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Everything posted by kscarbel2

  1. The Powerliner......one of my favorite COEs. And again, in a certain sense, it doesn't look particularly old. .
  2. I hope that you're able to store your truck indoors Paul.
  3. In a certain sense, the 110P doesn't look particularly old. .
  4. I have to say, I rarely see any L8000 and L9000 trucks on the road today. Most were owned by the fleets (alike GMC Brigadiers), who purged them many years ago during their routine equipment upgrades. An evolved-forward HN80 could stand with any North American truck on the market today. Don't you agree Bob?
  5. Liebherr, always an industry leader, offers a full range of front-discharge mixers. https://www.liebherr.com/en/usa/products/construction-machines/concrete-technology/conveyor-belts/conveyor-belts.html .
  6. kscarbel2


    When you called the Mack brand sales person who sold you the truck, or any Mack brand distributor, what was the response?
  7. Ford never sold the Louisville plant.....they re-purposed it. Sterling production took place in Canada..............http://www.fleetowner.com/mag/fleet_sterling_trucks_launched
  8. Bob, they would likely produce a narrower version of the H62X cab for a conventional variant. For example, the narrow width Freightliner Century Class, Columbia and Coronado use the same cab platform as the wider full-width Argosy. The cab on the conventionals is 305mm (12 inches) narrower.
  9. This reminds me of the Premium Coal (New York City?) LMUs that came on the market.......when, in the late 1980s or early 1990s? https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/27567-junkyard-trip/?page=2
  10. Years ago, Marmon wanted me to be a distributor and showed me an interesting promotional film including their plant. I wish that I had a copy to share with everyone now.
  11. And yet, Cummins, Dana, Paccar, Tenneco and WABCO have been posting new 52-week lows almost daily.
  12. Jason Cannon, Commercial Carrier Journal (CCJ) / July 5, 2018 North American Class 8 truck orders topped 41,800 units last month according to FTR, 140 percent above last year and the highest June order total on record. Heavy truck orders have exceeded 40,000 units in four of the six months this year. The rate at which fleets are ordering trucks has put a strain on the supply chain, and FTR Vice President of Commercial Vehicles Don Ake says OEMs have struggled to keep production on pace with demand. “There is an enormous demand for trucks due to burgeoning freight growth and extremely tight industry capacity,” he says. “However, supply is severely constrained because OEM suppliers cannot provide the needed parts and components required to build more trucks fast enough. This bottleneck is causing fleets to get more orders in the backlog in hopes of getting more trucks as soon as they are available.” The backlogs are being moved out further, which is pushing fleets to get orders in sooner rather than later so they can find a build slot, Ake says. “Fleets are desperate for more equipment, but trucks are in short supply due to the supplier constraints. This is creating a surge in orders as fleets react to this unusual situation,” he adds. “If OEMs were producing at capacity, the truck build this year could have been as high as 360,000 units.” North American Class 8 orders for the past twelve months have now totaled 411,000 units, which Ake notes indicates “there are some excess orders in the backlog.”
  13. More Allegations Made in Repeal of Proposed Glider Kit Restrictions Under GHG Phase 2 Deborah Lockridge, Heavy Duty Trucking (HDT) / July 5, 2018 Several members of Congress have asked the inspector general of the Environmental Protection Agency to look into allegations that there was improper contact between Volvo Group, the Truck & Engine Manufacturers Association, and the EPA regarding the agency’s regulation of glider kits under its Greenhouse Gas Phase 2 rules. In October 2016, EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued the final GHG/Fuel Efficiency Phase 2 rule. Among other things, this rule required engines in new “glider” vehicles to meet the emissions standards for the year the vehicle was assembled, rather than the year the engine was manufactured. A glider vehicle is a truck that uses an older powertrain but has new body parts. The original intent of glider kits was to allow truck owners to repair vehicles that had been in a crash. But in recent years, owner-operators and fleets increasingly used them to avoid not only the higher cost of brand-new trucks, but also the maintenance headaches of engines required to use aftertreatment under newer emissions rules. In July 2017, after Fitzgerald Glider Kits petitioned the agency to do so, EPA announced it intended to revisit those glider kit provisions. In November, it issued the official proposal. This proposal to allow a glider kit loophole to the GHG/fuel economy regulations has drawn criticism from environmental groups, truck and engine makers, the American Trucking Associations, some large fleets such as FedEx and PepsiCo, two former EPA administrators, some state attorneys general, and some Democratic senators, among others. The repeal proposal has yet to become a final rule. It's unclear at this point how the resignation of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt may affect this process, although in general, changes in agency administrators often slow down rulemaking processes. Just How Polluting Are Glider Kits, Anyway? One of the key issues in this whole debate appears to be efforts to prove just how polluting (or not) glider kits are. A Tennessee Technical University study that was funded by Fitzgerald Glider Kits apparently played a key role in the agency’s decision to revisit the rule. That study appeared to show that glider kits would not have as significant an environmental impact as previously argued by the EPA’s own study. However, the university later disavowed the study pending a review of the validity of the research. Now, two Congressional letters point to the agency’s own research into glider kits as suspect. They allege that Volvo Group had undue influence with some employees at the agency, provided glider kits for testing, and that the testing was done without the approval or knowledge of agency leadership. That testing found that glider vehicle NOx levels are four to 40 times higher than current powertrains and particulate matter levels are 50 to 450 times higher. “The EPA would purportedly run the emissions testing according to specifications provided by [Volvo]…. At the very least, the EPA’s testing methods were highly questionable and should not be recognized,” said a letter from Brian Babin (R-TX), James Comer (R-KY), Steve King (R-IA), and Bill Posey (R-FL). Another letter to the IG came from Greg Gianforte (R-MT), chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment. It raised similar concerns, saying, “collaboration between agency employees and a regulated entity to potentially sway the outcome of NVFEL tests in order to disadvantage a competitor compromises the EPA’s integrity and allows a handful of agency staff and one company the opportunity to manipulate the regulatory process.” Volvo denies any wrongdoing in the matter. "Like most of the trucking industry, the Volvo Group for several years now has argued that the improper use of glider kits is bad for the environment and unfair to manufacturers who have invested in the latest environmental controls,” said a Volvo Group spokesman in response to HDT’s request for comment. “All our communication and cooperation with the EPA on this issue has been an entirely appropriate part of a broad trucking industry advocacy effort – we did nothing improper." The letters also asked the IG to look into the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association for a potential lobbying violation, because the lobbyist was once a senior employee of the EPA and was instrumental in the drafting of the Phase 2 rule, yet “communicated and influenced the EPA less than 10 months from his departure.” .
  14. Bob, the "transformer" look was JMC's idea for the JMC-badged version of the old model. And it's not too bad looking, even if not exactly our taste. The H62X is a serious new world class performer at home in Turkey, China, Western Europe and..........if needed, North America. Now, imagine that truck in a conventional cab version with a hood (bonnet).
  15. Attractive truck. Need some more angle views and close-ups. .
  16. EPA's Pruitt resigns amid swirl of scandals Eric Kulisch, Automotive News / July 5, 2018 WASHINGTON — Embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who led the charge to scale back Obama-era fuel economy standards for light vehicles, resigned following months of damaging revelations about his conduct in office and allegations of ethical lapses. President Donald Trump, who had repeatedly affirmed his support for Pruitt but expressed concern about the swirling scandals involving alleged conflicts of interest and abuses of his position, announced the move in a Twitter message Thursday afternoon. "I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency," Trump wrote. "Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this." His deputy, Andrew Wheeler, now takes over as acting administrator. "I have no doubt that Andy will continue on with our great and lasting EPA agenda," Trump said. Pruitt was aggressive on the deregulatory front. He worked to undo at least a dozen environmental regulations promulgated by his immediate predecessors, claiming they went beyond the letter of the law and didn't sufficiently account for economic costs to industry. Critics say Pruitt, a vocal skeptic of human influence on climate change, was pushing rulemakings based on ideology and favoritism toward businesses, while ignoring scientific evidence that the emissions and other rules were effective. "It would be hard to point to someone who has been less friendly to the environment than Scott Pruitt, and who has been less aware of the tremendous impact of rolling back the tremendous progress that was made in a negotiated set of standards with industry," said Jason Levine, executive director at the Center for Auto Safety. Pruitt sided with automakers on April 1, saying the Obama EPA's goals for nearly doubling fleetwide fuel economy were too aggressive. His decision to reopen a feasibility review of 2022-25 model year standards was partly based on the perceived need for more recent data on sales trends, fuel prices, and the cost and availability of advanced powertrains and other technologies. A proposal to scale back the fuel efficiency standards is currently under review by the White House. It is unclear whether the resignation will upset the administration's timetable for a decision, or whether the agency will take action to rescind California's waiver to set air quality rules stricter than federal ones. Under a 2011 agreement, the EPA, safety agency NHTSA, California and automakers are currently following the same program, although some technical inconsistencies between EPA and NHTSA remain. California and a dozen states that have adopted its standards have threatened legal action to preserve their rights. The Senate's April 12 confirmation of Wheeler as EPA deputy administrator, however, lessens the chance of an administration shift on corporate average fuel economy and greenhouse gas standards. Wheeler faced stiff opposition from Senate Democrats who questioned his environmental commitment after working as a lobbyist for the coal industry and a staff member for Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who openly opposes scientific consensus that greenhouse gases from human activity are to blame for global warming. During his confirmation, Wheeler questioned the extent of man's impact on the climate. Pruitt has been under constant fire for months over allegations of conflicts of interest, wasteful spending and improper use of authority. There are at least a dozen federal investigations into his behavior. The charges, first turned up in media investigations, include a sweetheart apartment rental from the wife of an energy lobbyist whose firm does business before the EPA; excessive spending on travel and security; ignoring White House instructions not to give raises to favored employees; using his staff to find work for his wife and handle personal business; reassigning or demoting aides who questioned whether certain decisions complied with laws and regulations; cozy relationships with and rewards for industry lobbyists; and asking his security team to use emergency sirens to get through Washington traffic for appointments. A number of Pruitt aides and communications officers have resigned this year as scrutiny increased over his spending habits and conflicts of interest. Last month, the EPA announced the resignation of Pruitt's senior legal counsel prior to her scheduled testimony before a House panel investigating allegations of ethics violations by Pruitt. His scheduler, Milan Hupp, who acknowledged to House investigators that Pruitt directed her to carry out personal errands for him, also resigned. .
  17. You’re exactly right Bob. And for that reason, VW and Ford trucks were at one time produced in the same plant, the successful Volkswagen-Ford Autolatina joint venture, to reduce costs and enhance profitability. https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/35895-from-lt-to-worker-volkswagen’s-versatile-long-lasting-“lt”-cab/?tab=comments#comment-247242
  18. We can first of all assume that the key pieces of the puzzle are out of our view. I wish more Americans would look up from their smart phones for a moment, and care/pay-attention-to the global arena, for their daily lives are indeed overshadowed by it. China has become the center of the global economy, and both the G8 and the multi-national companies handed that position to them. Sending production overseas weakened the very foundation of the US, and simultaneously/inherently gave away our technological know-how. Most people could care less right now, but the real issues that we should be concerned about are the South China Sea and Taiwan. The SCS and Taiwan cards are being simultaneously played with the North Korean and trade/tariff cards. For China, the South China Sea and Taiwan are not negotiable.....period. And they now have the military capability to take and hold them. The US stands to lose massive face, and its decades-long position in the world order, when China takes over Taiwan. After the usual war of words, I assume we won't stop them, because there's certainly zero support to spill American blood defending Taiwan, nor the South China Sea. A very serious storm is brewing.
  19. The Brazilian management at VW Truck & Bus, personal friends of mine for many years, are as passionate and driven about trucks as the people at Ford-Otosan. That statement should speak volumes about what kind of organization it is. They've done a terrific job, and proof is their position as market leader, the envy of all the competition. Introduced in 2005, management has done a superb job of evolving the Constellation range forward. Due to abrupt currency valuation swings and other, Brazil is the most challenging truck market in the world. If one can succeed there, you have accomplished something. .
  20. Volkswagen Truck & Bus Press Release / June 11, 2018 Equipped with additional axle, the all-new 8x4 31.390 vocational model extends its load capacity by some 25% over the 31.390 6x4. The logging industry has just gained a new partner, the Volkswagen Constellation 31.390 8x4 rigid. The truck’s rear axles feature automatic “no-spin” inter-wheel differential locking technology, complementing the inter-axle differential lock, allowing the truck to traverse the most difficult terrain. The first models produced are already in field tests with logging customers including Breda, and according to Eduardo Pilon, operations Manager of the company, the results are quite positive. "The new 8x4 Constellations are about 3,000 pounds lighter than the current ones in operation, even equipped with additional axle. This extends our load capacity by about 10% on each trip, which undoubtedly brings us hard-hitting operational gains, "explains Pilon. The vehicles of the fleet of Breda run on average 10,000 kilometers/month, in the region of Vale do Paraíba, in the interior Paulista, loaded with logs of wood. "The trucks run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They only stop for maintenance. And even with severe use, in complex topography conditions, the VW Constellation only required preventive maintenance, proving to be quite robust, "said José Henrique da Silva, operational coordinator of Breda. .
  21. HGV UK / June 12, 2018 Lancashire manufacturer, Leyland Trucks is this year celebrating twenty years of ownership and investment by US-based PACCAR. Since 1998, PACCAR has grown Leyland’s capabilities through strategic investments in technology, products and infrastructure. The Leyland Assembly Plant, which was already one of Europe’s most advanced truck manufacturing facilities, has benefited enormously from these investments. In 1998, the factory manufactured 9,000 trucks per year. Innovative improvements to the 710,000-square-foot facility – including a new PACCAR body production line, a robotic paint facility for truck chassis, electronic work instructions with touchscreen monitors, and the consolidation of two production lines into one has since then enhanced production by 72% to over 15,000 trucks per year. Installations of LED factory lighting and a new roof created a brighter work environment, contributing to record quality, efficiency and safety. In accordance with PACCAR’s commitment to environmental excellence, the factory achieved zero waste to landfill status in 2008. In 2003, PACCAR Parts constructed a Parts Distribution Centre on the Leyland site to provide support for the DAF UK and European Dealer Networks. It now operates as one of Europe’s main Parts Distribution hubs specialising in aftersales support, distribution, logistics and service for DAF and other truck makes, buses and trailers. “Leyland’s world-class status is maintained by our ability to leverage a community of expertise,” said Bryan Sitko, Leyland managing director. “Our loyal and committed workforce pools their combined years of truck building knowledge and shares that asset with new employees. These efforts are crucial to helping us deliver industry-leading quality trucks built by quality people.” Today, Leyland manufactures the full DAF product range of LF, CF and XF vehicles, 40 percent of which are exported around the world. .
  22. Commercial Motor / June 25, 2018 Shotts, Scotland based haulier Stuart Nicol Transport has taken on two new Renault Range T High trucks for Continental work. It has also added emojis to its fleet livery as chosen by the traffic staff and their families. .
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