I myself don't care for that language here. The Mid-Liner was an absolutely superb product that served Mack very well. I'm sorry your Mid-Liner experience did not allow you to realize that.
  18. Allison Press Release / December 13, 2018 One of Australia’s largest fleets of Allison-equipped distribution trucks enjoys greater safety and efficiency, lower maintenance costs MELBOURNE – Australia Post and its parcel and logistics subsidiary, StarTrack, operate a fleet of more than 800 Fuso Fighter medium-duty trucks equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions for improved safety and efficiency. The Australia Post fleet delivers mail and parcels in urban areas where heavy traffic makes automatic transmissions essential, said Terry Bickerton, national fleet manager for Australia Post and StarTrack. “We’ve introduced Allison automatics into our operations because of their reliability and the safety benefits they offer. There are also lower maintenance costs when compared with manual vehicles.” Designed for severe, high start-stop duty cycles, Allison fully automatic transmissions use a torque converter for launching so there is no mechanical clutch to wear out. Our extended service intervals consist of just oil and filter changes, keeping vehicles on the job longer. An Allison Automatic makes vehicles easier to maneuver, increasing uptime and while improving productivity. “The feedback we’ve had from our drivers is that automatic trucks help with reducing fatigue and are easier to operate in metropolitan areas. The Allison automatics make it easier for our drivers to concentrate on maneuvering their truck in city traffic by removing the need for them to worry about gear changes,” Bickerton added. In addition, Allison Automatics have improved transit times in heavy traffic environments “as they allow the truck to accelerate up to a safe operating speed faster with greater efficiency,” said Bickerton. Australia Post and StarTrack deliver more than 3 billion items a year and operate a network of more than 4,000 post offices and 15,000 street post boxes, with a staff of more than 50,000 people. .
  19. U.S. Dept. Of Defense / January 17, 2019 Talbert Manufacturing Inc.,* Rensselaer, Indiana, was awarded a $360,249,853 firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of M872A4 semitrailers and associated items. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 16, 2024. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-19-D-0036). https://dod.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract-View/Article/1734769/
  20. Defense Blog / January 18, 2019 Talbert Manufacturing Inc. is to deliver a batch of M872-series trailers to the U.S. Army under a new $360 million contract. According to a statement released by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on 17 January, the Talbert Manufacturing Inc. was awarded a $360 million contract for the procurement of M872A4 semitrailers and associated items. Also noted that work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 16, 2024. Trailer maker Talbert Manufacturing landed a major contract from the U.S. Army Contracting Command. The 80-year-old company at 1628 W. State Road 114 in Rensselaer, Indiana makes a wide variety of trailers for moving goods by truck, including for hauling building materials, pipes, hazardous materials and nuclear materials for commercial, military, government, aerospace and energy end users. Its custom trailers, such as 13 axle trailers, gooseneck trailers, east/west coast spread axle trailers, lowboy trailers, dual capacity trailers and hydraulic tail trailers, are sold at dealerships nationwide. .
  21. All-Electric Ford F-150 Confirmed Joey Capparella, Car & Driver / January 17, 2019 Ford president Jim Farley told investors on January 16 that a battery-electric version of the F-150 is coming. A hybrid version of the truck has been promised for 2020. There are no mechanical details about the Ford F-150 EV at this point, as little information exists about Ford's impending plans to offer several new electrified models across its lineup. The electric F-150 is likely to share some components with the upcoming Mustang-inspired electric crossover, but the truck will need a larger battery pack and a more powerful electric motor to support its size and meet expectations for towing and hauling duties.
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