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Everything posted by kscarbel2

  1. U.S. Senate votes to overturn Obama broadband privacy rules Reuters / March 23, 2017 The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to repeal regulations requiring internet service providers to do more to protect customers' privacy than websites like Alphabet Inc's Google or Facebook Inc. The vote was along party lines, with 50 Republicans approving the measure and 48 Democrats rejecting it. The two remaining Republicans in the Senate were absent and did not cast a vote. According to the rules approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in October under then-President Barack Obama, internet providers would need to obtain consumer consent before using precise geolocation, financial information, health information, children's information and web browsing history for advertising and internal marketing. The vote was a victory for internet providers such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon Communications, which had strongly opposed the rules. The bill next goes to the U.S. House of Representatives. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senate was overturning a regulation that "makes the internet an uneven playing field, increases complexity, discourages competition, innovation, and infrastructure investment." [Good luck selling that line, Mitch] But Democratic Senator Ed Markey said, "Republicans have just made it easier for American’s sensitive information about their health, finances and families to be used, shared, and sold to the highest bidder without their permission." In a joint statement, Democratic members of the FCC and the Federal Trade Commission said the Senate vote "creates a massive gap in consumer protection law as broadband and cable companies now have no discernible privacy requirements." Republican commissioners said in October that the rules would unfairly give websites like Facebook, Twitter and Google the ability to harvest more data than internet service providers and thus dominate digital advertising.
  2. Muslim woman pays no mind to the London terror attack, casually walks by a dying man while checking phone. .
  3. BBC / March 23, 2017 A diary kept by President John F Kennedy as a young man travelling in Europe, revealing his fascination with Adolf Hitler, is up for auction. Kennedy, then 28, predicted "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived". "He had in him the stuff of which legends are made," he continued. Kennedy wrote the entry in the summer of 1945 after touring the German dictator's Bavarian mountain retreat. It is thought by historians to be the only diary every kept by the 35th US president. The original copy will be auctioned for the first time on 26 April in Boston by longtime owner Deirdre Henderson, who worked as a research assistant for Kennedy while he was a US senator with White House ambitions. Kennedy wrote that Hitler "had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him". The 61-page diary was kept by Kennedy around four months after Hitler committed suicide. At the time, the young American was touring Europe as a newspaper reporter after finishing his military service aboard a ship in the Pacific Ocean. Some two decades later Kennedy would address crowds in West Berlin as US president. He gave Ms Henderson the diary in order to inform her of his views on foreign policy and national security, she said. In a description of the auction, she wrote: "When JFK said that Hitler 'had in him the stuff of which legends are made', he was speaking to the mystery surrounding him, not the evil he demonstrated to the world." [her personal opinion – Kennedy’s words speak for themselves] "Nowhere in this diary, or in any of his writings, is there any indication of sympathy for Nazi crimes or cause," she continued. The diary also contains JFK's thoughts about the British election and Winston Churchill, who Ms Henderson called his "idol". The winning bid is expected to be around $200,000 (£160,000). .
  4. After climbing into a famous American brand truck today, President Donald Trump was angered to learn that the iconic truckmaker is now foreign-owned. "We're going to make America great again", Trump said. "And we're going to make American brands American again." More news at eleven. .
  5. (A reasonable summary of current events) Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News / March 22, 2017 President Trump is clinging to his wiretapping claim “like a drunk to an empty gin bottle,” the Wall Street Journal said in a scathing editorial published Tuesday night. And that claim, floating in the president’s “seemingly endless stream of exaggerations, evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehoods,” is severely damaging his credibility, both at home and abroad. “If President Trump announces that North Korea launched a missile that landed within 100 miles of Hawaii, would most Americans believe him? Would the rest of the world? We’re not sure,” the paper said. The Journal slammed Trump’s evidence-free assertion that former President Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower before the 2016 presidential election. Trump leveled his explosive charge on Twitter on March 4, and the White House has refused to back down, even after FBI Director James Comey dismissed the allegation as unfounded. “He has offered no evidence for his claim, and a parade of intelligence officials, senior Republicans and Democrats have since said they have seen no such evidence,” the paper’s editorial board wrote. The president has plenty of media critics, and the Journal’s editorial board was not particularly supportive of his candidacy. But the editorial is striking, given the paper’s traditionally conservative tone. Its owner, Rupert Murdoch, also owns Fox News, Trump’s favorite cable news network. “Two months into his presidency, Gallup has Mr. Trump’s approval rating at 39 percent,” the editorial continued. “No doubt Mr. Trump considers that fake news, but if he doesn’t show more respect for the truth, most Americans may conclude he’s a fake President.” The paper also pointed out how Trump’s refusal to back off his evidence-free claim has co-opted what could have been a positive news cycle. “This week should be dominated by the smooth political sailing for Mr. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and the progress of health-care reform on Capitol Hill,” the editorial said. “These are historic events, and success will show he can deliver on his promises. But instead, the week has been dominated by the news that he was repudiated by his own FBI director.” The Journal wasn’t the only paper to publish a Trump takedown Tuesday. In an op-ed for the Washington Post, former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice warned that false statements from the Trump White House “are part of a disturbing pattern of behavior that poses real and potentially profound dangers to U.S. national security.” “First impressions matter,” she wrote, “and an unsettling pattern has already been established.” “The foundation of the United States’ unrivaled global leadership rests only in part on our military might, the strength of our economy and the power of our ideals,” Rice explained. “It is also grounded in the perception that the United States is steady, rational and fact-based [at least in perception]. To lead effectively, the United States must maintain respect and trust. So, when a White House deliberately dissembles and serially contorts the facts, its actions pose a serious risk to America’s global leadership, among friends and adversaries alike.” Following Comey’s testimony, the New York Times published an op-ed titled “All the President’s Lies.” “The ninth week of Donald Trump’s presidency began with the F.B.I. director calling him a liar,” the Times’ David Leonhardt wrote. “Comey didn’t use the L-word in his congressional testimony Monday. Comey serves at the pleasure of the president, after all. But his meaning was clear as could be.” “I’ve previously argued that not every untruth deserves to be branded with the L-word, because it implies intent and somebody can state an untruth without doing so knowingly,” Leonhardt continued. “But the current president of the United States lies. He lies in ways that no American politician ever has before. He has lied about — among many other things — Obama’s birthplace, John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Sept. 11, the Iraq War, ISIS, NATO, military veterans, Mexican immigrants, Muslim immigrants, anti-Semitic attacks, the unemployment rate, the murder rate, the Electoral College, voter fraud and his groping of women. “He tells so many untruths that it’s time to leave behind the textual parsing over which are unwitting and which are deliberate,” Leonhardt added, “as well as the condescending notion that most of Trump’s supporters enjoy his lies.”
  6. Agreed Billy. The ATA is as crooked as the day is long.
  7. Billy, they're speaking of banning trucks that don't meet their "direct vision" standards. While I very much understand their good intentions on "direct vision", I think they've gone too far. It's unrealistic. BC Mack, what are your thoughts?
  8. Scania Group Press Release / March 22, 2017 Nordic bakery giant Lantmännen Schulstad and Norway-based food retailer Rema 1000 are taking advantage of Scania’s hybrid truck to be able to make deliveries to downtown Copenhagen during the period when deliveries are restricted. With the hybrid trucks, Lantmännen Schulstad and Rema 1000 can deliver fresh produce each morning before shops open. Earlier, because of traffic and noise restrictions in downtown Copenhagen, they could only deliver after 7 a.m. and not at all on Sundays. An early morning start means quicker deliveries since the trucks can unload ahead of the morning rush hour. Nighttime deliveries also help lower stress levels among drivers, as it means they can avoid tight delivery schedules in heavy traffic. Due to the noise generated in loading and unloading, several European cities prohibit deliveries in densely populated areas before 7 a.m. With the Scania hybrid truck, the driver can switch to electrical operations for the final leg of the journey and avoid disturbing residents. With their soundproof boxes the trucks meet the stringent Dutch ‘Piek’ norm of lower noise than 71 decibels. Additionally, drivers are instructed to turn down music and avoid outdoor mobile calls at night. Various equipment such as roll cages have also been specially designed to reduce noise. Lantmännen Schulstad recently started operating three Scania P 320 hybrid distribution trucks in Copenhagen. It now distributes bread around the clock to supermarkets all over the city without disturbing residents at night. Meanwhile, JH Transport og Logistik has taken delivery of its first hybrid truck for deliveries of temperature-sensitive goods on behalf of REMA 1000 and is awaiting municipal exemption to start out-of-hours deliveries. Although the hybrid truck is more expensive, Lantmännen Schulstad expects to recover the added expense through an increase in the number of deliveries it can make, as well as the lower fuel consumption that comes from driving at night or in the early morning in less congested traffic. . .
  9. China Buses / March 22, 2017 On March 17, 2017, a Volvo Group delegation led by President and CEO Martin Lundstedt and CFO Jan Gurander paid a visit to Dongfeng’s heavy truck manufacturing facility in Shiyan City in China's Hubei Province. The Volvo delegation was warmly welcomed by Shiyan City Communist Party Secretary Mr. Zhang Weiguo, Shiyan Mayor and Deputy Communist Party Secretary Mr. Chen Xinwu, Dongfeng Group President and Deputy Communist Party Secretary Mr. Li Shaozhu, and Dongfeng Motor Group Co Vice President and Dongfeng Commercial Vehicles President Mr. Yang Qing. Mr. Lundstedt extended his thanks for the concern and support from the Shiyan City Communist Party Committee and Shiyan City Municipal Government on the cooperation and development of the Dongfeng-Volvo joint venture. He said that Volvo has made a long-term commitment to equipment modification, the utilization of wind energy, biofuel and green electricity, and taking the initiative to realize zero-carbon emission in the global truck market. Next, Volvo will increase input into the joint venture in areas like key technologies, R&D of new products, market exploitation and operational management, in order to make the joint venture a “splendid pearl” in the global truck industry. He said both sides should work together, just like cultivating their own children, to make the joint venture bigger and stronger. During the visit, Mr. Lundstedt and his delegation, accompanied by Mr. Yang Qing, paid a visit to Dongfeng’s powertrain and heavy truck final assembly plants, and exchanged opinions with the management team from Dongfeng Commercial Vehicles, which is composed of both Chinese and foreign staff. .
  10. Renault Trucks Press Release / March 22, 2017 Get on board with Loïc, Renault Trucks Driver Development Manager to discover how predictive cruise control Optivision works and reduce truck’s fuel consumption. This makes it possible to adopt a gearshift, acceleration and vehicle speed strategy corresponding to the route being followed. During each journey, the system records the route, not only that of the truck in question, but also that of all trucks equipped with Optivision that have followed a similar itinerary. Fuel savings can therefore be achieved the very first time a vehicle takes a particular route if another truck using the system has already travelled along it. At last, a fuel consumption reduction of 5%. .
  11. Kenworth “Built In America” Inspires Pride Kenworth Truck Company / March 22, 2017 Kenworth T680 and T880 Manufactured Exclusively in Chillicothe, Ohio “Chillicothe is a crown-jewel when it comes to truck manufacturing,” said Bill Burns, new truck sales manager for Kenworth of Pennsylvania. “Having trucks built in America resonates with my customers – it’s a big ticket item and they know they’re getting an extremely well-built product, and they’re helping to support jobs in the United States. It’s a win-win. As a dealer group, we never miss an opportunity to take new customers to Chillicothe to show them how their trucks are built; they walk away so impressed. They always comment about the quality and the passion they see in the people that are building their trucks. It’s inspiring.” For Dave Clark, fleet manager for Dutch Valley Food Distributors, the Kenworth Chillicothe plant tour was eye opening. “It’s good to see jobs in manufacturing stay in the U.S.,” he said. “That’s important to us – we could see that everyone in Chillicothe was committed to building a quality product. I had never toured a factory before and the precision was something else. The number of trucks going through, and how everyone worked together – the teamwork was very evident. We’ve felt the quality of the Kenworths we have in our fleet are much better than other brands and I could see why after visiting the plant.” Running 70 trucks in an East Coast food delivery operation, Clark said his 16 Kenworth T680s are performing “beautifully” and lead the pack when it comes to fuel economy. “And by quite a margin. We have more than 300,000 miles on our initial trucks and they’ve only required regular maintenance. So combined with our fuel economy, we’re really driving operating costs down. Plus, our drivers love the trucks. They’ve been a great choice for our operation.” Kenworth’s Chillicothe, Ohio, plant was opened in 1974, employs more than 1,750 people, and has built more than 530,000 Kenworths during its history. Over the past five years, Kenworth has invested $67 million in the plant to further enhance its efficiency and productivity. “There is an incredible work ethic here in Chillicothe, and our entire city is proud to watch Kenworth trucks roll off the line,” said Judy McTigue, who has served as plant manager since January 2014. “Our employees are dedicated to building The World’s Best trucks, and ensuring that our customers receive premium quality on every vehicle built at Chillicothe, here in Ross County and the state of Ohio.” For Mike Brooks, whenever he’s driving locally, or on vacation, he’s on the lookout for Kenworth’s flagship T680 over-the-road model, and its brother, the T880 for vocational users. “And, I’m not the only one, doing that. We may go up to a Kenworth driver and ask how they like their truck. We want to make sure they’re happy with the build -- we always look forward to interacting with our customers to see how they’re doing and how they like the truck,” said Brooks, who has worked at Kenworth’s Chillicothe, Ohio, plant for 30 years. “With 100 percent of Kenworth’s T680 and T880 built in Chillicothe, there is a lot of pride in ‘built in Ohio,’ said Brooks. “Our turnover is very low at the plant – there is a lot of energy and enthusiasm in producing what we feel are The World’s Best trucks. And that excitement grows each week when we have customers come in to see how their new Kenworth is built. We love seeing and talking with our customers, and the plant tour just solidifies their decision to buy a Kenworth. They see the quality and attention to detail that we put into building their trucks. We continually learn from the trucks we build, and we continually strive to improve to ensure we are building The World’s Best truck.” .
  12. Red, White and Blue Kenworth T680 – “The Driver’s Truck” Kenworth Truck Company / March 22, 2017 Coming off a year with record Class 8 market share, Kenworth marks its return to the Mid-America Trucking Show highlighted by its classy red, white and blue decaled Kenworth T680 Advantage 76-inch sleeper – “The Driver’s Truck”– taking center stage in the Kenworth booth (No. 30285). “The Kenworth T680 has established a high standard for excellence with its superior fuel efficiency, performance and comfort. There’s been a phenomenal customer response ranging from large fleets to owner-operators since the T680’s introduction five years ago at Mid-America,” said Mike Dozier, Kenworth general manager and PACCAR vice president. “The T680 truly is ‘The Driver’s Truck,’ and has become the fastest selling model in Kenworth history. It’s helping our customers reduce operating costs through its fuel-saving aerodynamics, while enhancing driver retention and recruitment by keeping drivers extremely happy piloting an exceptional truck. And the T680 is made by our employees at the Kenworth assembly plant in Chillicothe, Ohio.” The special Kenworth T680 Advantage on display at Mid-America is specified with the latest technology, components and driver amenities. The truck starts with an optimized powertrain of a 2017 Paccar [DAF] MX-13 455-hp engine, new Paccar 40K tandem rear axle, and Eaton Fuller Advantage automated 10-speed transmission. Then, add the lightweight Meritor MFS+ 12,500-lb front steer axle with integral knuckle for air disc brakes, and new Kenworth taperleaf lightweight springs for a comfortable ride. The T680 Advantage is loaded with driver technology features. “The Kenworth Nav+ HD system with virtual gauges features a high-resolution 7-inch color screen for navigation, audio control – including satellite radio – along with internet access,” Dozier noted. “Our Driver Performance Center with useful technology aids for the driver, and Predictive Cruise Control both help enhance fuel economy. We also spec’d the Bendix® Wingman® Fusion™ driver assistance system, as well as a lane departure system. Plus, the T680 comes with Kenworth TruckTech+ Remote Diagnostics to help drive uptime by speeding service and repair at Kenworth dealerships.” The T680 also includes the “Driver’s Studio” with a range of premium features that combine to create a luxurious, relaxing and comfortable living environment. For eating meals, there’s the 180-degree swivel passenger seat and rotating table to accommodate two people, a drawer-style refrigerator and a convenient space ideal for a microwave. Kenworth’s premium audio package – with 320-watt amp, 10-inch subwoofer and eight speakers; swivel TV mount for up to a 28-inch flat screen TV; and the optional EpicVue pre-wire for satellite TV, provide the entertainment. The Driver’s Studio offers a full-size wardrobe space for hanging clothes, multiple storage drawers, and a large storage space under the lower bunk. And when it’s time to get some restful sleep, there’s the 8-inch thick, luxury pocket coil mattress. “While we feel the T680’s ride is unmatched, so too is its comfort level and design. For those who have not stepped inside our 76-inch sleeper, they’ll be impressed,” Dozer said. “We don’t think you’ll find a more comfortable sleeper on the market. It’s a home-run for those who spend extensive time on the road.” Kenworth’s booth will also include five other trucks – three T680s (76-inch mid-roof sleeper, 52-inch sleeper and day cab), T880S mixer and T880 dump – built at the company’s assembly plant in Chillicothe, Ohio. A Kenworth T370 dump truck also will be displayed. In the South Wing hall outside the booth, Kenworth is showing a Kenworth W900 Studio sleeper. The new 2017 Paccar [DAF] MX series engines and Paccar Axle, a tandem 40K rear drive axle, are also on display in the neighboring Paccar booth (No. 30305). .
  13. Peterbilt Sets Dealer Growth Record, Completes Denton Plant Expansion Heavy Duty Trucking / March 22, 2017 Peterbilt has added a record number of 93 new dealers to its network over the past four years. In addition, many existing locations have been expanded or upgraded, vastly enhancing the responsiveness and coverage of the network, Peterbilt said at the press conference here at the Mid-America Trucking Show. “Peterbilt has greatly increased our footprint in the industry to the benefit of our customers,” says Robert Woodall, Peterbilt assistant general manager of Sales and Marketing. “The network expansion results in higher levels of service and enhanced parts availability, which translates into increased uptime and greater profitability for Peterbilt customers.” The dealer groups are committed to growing their footprint to support customers and to deliver the highest levels of service and support. “New capabilities and expanded service bay count will also contribute to enhanced customer satisfaction," noted Peyton Harrell, Peterbilt director of dealer network development. "All Peterbilt dealerships throughout the U.S. and Canada are now certified in the Rapid Check program, which guarantees fast and accurate service diagnostics.” To keep product flowing smoothly to those new dealer locations, the company has just completed a major expansion of its Denton, Texas manufacturing facility. “The expansion investment is the largest made by Peterbilt since the plant construction,” said Leon Handt, assistant general manager of operations at Peterbilt. “We’re committed to manufacturing the industry’s highest quality vehicles. Growing the Denton plant’s footprint allows us to increase our manufacturing efficiency and positions us for future growth.” The final expansion phase concluded in January with the opening of a new 102,000 square-foot Test Building. All testing and validation have been relocated to the new test building, which allows a more efficient process flow. The building features a new dynamometer capable of handling all truck configurations, as well as two new paint booths. Total test capacity has been increased by 75 percent, Peterbilt says. The Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS) is located in the building’s second level above the cab and sleeper trim sections. The system has enough capacity to hold 400 painted hoods, sleepers and cabs. The opening of the test building and start of operations of the ASRS mark the conclusion of the three-phase expansion project started in 2015 to increase efficiency and quality throughout the Peterbilt Denton plant. In 2015, new shipping and receiving docks were added to the East and West sides of the plant in the first phase of the project. With the conclusion of all three phases, the production square footage of the plant has increased to 600,000 square feet.
  14. Peterbilt grows fleet sales, looks to build on strong 2016 Truck News / March 22, 2017 Peterbilt in 2016 opened 25 new dealerships for the third year in a row and produced more than 36,000 trucks – the fourth highest tally in its history. Kyle Quinn, senior vice-president of Paccar and general manager of Peterbilt, provided a recap of the truck maker’s year during a press conference at the Mid-America Trucking Show. He said Peterbilt achieved a 13.4% share of the Class 8 market in 2016. More than 48% of its trucks were sold with Paccar MX engines. It also set a record for plant quality. The company plans to grow its Class 8 retail market share to 15% in 2017, and Quinn said he’s confident this will be achieved, since January and February orders showed a 16% share. Asked where the company will gain share, Quinn said “As the energy sector improves, we see a return of those vocational trucks. We’ve had good performance this year and late last year for vocational orders and as the vocational and energy markets strengthen, we will see some return there.” Peterbilt has been focusing on improving its fleet sales, in response to consolidation within the trucking industry. Fleet sales now represent 37% of Peterbilt’s orders, up from 23% three years ago. “Our growth in fleet sales is making a big difference in the landscape of customers Peterbilt services today,” said Quinn. It plans to grow that number to 38% this year. Peterbilt’s Denton plant has received $100 million in investments, and is now churning out the highest quality trucks in its history, Quinn said. The company’s SmartLinq remote diagnostics platform has been rolled out on more than 27,000 Peterbilt trucks and now includes Cummins engine coverage. Service Management is being added to provide dealers and fleets with more insight into vehicles’ repair histories. Fleets will be able to grant approvals online to expedite the service process. Petebilt revamped its Red Oval used truck program and is offering one-year, 125,000-mile warranties on qualifying trucks, which undergo a 150-point inspection. Scott Newhouse, Peterbilt’s chief engineer, said the Model 579 EPIQ package will boast 8% better fuel economy, thanks to a new Paccar 40,000-lb tandem axle and improvements in engine design. Key areas of focus on the MX-13 included the turbo, coolant water pump and air management within the cylinder. All trucks now come with a single canister exhaust aftertreatment system, which provides a 100-lb weight savings. The 579 and 567 now have a sleeper window that’s 40% larger, allowing more ambient light. Peterbilt is making available the Allison TC10 automatic transmission in the third quarter of this year. It is suitable for regional and linehaul applications with gross combination weights of up to 110,000 lbs. Another new offering is FlowBelow’s wheel covers and rear and center wheel fairings, available on the 579.
  15. Peterbilt boosts 579 fuel economy by 8% Fleet Owner / March 22, 2017 New used-truck warranty, Allison line-haul transmission option Changes to the Peterbilt Model 579 Epiq for the 2018 model year improve fuel efficiency by 8% compared to 2017 models, according to the company. Peterbilt has also announced a new warranty for its certified used truck program and availability of a new Allison automatic transmission. Half of the increase in fuel economy comes from updates to the Paccar MX-13 and MX-11 engines paired with Eaton Fuller Advantage automated transmissions, according to Peterbilt general manager Kyle Quinn. Predictive cruise control with neutral coasting accounts for an additional 3%, and a new Paccar 40,000-lb. tandem drive axle contributes 1%, he said. Driver comfort has also been addressed in the 2018 version of Peterbilt’s line-haul tractor with new auto stop/start functionality for its No-Idle sleeper AC system, new interior color options, and a larger sleeper window. In other news from the company’s press conference,tThe Peterbilt Red Oval certified used-truck program will now offer a one-year, 125,000-mi. warranty on Paccar MX engines and aftertreatment system, as well as a 90-day buyers assurance plan covering major chassis components. Red Oval certified trucks undergo a 150-point inspection before being reconditioned and serviced with a DPF cleaning and oil change. Later this year, the company will add the fully automatic Allison TC10 transmission as an option for the Model 579 and Model 567. Designed for regional and line-haul heavy-duty tractor applications, the torque converter 10-speed has been optimized for down-speeding to increase fuel economy, and requires no scheduled maintenance for 500,000 mi. It can handle up to 1,850 lbs. ft. torque and 110,000 lbs. GCW, and comes with a 5-year, 750,000-mi. warranty. Peterbilt also announced that it is making the Bendix Wingman Advanced collision mitigation system standard on the Model 579 beginning in the third quarter of the year. The system alerts drivers when it detects objects in the lane ahead and can reduce the severity of rear-end collisions with advanced braking technology. It also provides drivers with adaptive cruise control. Another future option is the availability of the FlowBelow Tractor AeroKit for the Model 579 beginning next month. The system combines center and rear fairings with wheel covers to deliver up to a 2% increase in fuel economy, according to the manufacturer.
  16. Peterbilt Predicts 15% Market Share for 2017 Heavy Duty Trucking / March 22, 2017 Peterbilt Motors predicts the truckmaker could top 15% market share this year. Kyle Quinn, Paccar senior vice president and Peterbilt general manager, noted the company sold 36,000 units in 2016 for a market share in Class 8 of 13.4% -- it's fourth highest production year. "We're taking steps to set a new market share record of 15% in 2017," he said. "We are well positioned to accomplish this, as we have achieved market share north of 16% in both of the first two months of this year." Quinn predicts the North American Class 8 truck build for 2017 will be somewhere between 190,000 and 220,000 units, with much or that strength coming from the vocational segment. "If you look at where we've been in the past three years, for example, the energy business has been soft, but during that period of time we raised the percentage of fleet market share, moving from 23% fleets to 38% fleets," Quinn said. "So, as the energy sector improves, we will see the return of those vocational energy bids. And that will come on top of already good performance this year and late last year on vocational orders." Peterbilt expects its medium duty business to remain strong at 85,000 units, and Quinn noted that orders are so far keeping pace with expectations. Overall, Quinn said he expects the industry to continue gaining strength based on solid fundamentals: Freight tonnage is near record levels and is expected to grow by another two percent. Fourth quarter of 16 and early 17 prices are improving in the spot freight market. Over the past few months the energy sector has been gaining strength and the rig count is up from the bottom in 2016. The legislative agenda is showing some promise that could provide economic lift as renewed infrastructure spending and improving energy policy may provide new demand in both vocational and the energy business. Tax relief could help buoy customer sentiment and generate higher investment in capital goods. The market has strengthened since the election and quoting activity indicates that is could continue further into the year. Last year, MX engines found their way into 26,500 Peterbilt chassis representing more than 48% of the truckmakers engine sales mix.
  17. Kenworth announces deals, product enhancements Truck News / March 22, 2017 Kenworth achieved its all-time record heavy-duty market share in 2016, at 15.1%, highlighting a strong year for the company. Its market share in the medium-duty segment was 8.6%. It also took pride in growing the penetration of the Paccar MX engine in its trucks to 47%. And its TruckTech+ remote diagnostics platform reached 1.5 billion miles. Those were some of the highlights listed by Mike Dozier, Paccar vice-president and Kenworth general manager. Kenworth has also announced new options and offerings. Among them are the new Kenworth T880S set-forward axle vocational truck, which just entered production. It’s designed for ready-mix, dump and mobile crane applications and broadens Kenworth’s T880 vocational truck line. The T880S comes standard with the Paccar [DAF] MX-13 engine with up to 510 hp and 1,850 lb.-ft. of torque. The MX-11 is also offered for weight-sensitive applications, providing a 400-lb weight savings. Kenworth will now offer the Allison TC10 automatic transmission in its T680 and T880 models. The transmission provides 10 forward and two reverse speeds and features a torque converter that allows for uninterrupted power shifting. It is approved for gross combination weights of up to 110,000 lbs. Also new, is TruckTech+ Service Management, which provides fleets with greater insight into the service performed on their vehicles. Powered by Decisiv, the new platform provides dealers with detailed chassis information, parts catalogs, service bulletins, warranty and repair history so that they can make decisions and diagnose repairs more quickly and efficiently. An integrated fleet portal will allow fleets to manage their service events. Kenworth has also announced a special $1,000 rebate on T680 trucks spec’d with the Driver’s Studio sleeper cab. The package includes premium features, such as a swivel passenger seat and table, LED lighting, swivel TV mount, a drawer-style fridge and ample storage. The $1,000 rebate is available on trucks ordered with the Driver’s Studio sleeper before Apr. 14 and will apply to the first 100 units ordered. Kenworth also announced enhancements to its certified pre-owned truck program in the US and Canada. To qualify for the program, pre-owned Class 8 trucks must be four years old or newer, have less than 450,000 miles on them and pass a 150-point inspection. If equipped with a Paccar MX-13 engine, the truck comes with a one-year, 125,000-mmile warranty covering 105 components. Trucks purchased under the program also come with a 90-day buyer assurance warranty.
  18. Kenworth telematics adding service management Fleet Owner / March 22, 2017 Certified used truck program, new Allison transmission also announced With over 30,000 of Class 8 trucks already equipped with Kenworth Truck Tech+ remote diagnostics capabilities, Kenworth announced that it will be integrating service management with the system, allowing fleets to manage repairs and other service events through its online portal. The new service management platform, which is being powered by Decisiv, will give dealers specific details about a vehicle’s specs and repair history, as well as diagnostic information for faster repair times, it was announced during a press event at the Mid America Trucking Show. Later this year, fleets will be given access to the same information and repair updates through the Truck Tech+ web portal. “If there’s a problem while a truck is on the road, the owner, dealer and OEM will all be sharing that information immediately,” said Kenworth general manager Mike Dozier. In other news from the show, Kenworth launched a certified pre-owned truck program for late model, low-mileage heavy-duty trucks. To be certified, the trucks must be no more than four years old, have fewer than 450,000 miles, and pass a 150-point inspection. Program trucks equipped with a Paccar [DAF] MX-13 engine will also come with a comprehensive one-year, 125,000-mi. warranty coving 105 engine and aftertreatment components. Those trucks will also carry a 90-day buyer assurance warranty covering major chassis components and the HVAC system. The company also announced that it would offer Allison’s new TC10 fully automatic transmission in it T680 on-highway truck and T880 vocational truck starting later this year. With 10 forward and two reverse gears, the torque converter/twin countershaft gearbox is said to improve fuel economy through engine down-speeding and uninterrupted power shifting in all gears. Rated for applications up to 110,000-lb. GCW and 1,850 lbs. ft. torque, it will carry a 5-year, 750,000-mi. warranty.
  19. Kenworth Makes Bendix Wingman Advanced Standard for T680 Heavy Duty Trucking / March 22, 2017 Ahead of the upcoming Mid-America Trucking Show, Kenworth has announced that the Bendix Wingman Advanced collision mitigation system will be standard on the T680, beginning July 1. MATS is taking place on March 23-25 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Ky. The radar-based collision mitigation system delivers adaptive cruise control with braking, along with autonomous emergency braking to help drivers avoid or mitigate rear-end collisions. “Bendix Wingman Advanced is already a popular fleet option on Kenworth Class 8 on-highway trucks, and now this proven technology will benefit customers purchasing new Kenworth T680s,” said Kurt Swihart, Kenworth marketing director. “Kenworth continues to adopt technologies at a rapid pace that create a safer work environment for drivers.” Using a radar sensor mounted to the front of the vehicle, Bendix Wingman Advanced both warns drivers and actively intervenes. The system provides following distance, impact and stationary object alerts, which are always available whether or not cruise control is engaged. When drivers engage cruise control and set speed, the system will actively intervene to help them maintain a safe following distance behind a forward vehicle by reducing throttle, engaging the engine retarder, or, if necessary, applying brakes. Bendix Wingman Advanced builds upon the full-stability technology of Bendix ESP (Electronic Stability Program) to provide fleets and truck operators with a system that can help drivers avoid potential collisions, rollovers, and loss-of-control situations. Bendix ESP is designed to help stabilize the vehicle during loss of control situations on dry, wet, snow and ice-covered roadways. “Earlier this year, Kenworth also made the Bendix ESP Electronic Stability Program standard on the flagship on-highway Kenworth T680 and vocational workhorse T880 models,” said Swihart. “In 2016, Kenworth introduced the Bendix Wingman Fusion driver assistance system as an option for the Kenworth T680 and T880, and added Bendix Wingman Advanced as an option for Kenworth T270 and T370 medium duty trucks.”
  20. Nikola to Launch Hydrogen-Electric Truck in 2020 Transport Topics / March 22, 2017. Nikola Motor Co. is in discussion with the largest truck stops and, separately, seven states as it prepares to launch in mid-2020 its zero emissions, hydrogen-electric Nikola One Class 8 truck. Also, Salt Lake City-based Nikola recently has raised $110 million in additional financing and intends to secure an additional $500 million to $750 million, says Chief Financial Officer Jonathan Spira. Calling the Nikola One a revolutionary vehicle, Spira said that from where he sits, “There is little differentiation between the [existing Class 8] products from the various manufacturers.” So far, Nikola has reservations for more than 8,000 sleeper trucks and day cabs worth upward of $4 billion, and projects operating costs for these vehicles will be more than 30% lower than a comparable diesel-powered sleeper cab, Spira said. Also, Nikola is negotiating with Alabama, California, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah over the location of its first production plant. In a change from the prototype truck introduced in December, the first trucks produced will not come with a 6-by-6 wheel drive configuration, he said. “It may be available down the road for vocational trucks,” Spira said. Meanwhile, the company appears to have stepped back from producing and retailing all the necessary hydrogen fuel itself as it originally announced. “We don’t plan to develop hydrogen fueling stations from scratch," Spira said. "Rather, we are going to partner with one of the largest nationwide truck stop operators, and also experienced hydrogen producers, as we roll out our hydrogen infrastructure.”
  21. Fleet Owner / March 22, 2017 Agency also cancels previously-announced plans to issue a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking in support of its proposed motor carrier safety methodology, which is now scrapping. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today announced in the federal register that it is withdrawing its controversial safety fitness determination (SFD) rulemaking issued in January 2016 and will also cancel plans to issue a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM) announced back in January to help support the SFD effort. “The new methodology would have determined when a motor carrier is not fit to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in or affecting interstate commerce based on: the carrier’s on-road safety data; an investigation; or a combination of on-road safety data and investigation information,” the agency noted in its filing, which is on “public display” until being officially entered in the record tomorrow. Yet FMCSA said “after reviewing the record in this matter” it decided to withdraw both the NPRM and SNPRM regarding the SFD rule, adding that “additional analysis” will need to be completed before determining whether further rulemaking efforts are necessary to revise the SFD process in the future. Back in February, over 30 national transportation groups and 30-plus state and regional associations sent a joint letter to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao calling for the FMCSA’s SFD rulemaking to be dumped as it was based on what they characterized as “flawed” data taken from the agency’s Compliance Safety and Accountability (CSA) program and Safety Measurement System (SMS). “We do not believe it makes sense to build a new safety fitness determination system upon a flawed system [that] is currently undergoing congressionally-mandated review and reform and is likely to change,” the groups said in their letter. “While we support the goal of an easily understandable [and] rational safety fitness determination system, this proposal is built on a flawed foundation,” they stated. The American Trucking Associations (ATA) found the use of a singular “unfit” rating within the proposed revamp of SFD methodology particularly troubling. “This flaw in the system is troubling. The term ‘unfit’ is applied to fleets that, comparatively speaking, are considered the least safe in the industry,” ATA wrote. “Yet FMCSA lacks sufficient data on 4/5ths of the industry to make such a determination.” Similarly, the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) emphasized the importance of safety determinations, and that “it is imperative that the judgment of rendering a carrier as ‘unfit’ be based upon the most accurate information available to the agency.” However, “the very fact that this rule would only determine the safety fitness of approximately 75,000 carriers is incomprehensible and discriminant to say the very least,” the group said. As a result of this shortfall, TCA noted it could not support a rule that creates an environment that is not equal to all involved and in many cases, allowing a competitive advantage of one carrier versus another.
  22. Nielsen tapped to replace Daum at DTNA Fleet Owner / March 22, 2017 Longtime company veteran has served as DTNA’s chief operating officer since 2001. Roger Nielsen will be taking the reins at Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) as president and CEO effective April 1 this year, replacing Martin Daum who moved up to become a member of the board of management and head of Daimler Trucks and Buses at DTNA’s parent company, Germany’s Daimler AG, back on March 1. Nielsen, 56, will also oversee DTNA’s affiliated companies, which includes Freightliner Trucks, Western Star Trucks, Thomas Built Buses, Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp. (FCCC) and Detroit Diesel Corp. “Roger Nielsen brings a rock solid product, manufacturing and sales background to this position paired with a razor-sharp focus on technology, quality and customer service,” Daum said in a statement. “He has an excellent track record as an influential leader in the industry.” Nielsen joined DTNA – then named Freightliner Corp. – back in 1986 as an industrial engineer and since then has held various positions for the company both in the U.S. and abroad at Daimler’s commercial vehicles divisions in Germany. For the last 16 years, he’s served as DTNA’s chief operating officer.
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