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Everything posted by kscarbel2

  1. International Ships First Trucks With A26 Engines Heavy Duty Trucking / June 30, 2017 International Truck announced it has started customer shipments of its first International LT Series and RH Series trucks with the company's new A26 12.4-liter engines. The company's internal testing shows these products are delivering up to 9% better fuel economy over the comparable models built only a year ago. When it unveiled the engine at the Technology & Maintenance Council annual meeting in February, the company said the A26 was developed through an initiative called Project Alpha that brought together a team of trucking industry powertrain engineers. The developers focused on emphasizing simplicity over complexity and using only proven components. The truck and engine maker listed these as key features of the A26: • Components engineered to maximize uptime • Light weight of 2,299 pounds • The most efficient engine in International’s on-highway lineup • The quietest engine in International’s lineup • Hundreds of thousands of hours of testing • Millions of real-world test miles "Delivering our 12.4-liter engine is a significant milestone for Navistar," said Persio Lisboa, Navistar executive vice president and chief operations officer. "We continue to receive great customer feedback on the products we're delivering today. Customers will continue to experience outstanding levels of quality, reliability and uptime with our new family of Class 8 on-highway trucks, now complete with the A26 engine." .
  2. That was an average figure Billy. I myself choose my vehicles extremely carefully (I must be enamored with it), buy new and retain for 15-20 years. If you maintain the vehicle properly and garage it (within reasonable temperature extremes and without excessive humidity), most vehicles can last for decades.
  3. Scania Group Press Release / June 30 2017 Build your Scania. With the new Scania Configurator, customers can explore the boundless opportunities for tailoring the truck to precisely match the desired specification. Starting with new generation long-haulage trucks, customers are initially invited to select if they are in the market for tractors or rigids. Thereafter, the user selects one of the 11 transport applications, such as general cargo, bulk transport or timber transport, that best describe their business. This narrows the specification scope based upon particular application. The customer is then asked to choose wheel configuration, cab size, weight, road conditions, mileage, topography, traffic conditions and cruising speed. This sets the stage for countless interior and exterior choices. “In total, the configurator encompasses 340 of our most frequent variant families,” says Miku Kimber, Head of e-Business at Scania. “We can also, for example, offer a choice of 147 colours, more than most brands.” The configurator has been developed as a marketing tool for existing and prospective customers to acquaint themselves with all available options. “They may not be aware of all the choices at their disposal. For example, they might, out of habit, be inclined to select dark upholstery but when it is actually visualised realise how attractive a lighter colour could be.” The content is generated from several existing Scania IT systems and the image bank consists of up to one half a million layers. “It might be interesting to find out just how many variants we can generate but that would take more than one week to calculate,” according to Miku Kimber. Try the Scania Configurator here.
  4. Renault Trucks Press Release / June 28, 2017 Renault Trucks is continuing its research into improving the energy efficiency of trailer trucks. The FALCON project has set out to develop a complete heavy goods combination to demonstrate an ambitious potential to reduce fuel consumption and therefore CO2 emissions through innovative design. Lower fuel consumption is at the core of the development of Renault Trucks vehicles, which are designed to be profit centres for transporters. In line with Optifuel Lab 1 and Optifuel Lab 2, and more recently the Urban Lab 2 project involving distribution vehicles, Renault Trucks is now undertaking the development of a new experimental combination designed to consume 13% less fuel than a standard coupling towed by a Renault Trucks T. The FALCON (Flexible & Aerodynamic Truck for Low CONsumption) project is led by Renault Trucks with a consortium of partners comprising Faurecia, Michelin, Total, Fruehauf, Wezzoo, Benomad, Styl'Monde, Polyrim, Enogia, the IFPEN, the École centrale de Lyon (LMFA) and the IFSTTAR (LTE; LESCOT). It is receiving financial support from the state via the FUI Regions fund. The technical developments are aiming to achieve a maximum client ROI of two years in normal operating conditions, with a view to starting production in the medium term. Developments are focusing on the optimised aerodynamics of the truck and trailer combination, connected low rolling resistance tyres and predictive energy-saving driving aid and fuel management functions, together with an improved powertrain using a new-generation Rankine heat recovery system and optimised lubricant formulations. With the exception of the Rankine system, this technology is set to be integrated into a demonstration vehicle and tested in real conditions at the end of 2018. The Falcon project, which is due to end in 2020, offers Renault Trucks a new laboratory on wheels not only for assessing technology aimed at further reducing the fuel consumption of trailer trucks, but also in preparation for the requirements of future regulations, within the EU, on the CO2 emissions of heavy goods vehicles, together with the volumes, dimensions and tyres. .
  5. Renault Trucks Press Release / June 28, 2017 Renault Trucks' Xtrem Days have been held in Marrakech from 9 to 15 April 2017. This event, which marks the launch of the K Xtrem in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Algeria, Morocco and Turkey. Designed to resist very heavy wear on the most extreme terrains, the Renault Trucks K Xtrem is distinguished in particular by its reinforced chassis and the semi-automatic Optidriver Xtrem transmission, with mechanicals reinforced for severe applications. Invited transport professionals and representatives of construction industries will be able to meet with Renault Trucks experts, attend workshops and try out the C and K range models. .
  6. US Researchers Studying Wireless Transfer of Electricity to Vehicles Transport Topics / June 29, 2017 Scientists at StanfordUniversity have succeeded in wirelessly transmitting electricity to a nearby moving object, the wide-ranging implications of which could affect the recharging of electric cars and trucks, robots and cellphones, university officials said. The research was published first in the June 15 issue of Nature. Some transportation experts envision an automated highway system where driverless electric vehicles are wirelessly charged by solar power or other renewable energy sources, the Stanford, Calif.-based university noted. The goal would be to reduce accidents and dramatically improve the flow of traffic while lowering greenhouse gas emissions, university officials said. “In theory, one could drive for an unlimited amount of time without having to stop to recharge,” Shanhui Fan, a professor of electrical engineering and senior author of the study, said in a statement. “The hope is that you’ll be able to charge your electric car while you’re driving down the highway. A coil in the bottom of the vehicle could receive electricity from a series of coils connected to an electric current embedded in the road.” Currently, however, the power levels being tested would not be enough to support an electric Class 8 truck, Fan told Transport Topics. “At present, the experimental demonstration is at a power level that is far lower — several orders of magnitude lower — compared with what is needed to charge a truck,” he said. “The principle we demonstrate should be scalable to higher power, but we have not done that yet.” He noted, however, that the speed of a Class 8 truck traveling a highway would not be an issue. The researchers at Stanford built on existing technology developed in 2007 at MIT for transmitting electricity wirelessly over a distance of a few feet to a stationary object, the university said. In the new work, the team transmitted electricity wirelessly to a moving LED lightbulb, it said. That demonstration involved only a 1-milliwatt charge, whereas electric cars often require tens of kilowatts to operate. The team is now working on greatly increasing the amount of electricity that can be transferred and tweaking the system to extend the transfer distance and improve efficiency, according to Stanford. The research also may “untether robotics in manufacturing, which also are on the move,” Fan said. “We still need to significantly increase the amount of electricity being transferred to charge electric cars, but we may not need to push the distance too much more.” .
  7. It depends. For example, if it's a Ford design flaw and the supplier produced the component according to the design drawing, then Ford is responsible. This example is yet another case in a long list at Ford where they took a proven Ford global market product, reconfigured it for the US market, and created problems where there were none. I can tell tell you that the Transit in the global market is a trouble-free vehicle.
  8. The Fix Is In: Car & Driver Tests the Software Update for Cheaty VW TDI Diesels Car & Driver / June 2017 Throwing money at problems is how corporations make them go away. Pay for more lawyers, pay for more public relations, and certainly pay for more marketing in the hopes that the world will believe your new promises. For Volkswagen, those invoices have recently been supersized, befitting the scope of the diesel cheating scandal that has engulfed the company and prompted the recall of approximately 590,000 vehicles in the United States. Yet, its attorney bills and the costs of hiring extra PR staff must seem like little more than a few padded expense reports to the accountants in Wolfsburg. Since a group of West Virginia University scientists announced in May 2014 that they had found unexpectedly high emissions from VW’s TDI vehicles—which led to the uncovering of the company’s conspiracy to cheat government regulators and defraud consumers—Volks­wagen has committed to spend at least $25 billion in the U.S. in legal settlements alone. As the world’s largest car company bleeds, TDI money now begets its own economy [see “TDI Profiteering”]. VW even has had to create a subsidiary called Electrify America to ensure the spending of $2 billion on brand-neutral electric-vehicle infrastructure. Not coincidentally, Volkswagen says that it has quit the “clean diesel” business for good, at least in the U.S., to focus its green efforts on EVs. Except that as of April, the company owns more than 237,000 used diesels acquired through its court-mandated buyback program. And inventories are growing, with 15,000 more vehicles being turned in each week, according to reports. Without the joint blessing of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, these cars are to remain parked in places like the lots that surround the shuttered Pontiac Silverdome, the former Detroit Lions football stadium 30 miles north of Detroit. That’s where Volkswagen found our test vehicle, a 2015 Passat sold new in Texas and now showing 25,000 miles on its odometer. One of the so-called Gen 3 diesels that clean up waste gases with catalytic converters, particulate filters, and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), it is among the first batch eligible for a fix—in this case, a software update to both its engine and transmission computers. This is per the emissions-modification proposal that CARB and the EPA approved on January 6, which also covers 2015 Beetles, Golfs, Jettas, and Audi A3s with 2.0-liter TDI engines, some 67,000 total vehicles. A second phase of the third-gen recall will involve dealers fitting replacements for the entire emissions system, including a new diesel-particulate filter, diesel-oxidation catalyst, and selective ­catalytic-reduction converter. A second NOx sensor downstream of the catalyst also will be added, allowing the emissions system to operate in an improved, closed-loop mode thanks to another forthcoming software update. These new parts should ensure that the system functions correctly for at least 150,000 miles, and it will be monitored by the EPA and CARB through further testing over the next five years, an extension of the one year VW would normally be required to conduct an In-Use Verification Program of spot-checks of randomly selected customer vehicles. Owners will benefit from a transferable emissions warranty that is extended to the greater of either 11 years or 162,000 miles from new, or five years or 60,000 miles from the date of the recall service. Volkswagen needs some manufacturing lead time, so the second phase of the recall won’t start until early 2018. But in late March, Volkswagen got the go-ahead for its dealers to resume selling 2015 TDIs equipped with the new software, including some brand-new leftovers. Shortly thereafter, we conducted our testing—with VW’s blessing—seeking to determine whether the fix carried any downsides or performance penalties that might be felt by owners of repaired cars. Stopwatch Says Since Volkswagen is legally prohibited from allowing any of these TDI buybacks back on the road until their software has been reflashed, our Passat was delivered with the new software. Subjective driving detected no anomalies in its operation—not that we anticipated finding any. VW is telling owners to expect few to no driving differences outside of improved accelerator response and slightly different shifting behavior on automatic vehicles. Neither fuel economy nor performance should be affected. However, owners are warned of the possibility of up to 14 percent higher consumption of DEF, depending on driving style. That’s the most appreciable change brought about by the software, which will also have been stripped of the defeat device code that triggered different emissions calibrations for dyno emissions testing and on-road driving. “For the most part, it’s the dosing strategy for DEF” that allows cars with the new software to reduce emissions, says VW senior manager of regulatory affairs Rob Sutschek. No changes were made to other engine operating parameters, he says, specifically naming boost pressure, exhaust-gas recirculation scheduling, fuel-rail pressure, and injection timing. Which would indicate that at least for the third-generation diesels, the main benefit VW gained by cheating was merely stretching the DEF refill interval to coincide with a 10,000-mile oil change. It’s worth noting that the fixed Gen 3 cars will not, in fact, be certified to the same emissions standards (federal Tier 2 Bin 5 and California LEVIII ULEV125) that they were originally supposed to meet. Rather, the court has created a new standard that resembles the current federal Tier 3 Bin 160, which is less stringent for lower-speed operation but allows fewer NOx emissions at highway speeds. Regardless of which emissions standard the fixed cars now adhere to, the broader environmental concern was the potential impact of junking so many vehicles. As Sutschek says, “The EPA wants these vehicles in service.” At the proving grounds, we ran a modified version of our typical acceleration test, first with the new software and then again after the car had been reverted back to its “dirty” code by two Volks­wagen technicians. (Although they used a laptop plugged into the OBD II port, they stressed that VW dealers and others authorized to upload the new software would use a system that will not allow a car to be reverted to any earlier code.) In both zero-to-60 and quarter-mile tests, we recorded identical results: 9.3 seconds and 17.2 seconds at 82 miles per hour. Extra test equipment in the back seat and a passenger aboard mean these numbers cannot be compared with other C/D test numbers, nor should they be considered absolute. But the comparative fact stands: We found no notable performance differences between the car with its original dirty software and the same car after the fix. The filler neck for the Passat’s DEF tank is located in the trunk, with the tank extending out of sight such that we were unable to accurately assess DEF consumption during testing. Nor were we able to do much fuel-economy analysis, although according to the Passat’s onboard trip computer there was no significant change during steady-speed cruising after we switched software. We did employ a portable emissions-measurement system [see “Sniffing Around”] during testing. The data we collected with this device do not directly correspond to any measurements made during federal emissions testing, both because of the nature of the testing equipment and because our flat-out acceleration runs have no analogue in the federal procedure. We saw small amounts of NOx emissions present during steady-speed cruising at 90 mph reduced to zero with the clean software, which seems significant in that it indicates cleaner operation even beyond the speeds at which federal emissions testing is conducted. And of course, the tailpipe sniffer did in fact prove that the same car produced different patterns of NOx emissions depending on the software. Within the limited scope of our testing abilities, we considered this sufficient proof that Volkswagen was not perpetrating any further deception. C/D Test Results DIRTY CLEAN Acceleration 0–60 MPH 9.3 sec 9.3 sec 1/4 Mile @ MPH 17.2 sec @ 82 17.2 sec @ 82 30–50 MPH, Top Gear 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 50–70 MPH, Top Gear 6.7 sec 6.6 sec 30–90 MPH, 4th Gear 22.3 sec 22.8 sec 0–100 MPH, Standing Start 27.1 sec 27.7 sec More to Come Volkswagen has also submitted two other proposals covering the rest of the recalled four-cylinder diesels. While company officials would not comment on specifics, some details of the modifications to these cars can be found in the consent decree under which Volkswagen is currently operating. Engine design for the generation-two TDIs, or 2012–2014 Passats, differs from the third generation’s but still uses DEF to curb emissions, so the fix for those vehicles will likely follow the same path as the 2015 models, relying on greater DEF dosing to lower NOx emissions. All the diesels should eventually get completely new emissions hardware. In fact, this is required by the consent decree for the first-generation TDIs, or 2009–2014 Jettas, 2010–2014 Golfs, 2013–2014 Beetles, and 2010–2013 Audi A3s. These earlier models do not use DEF, however, which makes the fix more challenging. These cars employ a NOx trap that requires periodic purging; this is accomplished by running a rich fuel mixture, which will likely result in reduced fuel economy. Had Volkswagen been willing to make that trade-off years ago, it might have sold fewer cars, but the consequences of this crisis would surely have been averted. Since the emissions scandal was uncovered, VW’s annual sales in the U.S. have dropped by 21 percent—or nearly 85,000 fewer vehicles in 2016 than in 2013—at a time when the rest of the industry was up 12 percent. This year, however, its sales are showing signs of rebound, with first-quarter numbers up 10 percent. We can only imagine that this first fix, which puts thousands of Volks­wagen diesels back into service, will help bolster those numbers. Money can make problems disappear, but it is no substitute for fixing them. TDI Profiteering How some savvy wheeler-dealers cashed in on Dieselgate. As get-rich schemes go, this one was fairly foolproof. All it took was a close reading of the Volkswagen settlement and some capital for a few astute individuals—and, rumor has it, a handful of non-VW dealerships—to cash in on the TDI buyback program, creating a homegrown VW diesel trade that fattened a few pockets. Several months ago, you too could have picked up a used diesel-powered VW for well below book value, then sat on it for a bit before turning it in to VW for the buyback money. Sometimes the payoff would be only a few thousand dollars, but one buyer who got the system wired, and who talked to us only on the condition of anonymity, claims to have made around $20,000 on some vehicles. The $10 billion buyback and restitution program kicked off in November 2016, part of Volkswagen’s larger $15 billion TDI settlement that also includes fines and environmental remediation. The buyback is meant to put cash in the pockets of aggrieved VW customers. However, it also requires those owners to read and comprehend a fairly arcane system that calculates how much VW will pay for the car plus a second compensation payment, both varying based on model, year, and mileage. This has translated into opportunities for those paying attention, as the amounts work out to well above what these cars would fetch on the open market under normal circumstances. Our anonymous source, whom we found through a Reddit thread, says he bought scandal-affected VWs and Audis from all over the country, mostly from dealers and auctions, collecting 27 vehicles. “I was the original owner of a 2011 2.0, and that’s what turned me on to it,” he says. “In June of last year, I started reading about the buyback and it looked like a good opportunity, so I borrowed whatever money I could get my hands on and started buying the cars. “I have more than $400,000 invested, and the profits are variable, but my overall profit margin is going to be between 45 and 50 percent,” he says. As shady as this might sound, it’s legal according to the Federal Trade Commission. Unless, of course, the buyer lies to the seller about the details of the buyback program to get a lower price. That’s fraud. Our source says he checked with his state’s department of motor vehicles to make sure he is aboveboard with state regulations. Because he’s treating diesel trading like any other investment, a CPA ensures his tax compliance. Before you cash in your 401(k) to become a TDI flipper, understand that if you’re just learning about this now, you’re too late. Although it’s still possible to buy a TDI and submit a buyback claim before the September 1, 2018, cutoff, the cheap cars are gone, and the money-making days are well over. —Benjamin Preston Sniffing Around To reduce the chances of another TDI fiasco, carmakers and government regulators alike have expanded their tailpipe-emissions measurement capabilities, moving out of the lab and onto the road. Gathering real-world insights regarding how cars behave in customer hands has necessitated a new category of tools called portable emissions-measurement systems (PEMS). Some of this gear is cumbersome and expensive, while other units—including the analyzer we borrowed from Infrared Industries for this test—are more wieldy. The company’s FGA4000XDS PEMS is a nine-pound box containing non-dispersive infrared and electrochemical-cell sensors capable of quantifying concentrations of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and oxygen in the exhaust stream. It can also display air-fuel ratio and engine rpm when connected to the engine’s ignition system. It is factory calibrated and certified to comply with international standards. After a five-minute warm-up and the insertion of a sample line into the tailpipe, this device is able to quantify the ingredients in practically any exhaust stream. —Don Sherman
  9. Navistar: Executive Changes Will Help Drive Growth Heavy Duty Trucking / June 28, 2017 Navistar officials said they’re optimistic that excitement about their new products and an overall industry bump in truck orders will help them meet their financial goals for the year, while some executive leadership changes announced Wednesday are designed to help keep the company moving into the future. Bill Kozek, president, truck and parts, is moving on to an as-yet-unnamed position focusing on emerging business opportunities and disruptive technologies. Replacing him is 37-year Navistar veteran Michael Cancelliere. And a new role of vice president of export, along with president of Mexico and Global Operations, will be filled by Bernardo Valenzuela, who’s returning to the company. Cancelliere is reporting to Persio Lisboa, executive vice president and chief operating officer. Both spoke to trucking journalists on a conference call Wednesday morning following the announcement. Asked about its forecast for Class 8 sales for North America for the rest of the year, Cancelliere said the company does expect Class 8 sales to pick up for the second half of the year, noting that Navistar's fiscal year ends in October. “As we look at the full year, we’re in the 25,000 or so range,” he said. “We’ve seen strong demand from customers for our products, and some [factory assembly] slots are tightening up with ourselves as well as competitors, so the market is definitely showing signs of picking up.” New products still in the pipeline As it continues to fight its way back from its 2010 emissions missteps, Navistar has been redesigning, refreshing and renaming its entire product line. “We’re coming out with a new exciting line of products, which is giving us a lot of momentum in the marketplace,” Lisboa said, “and we want to build on that.” He walked through that progression, starting with the HX premium vocational truck announced early last year, through the LT Class 8 line-haul truck launched last fall, the RH regional haul unveiled this spring, and the new A26 12.4-liter engine which is ramping up for production at Navistar’s Huntsville, Alabama, engine plant. Upcoming products, he said, will be HV vocational trucks and MV medium-duty, noting that next year Navistar will have an entry in the Class 4-5 market. The company’s announced a large event at the new North American Commercial Vehicle show in Atlanta in September, where it’s expected that some of these products will be unveiled. Spy shots surfaced recently on the Internet of a camouflaged truck believed to be the upcoming GM/International Class 5 medium-duty designed to compete with Ford’s F-650 and F-750. Industry rumors expect that not to be unveiled until next spring’s Work Truck Show. Increasing global focus Previously, Valenzuela spent 16 years at Navistar, working in roles of increasing responsibility across its export and Mexico businesses. He served as vice president of global trucks sales from 2008 to 2014, before leaving and founding Terranova GTS LLC, a developer and distributor of specialty commercial vehicles, primarily serving customers in Mexico and Latin America markets. “We’re going to spend much more time driving focus inside of NA and Canada, and also part of the announcement we are expanding our reach in the export market, Mexico and global operations, which is another area of growth we are targeting to go after as well,” Lisboa said. While discussions of exports in Navistar’s earnings call earlier this month were primarily related to alleviating a used-truck glut, Lisboa said, this announcement is predominantly about growing its export business of new trucks, “expanding our reach with new products beyond Mexico,” he said. “Typically the products that serve Mexico are the products that can serve other markets,” other than Europe with its tighter emissions standards. “We believe we can leverage the activities in the product side such as Mexico into Latin America, Middle East countries and other areas of the globe.” Navistar already has a relationship in Asia, producing products in China that are distributed in Mexico. Bringing all those various global footprints together, to look for synergies and ways to leverage activities and products in one region to work in another, is the reason for putting one leader in charge, he explained. Disruptive technologies More details were promised to be forthcoming about Bill Kozek’s new position, which the company said will deal with disruptive technologies and vehicle electrification. “It is a growing area of interest of ours,” Persio said. “We are in this alliance with Volkswagen Truck and Bus, and there is a lot of new disruptive opportunity that we see happening in the industry. Our plan is not just to participate, but to be able to drive some of those things and lead them, and I think Troy [Clarke] really wanted to have someone with a lot of experience in the business” to work on developing those opportunities. Kozek will explore “everything he can think of,” Persio said, including both internally developed products and technologies as well as alliances and partnerships. Technology sharing was touted as part of that “wide ranging strategic alliance” announced last year with VW. That’s not only powertrain technology, which was a factor in the new A26 engine, but also is intended to explore collaboration in other areas, including advanced driver assistance systems, connected vehicle solutions, platooning and autonomous technologies, electric vehicles, and cab and chassis components. This leadership change seems to fit right in with that goal. .
  10. Fleet Owner / June 28, 2017 Navistar International Corporation today promoted Michael A. Cancelliere to president, truck and parts, effective July 1, 2017. He will replace William R. Kozek, who will assume a planning role focused on emerging industry opportunities. Navistar also announced that Bernardo Valenzuela is returning to the company in the newly created role of vice president of export, and president of Mexico and Global Operations. “These leadership and structural changes will bring even greater focus to several critical revenue areas of our business,” said Troy A. Clarke, Navistar chairman, president and chief executive officer. “They represent another important step on our journey toward sustainable profitability through growth and expansion in our core and select global markets.” In his new role, Cancelliere, 58, will oversee all aspects of the company’s truck and parts business. Most recently, he served as senior vice president, global parts and customer service, a business he most recently led to three consecutive years of record profits. Cancelliere, who has been with the company for more than 37 years in a variety of truck and parts sales leadership positions, will report to Persio Lisboa, executive vice president and chief operating officer. “I am excited about this new opportunity, and look forward to growing our share and helping our customers and dealers win by building on our foundation of great new products and industry-leading uptime,” Cancelliere said. Valenzuela, 50, is rejoining Navistar and will be responsible for the company’s Mexico and export markets, as well as overseeing the company’s global operations in South America and Asia, reporting to Lisboa. Previously, Valenzuela spent 16 years at Navistar, working in roles of increasing responsibility across its export and Mexico businesses. He served as vice president of global trucks sales from 2008 to 2014, before leaving and founding Terranova GTS LLC, a developer and distributor of specialty commercial vehicles, primarily serving customers in Mexico and Latin America markets. Kozek, 54, will focus on vehicle electrification and potential disruptive technologies, and he will report into Clarke. “Bill stepped in during a challenging time for our company four years ago, and did a great job steadily rebuilding the International Truck brand, restoring confidence and improving consideration with customers,” Clarke said. “I am confident these changes will build on our recent momentum in the market place, while allowing us to plan for the future changes rapidly coming to our industry.”
  11. Call the folks at Watt's Mack (provider of the BMT website) at 1-888-304-6225 and ask them for Mack part number 95RU32 (bag of 2).
  12. Ford issues recall for 402,000 vans, will take $142 million charge Automotive News / June 28, 2017 DETROIT -- Ford Motor Co. on Wednesday issued three recalls in North America, led by a callback of 402,462 Transit vans that will cost the company $142 million. The automaker said the affected vans have a faulty driveshaft flexible coupling. The defect could lead to the separation of the driveshaft, which could result in a loss of power, unintended vehicle movement and damage to brake and fuel lines. Ford is not aware of any accidents or injuries related to the Transit issue. Ford disclosed the cost of the recall in a Wednesday filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The charge will be incurred in the second quarter results of the North American unit. The company is due to report second-quarter earnings on July 26. The affected 2015-17 model-year vehicles were built at Kansas City Assembly Plant between Jan. 17, 2014, and June 15, 2017. Ford said the issue will not affect Transits with fewer than 30,000 miles on them, or vans that have had a driveshaft or driveshaft flexible coupling replaced within the last 30,000 miles. For vehicles with more than 30,000 miles, Ford said the interim repair will consist of replacing the driveshaft flexible coupling every 30,000 miles until the final repair is available and completed. Owners will be notified by mail. In addition, Ford said it's recalling four 2017 model-year Police Interceptor utilities to repair second-row seat attachment studs, as well as three 2016 model-year Escapes with faulty driver knee airbag modules. Ford is not aware of any accidents or injuries with either issue, and will replace the affected parts for free. https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/news/2017/06/28/ford-issues-one-safety-recall-and-two-safety-compliance-recalls.html .
  13. Tom, when you called Watt's Mack (provider of the BMT website) at 1-888-304-6225 and asked about availability of the 6QD120 brake shoe wear plates, what did they say? If the good folks at Watts can't assist you, I believe PAI lists them. (The part number is 6QD120....without the "A". The "A" was for Mack internal use.)
  14. Renault Trucks Press Release / June 22, 2017 In response to the changing UK and Irish markets, and a clear demand from customers, Renault Trucks is introducing a newly-engineered right-hand drive Range T High, available from early 2018. The flagship right hand drive Range T High with flat floor cab takes pride of place in the robust, efficient Renault Trucks line-up, driving new opportunities for the brand with long-haul operators and owner drivers. “For UK and Irish customers, while the standard Range T continues to deliver the best available total cost of ownership, we have listened and we recognise that more operators are looking for a more spacious and luxurious sleeper cab,” comments Nigel Butler Commercial Director, Renault Trucks UK. “Since launch in 2013, the left hand drive Range T High has been universally acclaimed in Europe and by operators and press alike here in the UK. Our flagship flat floor right hand drive models offer spacious, comfortable and well-appointed working and living areas that will appeal to both drivers and operators who specify vehicles that are a home-from home, and those who prioritise image.” Superior levels of performance and comfort have come together in Range T High and are reflected in the specification levels available of the three core variants. ‘International’, featuring fabric seats with rotating passenger seat, flat floor, standard bunk and steel wheels, is available in 440hp and 480hp in 6x2 configuration only. ‘Driver’ comes with full leather seats with rotating passenger seat, performance lower and ultimate upper bunk, deep fridge, compact dashboard, Alcoa alloy wheels, aluminium suzie support and additional catwalk, and is available in 440hp, 480hp and 520hp. The top of the range ‘Driver Lux’ - available in 480hp and 520hp - is to luxury specification and additionally includes backrest, lockers, luxury curtains, laminated side windows and aluminium air tanks. Nigel Butler continues: “Attracting and retaining good drivers is a real priority for operators facing the critical shortage of trained professionals in the industry. The generous working, living and sleeping environment of the right hand drive Range T High will help enhance driver satisfaction and productivity as the flat floor delivers the comfort levels needed for international or long distance transport.” Alongside the proud and professional image that the right hand drive Range T High projects on the road, Renault Trucks’ unwavering commitment to customer efficiency always comes first, as he explains: “In the UK, the Renault Trucks brand is growing, and our highly rated Euro-6 product range is considered a real alternative for customers. Efficiency and fuel economy remain strongpoints of the Range T High’s latest generation Step C 13-litre engine, while enhanced residual values support the Range T’s excellent total cost of ownership performance, ensuring the right hand drive flat floor cab makes commercial sense for long-haul operators.” To support the launch of the right hand drive Range T High, Renault Trucks UK is running a series of digital and social promotions which direct viewers to the Range T High website, www.range-t-high.co.uk where visitors can register interest in the new vehicle. .
  15. Owner/Driver / June 23, 2017 The third Sylvia’s Gap Road Run raised funds for a permanent truck museum at Gundagai. Sylvia’s Gap was one of the most perilous stretches of the Hume Highway until the highway was diverted in 1983. Today this section of road near Tumblong, New South Wales, is on private property. But owners opened their gates on Sunday, June 11, for the Sylvia’s Gap Road Run. The event has been held annually since 2015 to raise money for the Australian Road Transport Heritage Centre (ARTHC) which plans to build a truck museum at Gundagai. This year 48 trucks took part, led by Churchill Transport’s 1990 Kenworth T650. John Scott, 75, was behind the wheel and Rex Shiel, 90, was in the passenger seat. The retired interstate truck drivers have known each other since the 1950s. The run reminded John of the old road’s dangers: "I can’t believe that the road was so small, so narrow, and so windy and steep." Motorbikes, utes, cars and ex-military vehicles followed the trucks on the run. The ARTHC’s fundraising weekend began with a truck show at the Gundagai Show Grounds on Saturday, June 10. Prizes were awarded to Leigh and Kerry Rankin of Katunga, Victoria, for their 1977 White Road Boss; and the Garner family of Tumut for their restored 1947 International KB7. On Saturday night 180 people attended a dinner where an auction raised $9,500. Barry Grimson, one of five instigators of the 1979 Razorback Blockade, was guest speaker. The ARTHC is already operating a truck museum from a temporary location at the corner of Tor Street and Jack Moses Avenue, Gundagai. It is open from 10am to 3pm from Thursdays to Sundays. Funds raised over the weekend will help build a larger permanent museum. Anyone wishing to become involved with the ARTHC or to donate funds should visit www.arthc.com.au or phone Daryl Weston on 0427 756 983 or Jim Morton on 0408 441 495. .
  16. Hino wins at Bris truck show Big Rigs / June 27, 2017 This year has been a big one for Hino, with the release of the Wide Cab 500 series followed up by a win at the Brisbane Truck Show. In its first public outing, the Hino 500 Series Wide Cab won its first award, one judged by a panel of leading trucking journalists. Hino Motor Sales Australia chairman and CEO Steve Lotter said: "We are delighted and honoured to be recognised as the Best Light or Medium Duty Truck at the country's premier truck show. "The Hino 500 Series Wide Cab boasts the most comprehensive active safety package of any Japanese truck in the medium duty truck category including Vehicle Stability Control as standard - an Australian first for this class of Japanese built trucks. "As a result of customer feedback, we have expanded our transmission range offerings including three different six-speed automatic variants with fuel efficient Allison units with a push button shift selector.” All 500 Series Wide Cabs are supported by Hino Advantage, a suite of business building solutions and more than 60 dealerships and service centres across the country. Judging criteria at the show included technical innovation, safety and customer support measures such as the delivery time, distribution network and value for money. One of the judges said: "The Hino 500 Series Wide Cab has a strong package of vehicle safety and reduction in driver fatigue through the matching of attractive engine and automatic driveline options.” When talking about the Hino stand, Mr Lotter said the show was more than just an opportunity to demonstrate the depth of the company's range - it was also about the evolution of the brand and business. "Two years ago, we celebrated our 50th anniversary in Australia at the show. "This year's stand focused on our evolution as a trusted business partner that provides our customers with high quality products and business building solutions such as Hino Advantage - all of which were on display at the show.” A prototype of the new Hino 300 Series 4x4 - on display for the first time in the world (covered in the previous issue of Big Rigs) opening the off-road market for Hino, was one of the more popular attractions on the manufacturer's stand. .
  17. Scania Group Press Release / June 21, 2017 By collaborating in sustainable transport and logistics solutions, HAVI and Scania are actively addressing global climate goals. Beginning quarter three, HAVI and Scania will start to implement a five year roadmap aimed at making a significant carbon footprint reduction in transport operations to and from McDonald’s restaurants in several European countries utilizing Scania’s Next Generation trucks and operating solutions. The aim is to significantly reduce diesel powered vehicles and shift approximately 70 percent of HAVI’s total truck fleet to alternative fuels, for example, gas and hybrid models, by 2021 within several European countries. The CO2 emissions in deliveries by HAVI to McDonald’s restaurants utilizing Scania’s next generation trucks and operating solutions will be continuously monitored in real time, bringing existing fleet connectivity to the next level. This significant transformation of the fleet is expected to lead to CO2 reductions ranging from 15 to 40 percent for every kilometre driven, depending on route, fuel and traffic conditions. “Innovation is absolutely critical to our sustainability journey and to use our scale for good. Our work with companies like HAVI and Scania takes a proactive approach to finding and implementing more sustainable supply chain solutions, and contributes to our global supply chain and sustainability strategy.” said Chris Yong, Global Logistics Director at McDonald’s. “Leaders in business have a responsibility to drive change. In this partnership we are setting a new standard for urban deliveries. We are not only discussing plans, but actually implementing measures here and now, to benefit the communities where we operate.” said Haluk Ilkdemirci, President, Logistics, HAVI. “Undeniably, we see demand for sustainable transport solutions growing. This is an example of the kind of smart partnerships through which we can be more innovative and together accelerate the shift towards a sustainable transport system. ” said Henrik Henriksson, President and CEO at Scania The gas- and hybrid trucks are designed to generate close to zero air pollution and significantly reduce carbon emissions in cities. The trucks are significantly quietier and along with the low-noise cooling equipment will help lower the impact of the deliveries made in city centres and elsewhere. Additionally, HAVI and Scania are developing a truck with special equipment to collect waste such as used cooking oil, plastic materials and cardboard from restaurants for recycling. This will help drive increased recycling while reducing the transport of normal waste collections, reducing unnecessary additional kilometres and therefore further reduce CO2 impact. Through this partnership HAVI and Scania are not only taking steps towards a sustainable future, but also taking action based on solutions and technologies that are available and ready to be implemented here and now for their customers, like McDonald’s. The collaboration will initially focus on Europe while similar approaches are also being explored for Asia. .
  18. Particularly today, the automakers AND the government don't want you to retain a vehicle for 12 years. The automakers want to make money, and the government wants you driving ever cleaner vehicles. In recent years when I visit the US, I've noticed a higher percentage of older passenger cars, SUVs and light trucks on the roads. The golden era of the American dream has passed. The rise in cost-of-living has substantially exceeded wage growth for some time now. Many recall, as a child, when your father purchased a new vehicle every three years. And the mother didn't have to work, rather she could stay home and personally raise the children (which is why you turned out well). That child today, together with his wife working as well, has with their two salaries half or less the purchasing power that their parents had.
  19. Heavy Duty Trucking / June 27, 2017 Kenworth and Peterbilt dealers will represent the brands at the inaugural North American Commercial Vehicle Show Sept. 25-28 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. The two Paccar-owned brands were the only North American heavy truck makers not exhibiting at the new show, instead opting to exhibit at the Mid-America Trucking Show last March. “Kenworth and Peterbilt dealers understand that the NACV Show is the foremost North American gathering place for anyone involved in the business of commercial vehicles,” said Larry Turner, president and CEO of Hannover Fairs USA and co-organizer of the NACV Show. “Securing all the leading brands on the show floor to showcase their latest innovations reinforces our vision for this new and important industry event.” The NACV show will be open to the press only on Sept. 24 and is open to exhibitors and their guests starting Sept. 25. General admission opens Sept. 26 and runs through the end of the show. NACV is a new event being put on by North American Commercial Vehicle Show Partnership, owned half by Newcom USA, a subsidiary of Canada’s Newcom Business Media, and Hannover Fairs USA, a subsidiary of Germany-based Deutsche Messe, which plans and stages trade fairs around the globe, including the big IAA Commercial Vehicle Show in Hannover, Germany. “We expect North American fleet decision makers, leaders and influencers to convene at the show to not only learn about the newest and latest innovations from the leading manufacturers but to meet, network and conduct business onsite,” said Joe Glionna, president of Newcom and co-organizer of NACV. Fleet decision makers can register to attend the North American Commercial Vehicle Show 2017 at attendee registration. To view the entire trade show floor, visit NACV Show 2017 floorplan. A current list of exhibitors is located here.
  20. UPS commits to aggressive goals for more alternative vehicles, fuel and renewable power by 2025 Green Car Congress / June 27, 2017 UPS announced new sustainability goals to add more alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles to its fleet while increasing its reliance on renewable energy sources. The goals, available in the company’s 2016 Corporate Sustainability Report, support UPS’ commitment to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from global ground operations 12% by 2025, a goal developed using a methodology approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. UPS has a goal that 25% of the electricity it consumes will come from renewable energy sources by 2025—a significant increase from the 0.2% in 2016. In addition, by 2020 UPS plans that one in four new vehicles purchased annually will be an alternative fuel or advanced technology vehicle, up from 16% in 2016. The company also set a new goal that by 2025, 40% of all ground fuel will be from sources other than conventional gasoline and diesel, an increase from 19.6% in 2016. Because of our size and scale, we know our commitments can shape markets, advance technologies and be a catalyst for infrastructure investments. We rely on the ingenuity of our employees, suppliers and technology partners to help us reach goals that will transform the shipping industry and spur innovation. —David Abney, UPS Chairman and CEO UPS operates more than 8,300 alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles worldwide. The company’s fleet includes electric, hybrid electric, hydraulic hybrid, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane and lightweight fuel-saving composite body vehicles. In addition to its use of alternative vehicles, UPS uses millions of gallons of lower-carbon footprint renewable diesel and renewable natural gas (RNG) in its fleet each year. These initiatives reinforce the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact despite growth in e-commerce deliveries, which are driving up energy used to operate facilities and power its vehicle fleet. The UPS vision entails a future smart logistics network of advanced technology vehicles and facilities powered by more diverse and sustainable energy sources, including on-site solar, off-site wind, renewable natural gas, renewable hydrogen, and renewable diesel delivered via advanced energy system infrastructure. UPS already deploys many of these technologies in its ground fleet and facilities, and plans to significantly increase their use in its worldwide fleet. Since 2009, UPS has invested more than $750 million in alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles and fueling stations globally. The company used more than 97 million gallons of alternative and lower-carbon fuels in its ground fleet in 2016 and recently made an $18-million investment in on-site solar energy systems across eight facilities. UPS uses its Rolling Laboratory approach to determine which alternative fuels and technologies work best in each situation.
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