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Everything posted by kscarbel2

  1. If denied EU membership, Turkey threatens to let 3 million refugees into Europe The Guardian / November 25, 2016 Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to tear up a landmark deal to stem the flow of refugees into Europe a day after the European parliament urged governments to freeze EU accession talks with Ankara [Turkey]. The threat underlines how far relations between Turkey and the European bloc have deteriorated in recent months, particularly after a coup attempt in July. “You clamoured when 50,000 refugees came to Kapikule, and started wondering what would happen if the border gates were opened,” Erdogan said Friday, referring to a Bulgarian border checkpoint where refugees massed last year. “If you go any further, these border gates will be opened. Neither I nor my people will be affected by these empty threats,” he said. “Do not forget, the west needs Turkey.” Erdoğan’s statements, the most direct warning yet that Turkey could abandon the agreement, came in response to a symbolic, non-binding vote in the European parliament on Thursday that demanded an end to the decade-long accession negotiations. Turkish officials said the vote was meaningless but that it raised questions about the entire partnership between their country and the European bloc. Germany, France and most other EU states back continued engagement. The EU and Turkeynegotiated a deal in March of this year that halted the influx of refugees, particularly from Syria, into Europe in exchange for economic aid [a bribe] and a promise to grant visa-free travel to Turkish citizens within the Schengen zone. The latter clause has [wisely] not been fulfilled. But relations collapsed after a failed coup attempt in July. Turkish officials say Europe has failed to show sufficient support in the aftermath of the putsch, and bristle instead at the repeated criticism of a purge of tens of thousands of civil servants, army officers and policemen accused of links to Fethullah Gülen, a US-based preacher whose movement is widely believed in Turkey to have orchestrated the coup plot. He denies the allegations. Brussels has also repeatedly criticised a crackdown in recent weeks on media outlets and Kurdish politicians, saying the campaign raised questions about Turkey’s commitment to EU values. The European parliament’s outgoing president, Martin Schulz, suggested EU leaders could opt for imposing economic sanctions on Turkey.
  2. US markets: Donald Trump’s bull run The Financial Times / November 25, 2016 A rally in shares since the election signals the start of a pro-growth narrative As Wall Street traders departed for Thanksgiving this week, they could celebrate a rare achievement. On Monday and Tuesday, the four most widely cited indices of US stocks — the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq Composite and the Russell 2000 — hit all-time highs simultaneously. The last time a “grand slam” happened was on New Year’s Eve 1999, at the height of the tech bubble. The breakthrough for stocks, which had moved sideways for two years since the Federal Reserve stopped its quantitative easing program, seemed to confirm a regime change. Prompted by Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election, the narrative has changed to preparing for an era of tax cuts, deregulation and fiscal stimulus, after eight years of markets being guided by the Fed’s historically low interest rates. “My sense is that investors are exuberant to have a new theme, any theme, other than watching the Federal Reserve,” says John Hussman, a fund manager. This fresh exuberance has prompted a shift from bonds to stocks. About $500bn had gushed from equity funds and into bonds this year but last week the flows reversed, with investors yanking more than $18bn from fixed-income vehicles and pouring $27.5bn into stocks. And the financial media are already discussing when the Dow Industrials will reach 20,000 — almost 18 years after the index first passed 10,000. Why the excitement? As Jean Ergas, head strategist at Tigress Partners in New York, puts it: “The US market has opted for Keynes* over 1930s pre-New Deal economics as a breakout from subpar growth, better a temporary surge than permanent stagnation.” * Keynesian economics are the various theories about how in the short run, and especially during recessions, economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand (total spending in the economy). Wall Streeters tend to be sceptical of Keynesianism, but are excited that Mr Trump could “out-Keynes Keynes” with Democrats in Congress supporting his infrastructure plans over the objections of small-government conservatives. Hopes are high for deregulation, in sectors from banking through healthcare to mining and energy. The administration itself has stoked such talk. “The conservatives are going to go crazy,” Stephen Bannon, Mr Trump’s adviser, told the Hollywood Reporter. “With negative interest rates throughout the world, it’s the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Shipyards, ironworks, get them all jacked up.” Bond investors have taken note. Ten-year US Treasury yields hit a postwar low in July, then started to nudge higher ahead of the election, and have shot up to 2.4 per cent this week. Many analysts think that the three-decade bond bull run is now over. “I would say the secular [long-term] trend is going to be upwards now,” says Henry Kaufman, an economist who predicted the last bond bear market in the 1970s. “Secular swings are hard to forecast, but the secular sweep downwards in interest rates is over, and we are about to have a gentle swing upwards.” Futures markets signal certainty that the Fed will raise rates next month, normally bad news for stocks. But the tectonic shifts had started in the US equity markets in the summer, in readiness for a new regime. In the QE period, the stock market was dominated by “bond surrogate” stocks that pay a reliably high dividend yield and by shares that were economically defensive. Cyclical stocks were out of favour, as were financials. But in midsummer, these trends began to turn, and after the election these out-of-favour stocks received a huge boost. David Donabedian, chief investment officer at Atlantic Trust, noted that as soon as the election results were clear, the Trump team put out a pro-growth economic message. “Coming right out of the block in the first 12 hours they hit all the right notes: the need to boost economic growth, the need for corporate tax reform, the importance of boosting infrastructure spending,” he says. That turned a fear of a visceral sell-off into an environment where “animal spirits” were restored — and upward momentum took hold. The shift left clear winners and losers in its wake. Banks are the biggest victors, with investors hoping that Mr Trump will repeal parts of the post-crisis Dodd-Frank legislation. The KBW index of big US banks is up 15.4 per cent since election night. Even if Wall Street regulations are not relaxed as much as the banks hope, rising bond yields should still boost their profit margins. Among other prominent winners are healthcare stocks, which have shown relief that the threat of price controls under a Clinton administration has been lifted. Oil and mining companies have also enjoyed a rally thanks to the Trump administration’s likely change of emphasis on the environment. Smaller companies have outperformed dramatically, as they often do in the final stage of an economic expansion. There are clear reasons why. “They tend to pay taxes [unlike many multinationals] so they will benefit more proportionately from any tax cuts,” says Peter Sidoti, of the Sidoti & Company research group. “They benefit more from looser regulations, which are a bigger cost for them. And they’re focused domestically. A stronger dollar does them no harm.” Melting up? Plenty of dangers lie ahead. One obvious risk to the “Trumpflation” rally is that a strengthening dollar — it is now its highest since 2003, having rallied 43 per cent since the global financial crisis — will choke off the profits of large companies and damage exporters. Wage growth will also crimp profits. “Our longstanding view was stocks would grind higher, capped by dollar strength and rising wages,” says John Higgins, chief markets economist of Capital Economics. “I still think those forces are in play after the election — it’s just become a little exaggerated.” Higher bond yields could spell trouble for equities by drawing investors back to fixed income. They could also raise companies’ borrowing costs and make debt-financed share buybacks less attractive. “At some point this isn’t going to help equities,” says Michael Roberge, chief investment officer at MFS, an asset manager. There is also the possibility, as happened during the last period when the four main indices set records together in the late 1990s, that the market reaches a heady stage and “melts up” — a process that could last a year or two but would set it up for a 2000-style crash. Stocks already look more expensive than they did at their peak before the 2007 crisis. “This could be the final flurry higher in equity markets,” says Harry Colvin, a senior economist at Longview Economics. “It’s late in the cycle and there’s a lot to be worried about in the US, but this could prolong the cycle higher, and maybe give us a last melt-up.” With so much money in bonds that will need a new home if inflation rises, investors would likely continue the shift into stocks. “I’d be nervous about trying to be clever,” he says. “It’s probably the beginning of a period of strength in equities.” Another risk is that Mr Trump fails to stimulate the economy as hoped. After all, he must deal with a Republican majority in Congress that in 2011 threatened to default on Treasury debt rather than allow any increase in federal borrowing. And there is overwhelming dislike on Wall Street for Mr Trump’s protectionist policies, such as ending the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and imposing tariffs on China. Any such policies, which might have opposition from pro-business Republicans but support from rust-belt Democrats, are viewed as unambiguously negative for the rest of the world. Stocks outside the US are down since the election, most severely in emerging markets, showing that markets regard a new protectionism as a real possibility. There are fears that tariffs would slow down the US economy and stoke inflation in the longer term. Another risk is that the sheer divisiveness of the political landscape could drive sharp market swings. Tom Porcelli, chief economist of RBC, polled clients and found that “people were having a hard time separating their economic/market view from their political view”. Emotions will probably run high, bringing volatility in their wake, as Mr Trump rolls out an agenda. “Those folks that were negative on Trump continuously brought up two triggers for why he will be net negative for the backdrop: trade wars and his social policies,” Mr Porcelli says. “The people that thought he would be net positive highlighted taxes and reducing bank regulation. There was no middle ground.” So there is every reason to fear volatility ahead. But with all major indices at record highs, the momentum is plainly upward. Even if stocks on a fundamental basis look expensive, Vinny Catalano, president of Blue Marble Research, warned that money managers would feel obliged to keep buying. “On a technical basis, the music is playing, there are no negative signals and people are dancing,” he said. “It’s career suicide if you’re not in the market.” .
  3. There's no reason for any illegal immigrants to ever set foot in U.S. courts. They are not U.S. citizens or legal residents. They simply need to be summarily deported, within 48 hours of apprehension. And, as a consequence of their criminal action, that being their intentionally entering the United States illegally, they should be permanently barred from U.S. soil. Only by sending a clear and strong message can we stem the tide of “illegal” immigration.
  4. The management at Hyundai Trucks is particularly careful and prudent in nature. They are now focusing on China, the world's largest new truck market, conveniently next door to them. Due to their success in North America's car market, Hyundai has thoughts on a conventional cab (bonneted) variant of the Xcient for the US. However, it's a tough argument to enter the North American and/or European markets where there are too many players already, resulting in slim margins.
  5. KrAZ Trucks Press Release / November 18, 2016 KrAZ Trucks has developed an all-new 9-ton 4x4 off-road chassis to meet the needs of rural fire departments. The КrАZ model 5401НЕ represents a ground-up purpose-built design to meet the needs of fire fighting organizations. The chassis has a unique design for a KrAZ vehicle, with a two-row four-door cab-over-engine cab mounted atop a two-axle off-road chassis. Wide tires and tire pressure adjustment system allow for optimized operation both on and off road. Two fuel tanks with capacity of 165 liters allows for an operational range of up to 600 km for carrying rescue personnel and equipment. The vehicle can travel at speeds of over 90 km/h, and is highly maneuverable owing to the cab-over-engine design. The КrАZ-5401НЕ’s cab offers a superb ergonomic working environment, with comfortable air-suspended seating, tilt and height adjustable steering column and functional dashboard. Moreover, the cab is mounted low, making it possible to use a wide range of bodies. At customer request, over 30 different specialized fire fighting body configurations with weights of up to 10 metric tons can be fitted onto this chassis. .
  6. Forgive me sir, to whom are you speaking? If you are addressing me, then you lost me. I have not argued what Trump "might" do. I'm not "OK" with Clinton doing.......anything. I'm not against Trump, nor am I for Clinton (heaven knows). When you mention "the possibility that foreign governments might alter THEIR policies to be more friendly to the Trump brand", then are you not......speculating? I have posted news articles that, I personally felt, were of substance (e.g. direct quotes). I avoid purely speculative articles. In any case, you are welcome to ignore my posts.
  7. Owner/Driver / November 25, 2016 Flooded regional roads couldn’t stop more than 100 trucks and thousands of people turning out for the third annual Riverina Truck Show The Riverina Truck Show has been run and won, and you didn’t have to be a truck buff to enjoy it. The show was held in late September at Wagga Wagga on the crossroads between Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. Thousands from the trucking-friendly city lined sections of the route between the livestock saleyards at Bomen, the bottom end of the main street and the shores of Lake Albert. Wagga highway patrol police lent a hand in blocking off roads. Despite an overcast sky organisers estimate 8,000 people turned out at the lake for the truck display and family fun day with attractions including not only shiny trucks, but classic cars and bikes; market stalls; trade stalls; amusement rides for the kids; live music; and even power boat and tinnie racing. The grand finale was a fireworks display from pontoons on the lake. "Everyone’s catered for," says treasurer of the Riverina Truck Show and Kids Convoy, Lloyd Wishart. To top it off the day raised more than $40,000 for charity. Wagga City Council, one of the major sponsors of the day, has now classed the show as a "major event" for the regional city. Next year’s show is set down for September 23 and will again co-incide with "Thunder on the Lake" organised by Wagga Wagga Boat Club. The day raised $42,000 for Give Me 5 For Kids, N.E.T.S NSW, Amie St Clair Melanoma Trust and Trans-Help Foundation. Photo gallery - https://www.ownerdriver.com.au/events-news/1611/riverina-truck-show-2016 Winners 1st Lead Truck: Andrew Bell, Lindsay Bros, $3,800 2nd Lead Truck: Barup Bullbars, $3700 3rd Lead Truck: Wagga Truck Towing, $3600 Best Fleet: Farey’s Transport, Wagga Best Owner Driver: Scott Menz Transport, Kenworth T650 Best Cab-over: Ashley Hall, Farey’s Transport, Kenworth K200 Best Under 3 Years: Daniel Kerrison, Scott Boxell Transport, K200 Best 3-10 Years: Ben Davies, Menzplant, Kenworth T408 SAR Best 10-20 Years: Adam Manwaring, Manwaring Transport Best 20-plus Years: Des Gibbs, Ford F600 Best Working: Jacob Cochrane, Kenworth T909 Best Rigid: Wayne Wishart, Langfields Transport, Fuso Best Bonneted: Ian Clarke, T908 Best Dressed: Cameron Farey, Farey’s Transport, T909 Winner of the Mitsubishi Mirage raffle: Robert Parker
  8. Owner/Driver / November 24, 2016 Driving for Adelaide-based container hauler Rapid Haulage, Brian Thompson’s 2009 Kenworth T908 comes with distinctive flames Rapid Haulage’s trucks have always been set apart by the flames on their bonnets. Loved by owner Keith Finch, the look has made the Adelaide-based company’s trucks very recognisable. One of those, often seen in a road train configuration around Adelaide, is Brian Thompson’s Kenworth T908. Owner//Driver had a chat with him as he was making his time slot to unload two containers of grain at Outer Harbour, in Adelaide’s north. As with many places in Australia, local transport routes are being opened up to road trains and Rapid Haulage has a number of models to utilise them. "I’ve been with Rapid for five years and it is a great company to be with," he says. "I’ve had this truck for a little while now and I can’t complain. It has been set up with a TV and a fridge." "When they purchased the truck, the workshop went through it from end to end, rubbed it back and added the flames. "It’s not a new truck, rather a 2009 model, but at the time of purchase had only 650,000kms [and] had been looked after very well." Brian doesn’t have any problems driving a road train through Adelaide – he has to make allowances and keep enough distance in front – but he is looking forward to doing some country work. While he says it’s a bit mundane running back and forth to the harbour, there is a bit of variety in his work life as he sometimes will hop out of the 908 to operate a side loader. Whenever there is a train derailment, Brian will find himself going to Perth, Alice Springs or Melbourne. "There is a fair amount of panic when there is a bad derailment as it all falls back on road transport," he says. "Not long ago, before I had the 908, we were running up to Broken Hill daily. That was a good job. It would have been ideal with the 908." With so much grain and export hay in South Australia, Rapid Haulage is heavily involved with loading and packing both products. "There is no rail infrastructure in South Australia, so moving grain keeps us busy," he says. "I have hydraulics on this truck but I try and keep that quiet as I don’t want to do any tipper work." Rapid Haulage has grown to become one of South Australia’s largest logistics and container companies with more than 100 trucks involved in its various activities. Generally these trucks are adorned with blue flames. In his younger days, Brian operated a crash repair shop on the Yorke Peninsula. Unfortunately, that business went under and he was approached to do some harvest work. "The Peninsula is a top grain-growing area and in summer everyone wants drivers, so I went and got my license and did the harvest," he recalls. "I didn’t mind the driving so after harvest, I got a job carting gravel for concrete. I did more harvests and then later moved to Adelaide. "I couldn’t go back to being in a shed now, it would drive me crazy," he says with a chuckle. Brian is very happy with his job. He says Keith Finch buys a lot of second-hand trucks but they are in very good condition. "Keith goes right through them," Brian says. "If I encounter any issues or problems, I can go to the workshop and get it looked at. There isn’t ever an issue in getting it fixed." The T908 has an EGR Cummins under the bonnet and its going well. It’s a very good truck to run containers around with, Brian thinks. His Kenworth is even the first truck in the fleet to have some grey paint splashed on it. "Keith likes good looking gear as I do too," he says. .
  9. McAleese layoffs hit hard: 'So many people are hurting' Big Rigs / November 25, 2016 Former McAleese heavy haulage supervisor and employee of more than 15 years, Brad Wilkes, was made redundant two months ago along with many of his colleagues, following the appointment of administrators to the flailing company on August 29. Brad, who is based out of Brisbane, was on leave when the news hit that he had been laid off. He had suffered a workplace injury when on a heavy haulage run, and needed surgery. "I went in for my operation and then came out to recovery to find the company was in administration and I wouldn't have a job," he said. "It's now been eight weeks and none of us have got separation certificates, and I mean, I have over a year's pay tied up. "The worst part is I think there are between two-and-three-hundred people in the same boat, out of work, and nobody knows when we're going to get paid." The reality of the company's troubles hit home when a job got called off mid-way through, leaving Brad and his colleagues perplexed and far from home. "We're up at Charlton near Oakey one morning and they said, 'unload it,' administrators have just closed the gates. "We couldn't believe it. "I was with two blokes, one had been there for 38 years, one for 45 years. "We didn't know if we had fuel to come back and so I just went home, came back, handed my ute in and got paid to that point." The emotional toll the redundancies have taken on staff is troubling, and Brad says one of the concerning realities is that the company didn't offer any counselling services that he knew of. "For the first two weeks after my last day, I was a mess, I couldn't leave the house. I felt like I'd done something wrong. "When you come in and you get told you're out of a job because of someone else's decision, it breaks your heart, and I still haven't gotten over it. "I was a wreck for eight weeks, I couldn't sleep, I'm only just starting to come good and get my confidence back." The effects have hit Brad's colleagues just as hard, who he says are like family after so many years working together in a high pressure industry. When Brad spoke to Big Rigs, it was about helping his friends and former colleagues emotionally and financially. "Everybody was loyal, because we got looked after, it was a family. "That's the part I'm missing the most and I know those people are out there hurting big time. "A couple of ladies are going through chemotherapy and we keep in touch and help them but they've got no money mate. "So many people are hurting, I talk to them on Facebook all the time, they don't know what to do. "I know what its like not being able to sleep at night because you don't know when money is going to come, you've got kids and a house. "I keep checking on my friends, I'm afraid for them because no help or counselling was offered." The sense of family was forged through a shared sense of pride and a commitment to getting the job done, together, as a team. "We took so much pride in our work, we got along with the guys from Komatsu, Caterpillar and those guys and we really went the extra mile. "We didn't go there for the pay check, we took pride in our work. "I used to look at plants and think, that used to be bush five years ago, and we brought 90% of that stuff in. "It was tough and stressful, but we were so proud of the fact we did that. "We went through a flood, and we still ran that company while cleaning it up; we slept in cars in the carpark because when you weren't cleaning up the mess you were organising loads." A big part of the loyalty to McAleese, according to Brad, came as a result of former part owner Keith Price's fairness and commitment to treating staff well. "We'd go to the Mackay depot, and they'd leave cars there for us to run around in. "Keith made sure we always had the best, there would be beer in the fridge and if you were low on money he'd feed you and help you out. "So when he wanted you to do something you just did it, you looked up to him, you don't get bosses like that very often. "That's why everyone hung around, we were loyal." Centurion buying McAleese assets and taking on Keith Price as head of their heavy haulage operation, has been positive news for Brad and his former colleagues. "Since notice of Keith being back on scene, it has bought our confidence up."
  10. Former McAleese boss back on top after acquisition Big Rigs / November 24, 2016 Former McAleese part-owner and Mackay resident Keith Price has been put in charge of Centurion's heavy haulage operations after the West Australian company bought the collapsed company's assets. The acquisition of McAleese Heavy Haulage puts Mr Price in charge of the largest heavy haulage provider in Australia. According to a company announcement today, the acquisition is for McAleese's assets, including premises. Centurion chief executive Justin Cardaci said the company wanted to continue servicing existing and previous McAleese customers under the Centurion banner, targeting industries nationally that depend on the reliable and safe movement of large equipment, including mining, energy, infrastructure and construction. "McAleese heavy haulage was once a highly successful business in its own right and we believe once we have transitioned these assets to Centurion there is plenty of scope to re-establish this success. "We have appointed former McAleese part-owner Keith Price, who successfully ran the business until it listed, to be in charge of Centurion's heavy haulage operation. "This is an exciting opportunity and we look forward to capitalising on our new status as the largest heavy haulage provider in Australia, providing flexible and reliable solutions for all our customers,” Mr Cardaci concluded. So far, there is no information about what this will mean for McAleese in Mackay after receivers McGrathNicol announced the closure of operations last month. McAleese Group went into receivership on August 29. INITIAL: WESTERN Australian haulage company Centurion is now a national player following its acquisition of the McAleese Heavy Haulage fleet. According to a statement, the company has taken a strategic step to expanding its business nationally by purchasing the entire heavy haulage trailing fleet of collapsed McAleese Limited. The acquisition, for an undisclosed amount, will complement Centurion's existing heavy haulage business and make it the largest heavy haulage service provider in Australia. Through the transaction Centurion has also entered into an agreement on premises, giving it a foothold in the heavy haulage market across four states - Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. Centurion's intent is to be fully operational by January 2017. Centurion chief executive Justin Cardaci said the purchase of the McAleese fleet was strategically sound, aligned with the company's strength in the resources sector and provided Centurion with a unique opportunity to expand. "As a well-established and trusted Western Australian company, with more than 45 years experience in the transport and logistics arena, including heavy haulage, we have the capability to run a successful national business,” Mr Cardaci said. "Centurion is a financially strong and stable business that understands the industry. This asset purchase will give us the platform to access new markets and grow our business nationally.”
  11. Centurion expands with McAleese division addition Owner/Driver / November 24, 2016 Western Australia-focused firm snaps up heavy haulage assets and premises and takes on Keith Price Burgeoning Western Australian trucking and logistics firm Centurion has bought McAleese’s heavy-haulage business and become a national operator in the process, the company has announced. Centurion has appointed former McAleese part-owner Keith Price to be in charge of this expanded business, which means it now has a presence and assets in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. "The acquisition, for an undisclosed amount, will complement Centurion’s existing heavy haulage business and make it the largest heavy haulage service provider in Australia," it says. Through the transaction the Perth-based company has also entered into an agreement on premises giving it a foothold in the heavy haulage market across four states – Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. Centurion intends for it to be fully operational by January. Centurion CEO Justin Cardaci believes the purchase of the McAleese fleet was "strategically sound, aligned with the company’s strength in the resources sector and provided Centurion with a unique opportunity to expand". "As a well-established and trusted Western Australian company, with more than 45 years’ experience in the transport and logistics arena, including heavy haulage, we have the capability to run a successful national business," Cardaci continues. "Centurion is a financially strong and stable business that understands the industry. "This asset purchase will give us the platform to access new markets and grow our business nationally." Centurion wants to continue servicing existing and previous McAleese customers under the Centurion banner, targeting industries nationally that depend on the reliable and safe movement of large equipment, including mining, energy, infrastructure and construction. "McAleese heavy haulage was once a highly successful business in its own right and we believe once we have transitioned these assets to Centurion there is plenty of scope to re-establish this success. "We have appointed former McAleese part owner Keith Price, who successfully ran the business until it listed, to be in charge of Centurion’s heavy haulage operation. "This is an exciting opportunity and we look forward to capitalising on our new status as the largest heavy haulage provider in Australia, providing flexible and reliable solutions for all our customers."
  12. Video: Ute Tow Test 2016 part one - https://www.tradetrucks.com.au/truck-reviews/1610/ute-tow-test-2016-video-part-one Video: Ute Tow Test 2016 part two - https://www.tradetrucks.com.au/truck-reviews/1610/ute-tow-test-2016-video-part-two
  13. Matt Wood, Trade Trucks AU / November 24, 2016 After much speculation, social media chatter and — for some punters — anticipation, the Volkswagen V6 Amarok has finally launched on Australian shores. And the timing, quite frankly, couldn’t be better The dual-cab ute [aka. pickup, bakkie] market is booming; in fact, they’re the best-selling vehicles in Australia at the moment. We saw major updates and all-new platforms arrive locally in 2015, but for 2016, with the exception of the updated Holden Colorado, Volkswagen has the stage pretty much to itself. The current 2-litre/4-cylinder diesel Amarok has not exactly been a sales slouch. VW director of commercial vehicles Carlos Santos says the company has put 41,000 Amaroks on the road since its 2011 debut. The 4-banger is a pretty good thing both on and off-road, but there have been mutterings about small stature of the bi-turbo 2-litre. With Nissan dropping the V6 STX-550 Navara before the arrival of the NP300 in 2015, the Australian market has been wide open for a premium 4x4 dual cab ute. Mercedes Benz is a good 12 months away from launching the X-Class and the Renault Alaskan isn’t due here any time soon. So Volkswagen has stepped into the breach with a timely assault on the Aussie premium ute market. As Santos puts it, "We’ve been hoping and wishing for this vehicle for some time." In the lead up to the launch Volkwagen dealers had already fielded 7,311 leads, 70 per cent of which were believed to be hot-to-trot customers. "For us Australia is important," says Volkswagen director of international sales Dr Jan Michel, who was also on hand at the Aussie launch. "Australia represents the biggest market for Amarok by volume worldwide." But, tellingly, as other manufacturers shy away from the term ‘ute’ in favour of ‘pickup’ and ‘truck’, Volkswagen representatives, including Michel, keep running with the ute line like an intended stamp on the Aussie market. The TDV6 will be available in Highline and Ultimate form. The Highline sits on 18-inch alloys while the top end jigger sits on 19s. The usual assortment of kit is also present in the form of climate control, a 6.33-inch touch screen multi-media interface with rear-view camera, and electronic anti-crashing tech — including a multi-collision brake that slows the car to 10km/h after an impact to prevent further crashes if there’s no input from the driver. The TDV6 also now gets 4-wheel disc brakes and tyre pressure monitoring. The exterior has copped a freshen-up with a new grille and fog light arrangement. Ultimate and Highline models are easily spotted with different sports bars gracing the tub. The Ultimate also gets the option of Nappa leather upholstery and 14-way adjustable electric seats. But, as VW product marketing manager Nick Reid says, "It’s all about the engine." The 3-litre, common-rail, turbo-diesel V6 has been used in other VW family products as well, namely Audi and Porsche. In the Amarok it scores a single variable geometry turbo, a larger baffled sump and heavier-duty pistons and cylinder linings designed to cope with low speed/high load applications. It’s a 24-valve OHC engine that shuns a belt drive for a chain. The common rail fuel system blows dinosaur juice into the donk with 2000 bar of force. On the emissions side it uses both EGR and SCR to clean up the exhaust nasties so it does need AdBlue [aka DEF]. The V6 oiler makes 165kW (221hp) of power at 3,000 rpm and 550Nm of twisty force at a very flexible 1,500 rpm. This torque curve runs up to 2,750 rpm. But it’s also got an overboost ace up its sleeve that gives an extra 15kW of power for 10 seconds when the loud pedal is nailed. After that you have to back off on the pedal for 5 seconds before tapping into the extra oomph again. For the time being the TDV6 is auto only and uses a ZF-sourced 8-speed torque converter auto. The 4x4 system is actually an all-wheel-drive set up with a Torsen centre diff and a 60 per cent drive bias to the rear wheels. For off-road duties there’s an off-road mode selected via a console mounted push button. This is the same as the current 4-cylinder auto models. A 6-speed manual/2-speed transfer case model is slated for release mid-2017. Payload for the Highline is 911kg (2008lb) while the Ultimate gets a payload of 864kg. But the interesting thing about this ute is the tow rating versus the GCM. The Volksy is rated for 3,000kg/6,614lb (braked) towing, 500kg shy of the segment benchmark. But it’s now got a GCM of 6,000kg (13,228lb). In short this means you can tow 3 tonnes and still carry 800kg (1,764lb) in the tub. Many others can’t. Other VW hallmarks haven’t changed, including a low 780mm load height and the ability to fit an Aussie-sized pallet between the wheel arches. On the road On climbing aboard the TDV6 I was still greeted by an unashamedly commercial dashboard, even if my butt was nestled in black leather. The ‘big’ 6 under the bonnet was silky smooth when fired up. Given the power rating I was maybe expecting power to be delivered with a shove. Instead it unfolds. In fact, the most noticeable gain in performance is in the middle of the rev range, plant the foot when rolling and the Amarok reels out its power in a strong yet measured fashion. Like the wolf that is its namesake, on the open road it lopes along with ease. The TDV6’s road manners are somewhat startlingly refined for this kind of vehicle. Low-speed steering through the bush and on dirt is excellent, however at highway speeds (and above) the wheel feels very light and gives a twitchy feel to an otherwise solid-riding ute. Handling on winding roads is actually quite linear, which feels weird in a ute! The V6 doesn’t have a commercial sound even when working hard. In fact, from 3,000 to 4,000rpm it has quite a throaty rasp to its soundtrack. We drove the Ultimate both empty and loaded with 260kg, and it went better, handled better and rode better with some weight in the tub. The comfort pack rear spring option won’t be available until 2017. Ultimately, the Amarok TDV6 is a plush yet punchy work/play proposition. And the bigger engine has made it a very cohesive package on the road and in the dirt. VW Amarok TDV6 ute prices Volkswagen Amarok Highline TDV6 — MRRP AU$59,990 / US$44,662 Volkswagen Amarok Ultimate TDV6 — MRRP AU$67,990 / US$50,618 .
  14. Hyundai Commercial Vehicle Press Release / November 22, 2016 .
  15. Tata Trucks Press Release / November 22, 2016 . . . .
  16. http://www.dennisontrailers.com/multi-function .
  17. You don’t have to agree with the entire article (or any of it), but I myself liked Paul Ryan’s statement in the last paragraph. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crony capitalism concerns reach new heights with rise of Trump The Washington Post / November 23, 2016 Late in October 2015, shortly before he would become speaker of the House, Paul Ryan delivered a sermon on the subject of crony capitalism. "This is a profound debate we are having," he told his colleagues in a floor argument over the federal Export-Import Bank, which has long been criticized by conservatives for helping American companies sell their products overseas by subsidizing loans. "It is about what kind of economy we are going to have. Are we going to reward good work or good connections?" That question is suddenly much bigger, and much thornier, for Republicans, thanks to President-elect Donald Trump. Trump is the head of a business empire that includes real estate developments and luxury resorts around the world. He had repeatedly said that he would turn the operations of that empire over to his children once he takes office. But in the days since his election, Trump and his associates have taken steps that mesh or risk meshing his business interests with his new position of power. Trump has urged British politicians to fight wind farms that could threaten the views from one of his golf courses, and included his daughter Ivanka in diplomatic discussions with the leaders of Japan and Argentina. His new Washington hotel is courting business from foreign diplomats. It's easy to imagine much larger - and more economically consequential - issues arising once Trump takes office. Some of America's biggest crusaders against crony capitalism warn that Trump could use his position to pressure foreign leaders to accommodate his company, or to bend U.S. regulations to favor his interests over competitors. He might not even need to ask for those favors; they might just appear. "There's no way that someone dealing with a Trump business doesn't think, 'The guy behind the name is sitting in the White House,' " said Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University who has long fought the Ex-Im Bank and the general issue of crony capitalism. Writing in the Wall Street Journal's opinion pages this week, conservative columnist Holman Jenkins Jr. said Trump's administration could "swirl down a drain of cronyism." "Foreign and domestic business interests will be lining up to partner with the Trump children believing it buys favor with the Trump administration," he wrote. "It can't be otherwise on our human planet." Trump's policy initiatives pose a second threat, de Rugy says, including an infrastructure spending push that could be steered toward the president's friends or business associates. Ronald Klain, a former aide to President Barack Obama, warned Democrats recently that Trump's funding plan for infrastructure, which relies heavily on tax credits for private industry, would amount to "a massive corporate welfare plan for contractors." Even Trump's much-celebrated-by-conservatives push for tax reform could, depending on the details, dramatically boost his companies. Trump has largely dismissed those concerns. "The law's totally on my side," he told the New York Times Tuesday. "The president can't have a conflict of interest," Skewed government interests can, however, dampen an economy. That has been the case in Italy and Greece, and to an even greater extent in Russia. The diversion of resources to a president's businesses or his friends can chill competition, saddle consumers with fewer choices and higher prices, and erode incentives to work, innovate and invest. "What's hard to see is the distortions in the capital markets from government intervention," de Rugy said, "or all the unseen victims of that intervention." Or as Ryan put it on the House floor last year, under crony capitalism the "winner is the person with the connections, it is the company with power, and it is the company with clout. The loser is the person who is out there working hard, playing by the rules, not knowing anybody, not going to Washington, and hoping and thinking that the merit of their idea and the quality of their work is what will win the day."
  18. Today's Trucking / November 24, 2016 Starting July 1, 2017, potential Class A licence applicants in Ontario must complete an approved Mandatory Entry Level Training course prior to taking their Class A road tests. This new standard in driver education is a step forward in regards to risk management within the trucking industry. Angelique Magi, VP Transportation and Strategic Initiatives at The Guarantee, provides a brief overview of the new MELT program and how it established a win-win situation for the public and the insurance industry. .
  19. Upon arrest and deportation, the assets of illegal immigrants (illegal economic migrants) should be summarily confiscated by the United States government. Money earned by illegal immigrants is, inherently, illegally earned income. Only by sending a clear and strong message can we stem the tide of “illegal” immigration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denmark confiscates, cash, valuables from “refugees” [economic migrants] The Guardian / June 30, 2016 Denmark has seized valuables from asylum seekers for the first time, five months after passing a law that allows police to take cash and jewellery worth over 10,000 kroner (US$1,419) from them. Police took 79,600 kroner (US$11,296) from five Iranians who flew into Copenhagen airport on Tuesday and immediately claimed asylum, the Danish immigration police said in a statement. Since the five had travelled on false passports, they were arrested for forgery and searched – at which point their money was found and most of it confiscated. Asylum seekers in Denmark can keep cash and valuables worth less than 10,000 kroner US$1,419) – anything more can be taken to pay for their care, according to the controversial legislation enacted in early February. The Danish police are rigorously enforcing the law. In a statement, Per Fiig, the head of Denmark’s immigration police centre, said: “Danish police every day look out for asylum seekers and foreigners staying illegally who could have valuables that could help finance the cost of their stay.” Asylum applications have dropped dramatically in Denmark in 2016, compared to 2015. The government said 5,500 applications were received until 30 October, compared to 21,000 in 2015.
  20. Mr. Moussa has 10 children and 2 wives. And now, the United Nations is giving him free money. 13 food debit cards at $27 each = $351 for food alone Moussa also receives a second debit card with $170 a month that he can spend however he wants (more during the winter) “Refugees” certainly live well nowadays. Why isn’t an able-bodied man like Moussa fighting to take back his homeland? .
  21. VW challenges Ford, Mercedes with new Crafter Automotive News Europe / November 24, 2016 Volkswagen aims to grab a greater share of the lucrative segment for large cargo vans dominated by Ford Motor and Mercedes-Benz after investing around 800 million euros in a new manufacturing plant that marks a record for its light commercial vehicles division. The new factory in Wrzesnia, Poland is expected to build 100,000 units of its entirely redesigned Crafter annually when all body style derivatives are available in 2018. The Crafter will offer new features such as front-wheel drive and automatic transmission, both previously not offered. These should help to double the model's current volume according to VW managers. Demonstrating the importance of the model, both Chairman Hans Dieter Poetsch and Lower Saxony Premier Stephan Weil, two of VW's most important board directors, flew in to attend the opening ceremony late in October along with the CEO of Volkswagen Truck & Bus, Andreas Renschler. The market for "C/D Transporters," as VW calls large delivery vans with 3-6 tons (6,614-13,228lb) of gross permissible weight (GVW), is over 1.3 million vehicles in size globally and growing thanks to the trend towards online shopping firms such as Amazon or Zalando in Germany. However VW mainly competes in the western European market which increased by 14 percent last year to nearly 500,000 units. While anything but sexy, it's a well-known axiom that the commercial vehicle business can be extremely profitable when run properly. Ford of Europe is market leader in the region with the Transit, earning a 4.9 percent pretax margin during the first nine months. Meanwhile, Opel/Vauxhall had long neglected the commercial van businesses and ended up breaking even during the same period -- and then only on an operating level and after adjusting for effects. Addressing this vulnerability has now become a "fundamental element" of the General Motors brand's 2022 growth strategy. The risks however have never been higher for VW's van business, best known for building the Volkswagen Bus that became a pop culture icon during the Flower Power era of the 1960s. Like many automakers in this comparatively low-volume segment, VW had previously split the development costs by partnering up with a competitor. The outgoing Crafter was based on the Sprinter from Daimler's Mercedes-Benz unit and built by Mercedes. Daimler only supplied the 50,000 units annually that it was contractually obliged to do and in 2013 decided to end the partnership entirely to gain the extra capacity. Platform risk Much like the passenger car market though, larger vehicles are more lucrative than small ones. "Mercedes' van business makes all its money with the Sprinter," said one VW commercial vehicles manager. Volkswagen took a risky bet by developing a platform solely for the Crafter which is technically incompatible with the rest of the 12-brand group's vehicles. No other vehicle in the entire product range comes equipped with axles capable of supporting the weight needed for the segment except for the heavy trucks sold by VW Group's MAN and Scania heavy truck brands. Additionally the problem arose that none of the group's 130 manufacturing plants worldwide were adequate to build the Crafter given none had the required dimensions for assembling and painting a model such as the Crafter. The paint shop has 12 swimming pool size tanks alone dedicated to various stages of cathodic immersion coating. As a result, the 2.2 square kilometer size of its plant in Wrzesnia - roughly equivalent to 300 soccer fields - makes it the group's biggest factory for one single model. "The length of the vehicle determines the factory," said Jens Ocksen, head of Volkswagen Poznan, the Polish unit of VW's commercial vehicles division. VW hopes that by adding front-wheel drive models it can increase volumes mainly from businesses that need a vehicle offering plenty of volume to store a product that doesn't have a lot of weight, for example bakeries or florists. An additional benefit of removing the drive shaft is the corresponding 10 centimeter lower floor. While it sounds minor, VW officials say it saves drivers climbing the equivalent of climbing over 600 stairs every month. The sliding door has also been designed to shave off three seconds each opening and closing. These savings translate to more trips they can take and hence more money operators earn. Lastly, VW will now finally be able to offer automatic transmissions, which the Crafter needs in Germany to participate in tenders made by emergency services for ambulances or police vehicles. Volkswagen is considering whether to launch the Crafter in the U.S. market, where more and more European vans are succeeding thanks to their lower cost of ownership. Ford began building its Transit in Kansas City, Missouri, while Mercedes is investing half a billion dollars to begin manufacturing the Sprinter in Charleston, South Carolina.
  22. Commercial Motor TV - sponsored by DAF Trucks / November 18, 2016 .
  23. Renault Trucks will introduce its latest concept truck, the Urban Lab 2, at this year’s Pollutec show, taking place at the Lyon’s Eurexpo exhibition centre from November 29 to December 2, 2016 (Hall 2, aisle J, stand 117). Because Renault Trucks believes diesel fuel is the primary energy for long-haul transport - and will remain so for many years to come - it is constantly striving to cut fuel consumption and slash emissions. At the 27th Pollutec show, Renault Trucks will be spotlighting the performance of Euro-6 engines compared to the previous generations. The emissions reduction system fitted to Euro-6 engines has cut nitrogen oxide emissions five-fold and particle emissions six-fold compared to Euro-5. Today 99.9% of particles – even the very finest – are trapped by the pollution filter. Renault Trucks will also be unveiling the mock-up of its new diesel laboratory vehicle designed for distribution: the Urban Lab 2. This truck is the result of a collaborative project – the Efficient Distribution Truck or EDIT - with six partners. It offers an array of high-tech features in aerodynamics, engine hybridization and tire performance as well as vehicle-to-infrastructure communication which makes it possible to drastically reduce the fuel consumption of delivery vehicles. The Renault Trucks stand will also feature a Range D “WIDE” fitted with a new generation Euro-6 Step C-compliant 11-litre engine and steerable tag axle. This vehicle offers fantastic maneuverability, making it ideal for operating in an urban environment. Renault Trucks is extending its CNG offerings to take into account the greater demand for diverse sources of energy in built-up areas. Visitors to the Renault Trucks stand will also have a chance to check out the “WIDE” CNG with its horizontal exhaust system. This version enjoys the same chassis and body-mounting possibilities as its diesel counterpart since there is no vertical exhaust to integrate between cab and trailer. .
  24. Scania Group Press Release / November 23, 2016 ”I particularly like the direct contact with my clients in their daily operations,” says Pilar Lendine from Scania in Spain. Meet her and her colleague Andreu S. Martorell and hear them talk about their jobs in Scania’s global Sales and Services network. Scania is a global company with a total of 45,000 employees in 100 countries. One crucial part of the company – and undoubtedly one of the most public ones – is the Sales and Services network, which currently employs more than 33,000 captive and non-captive employees world-wide. Scania sees an increasing need for recruitment to different parts of the Sales and Services with roles such as service advisors, sales representatives, workshop managers and service technicians being particular requirements. A common denominator is the focus on service and customer relationships. Fast and reliable service, being close to the customers, understanding the customers’ customer and having more vehicles on the road are all key success factors for Scania, wherever in the world the company operates. “As a service advisor I spend a lot of time with our customers because that’s key to knowing their business,” says Andreu S. Martorell, Service Advisor for Scania Camion Grup [Scania Truck Group] in Spain. “If you know their business then you’re able to provide very sophisticated and specific solutions that result in savings for them, which is a key element in the success of their business.” ”What I particularly like about my work is the direct contact with my clients in their daily operations. My job is to support my clients to increase their efficiency and profitability,” says Pilar Lendine, Sales Representative for Scania Camion Grup in Spain. .
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