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Everything posted by kscarbel2

  1. The Wall Street Journal / November 8, 2016 The decision to build up comes as other trucking companies are slashing fleets amid tepid shipping demand As weak demand sends new heavy-duty truck orders plummeting, at least one major carrier is planning to put more vehicles on the road. Lowell, Ark.-based J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc., the third-largest U.S. trucking company by revenue, expects to add 500 to 700 trucks next year to its dedicated contract services business managing fleets for retailers and manufacturers. It will add 100 to 120 trucks to its truckload segment, the operation that includes freight transport for customers in the spot market for trucking service. The growth strategy comes as the rest of industry is cutting back shipping capacity after coping with tepid demand and weak pricing for much of 2016. Orders for heavy-duty commercial trucks in North America dropped 46% in October, a bellwether month for the sector, according to ACT Research. Companies including Swift Transportation Co., Werner Enterprises Inc. and Covenant Transportation Group Inc. said they had pulled hundreds of trucks from service in the third quarter to address overcapacity and falling shipping prices. But J.B. Hunt added 83 trucks last quarter to its truckload segment, where companies sell the full capacity on a tractor-trailer to a single shipper. “It appears as if the strategy management has undertaken in 2016, whereby it continues to add assets despite a depressed market to gain share, will continue into 2017,” said an analyst note from Stifel on the report. J.B. Hunt, which had $6.2 billion in revenue in 2015, “remains one of the few, if not the only, player who can sustainably finance such a strategy thanks to the expansiveness of its operation and margin agreements with railroads,” the note said. Even with the additional trucks, overall capital expenditures are projected to drop to $477 million in 2017 from an estimated $515 million for 2016, J.B. Hunt’s presentation said. The company lists “irrational” competitive pricing and customer rate behavior among potential risks in the coming year. SJ Consulting Group, an industry research firm, ranked J.B. Hunt behind only United Parcel Service Inc. and FedEx Corp. in revenue from all trucking services last year.
  2. CNN Money / November 8, 2016 George W. Bush and Laura Bush did not vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, a spokesperson for the former president said Tuesday. Instead, the Bushes left that section blank and only voted for Republican candidates in down ballot races.
  3. If you believe the elections show is real, if you believe that it's more than a stage play allowing Americans to think that they actually choose their leaders and thus their future (for the next 4 years), then how can such a system put forth two choices that most "voters" generally dislike? Alleged polls indicate that most Americans are not enamored with Clinton or Trump. Okay........then why are Americans forced to choose between.......them? In effect, the American people have NOT been professionally presented with any reasonable choice for president. How can that possibly be, if we have what at one time was argued to be the best governmental system in the world ? Realistically speaking. American voters can't make a prudent and rational choice in these "elections". That one candidate should be in prison rather than the White House, based on what we're told, and certainly with the Wikileaks revelations in mind, speaks volumes.
  4. The T9, as a heavy truck, does not even come close to representing China's current level in heavy truck development. The major players are doing their own work. BYD, which doesn't build trucks, is buying this cab and chassis from a small truckmaker.
  5. When you emailed Watt's Mack (provider of the BMT website), what did they say? parts@wattstruck.com
  6. Army begins testing new Oshkosh JLTV at Aberdeen Proving Ground The Baltimore Sun / November 7, 2016 The cab of the military truck still had that new-car smell. The Army, working on the successor to the long-serving Humvee to carry troops to fight around the world, is testing the new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Col. Morris Bodrick, commander of the Aberdeen Test Center, said Monday the JLTV will be tested for performance and reliability over the next year on the 50-odd miles of test track that wind around the Army installation in Harford County. The Humvee became an icon of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, but it proved vulnerable in Afghanistan and Iraq to roadside bombs. Efforts to imrpove the vehicle's armor — adding metal plates to protect the troops inside — left it over-burdened. So in the midst of the conflicts, the Army rushed to field a heavier bomb-resistant truck while also planning for the Humvee's ultimate replacement. Several companies competed to build the trucks; the different versions were also tested at Aberdeen. Wisconsin-based Oshkosh beat Lockheed Martin and AM General, which makes the Humvee, for the $6.7 billion contract to build the first group. A formal protest by Lockheed set the program back, but Oshkosh turned over seven JLTVs to the Army and Marine Corps in late September and delivered another 10 in October. The team at Aberdeen Proving Ground has five of the vehicles; others are going to be put through their paces at facilities in Arizona and Alaska. The Army and Marines plan to buy some 55,000 JLTVs over the next two decades. The testing data gathered at Aberdeen and the other facilities will help the military make decisions about the future of the program. The name Humvee is a kind of abbreviation of the cumbersome High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle. No similarly catchy moniker has emerged for the JLTV. Several versions of the new truck are planned. The one on show at Aberdeen Proving Ground on Monday was a two-door model that will likely serve as a transport vehicle. Others will carry weapons systems, including missiles that could be used to take on tanks or destroy bunkers. The JLTV's top speed of about 70 mph will let troops quickly close on enemies, and its advanced suspension system means it can travel across very rough terrain. Maj. Jason McPhee, an official with the office that is developing the JLTV, said the ride across one particularly bumpy test track was so smooth he could have drunk a cup of coffee. The JLTV is large by the standards of a civilian car, with tires that reached up to Bodrick's waist as he stood next to it. It's bigger even than a Humvee. But it is much smaller than the Army's most heavily armored trucks while still affording its passengers as much protection, officials say. McPhee said the designers of the new truck aimed to take lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan. Oshkosh had already tested out some of the concepts on the armored Mine Resistant Ambush Protected All Terrain Vehicle. Those large trucks provided troops with good protection from bomb blasts, McPhee said, but couldn't be easily transported by helicopter or on amphibious landing ships. Humvees, meanwhile, struggled under the weight of the extra armor loaded onto them. The Army parked the three vehicles next to one another Monday to make the point. "We started to up-armor that Humvee, but once we started to up-armor that vehicle we started to trade away its payload and its mobility," McPhee said. The MATV and other mine-resistant vehicles were quickly developed as an answer — some of the work took place at Aberdeen Proving Ground — but they brought their own problems. "That program rapidly responded and provided protection immediately to the soldiers and Marines on the battlefield, saved a lot of lives along the way," McPhee said. "But when we made that investment we traded away transportability and mobility. We're talking about very heavy vehicles." The JLTV is designed to find the sweet spot. "It's going to try to find the perfect balance of performance, protection and payload," McPhee said. VIDEO - http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-new-army-vehicle-testing-20161107-story.html
  7. Court Clears Oshkosh to Continue JLTV work Defense Update / February 14, 2016 A federal judge on Thursday denied Lockheed Martin’s motion that could have forced Oshkosh Corp. to stop working on a $6.7 billion military contract while a lawsuit over that contract award continues. Lockheed had challenged the military’s late-August decision to award Oshkosh Corp. Lockheed Martin’s lawsuite compelled Oshkosh Corp. to stop building JLTVs, while its lawsuit challenging the military’s decision to award Oshkosh that contract moves forward. Lettow’s order rejecting the injunction is sealed. This means that Oshkosh Corp. can keep working on its JLTV contract, which could net the company more than $30 billion over the next 25 years. Meanwhile, Lockheed’s legal challenge to the government’s contract award continues. Lockheed in its motion to halt work argued that the military applied different standards to the two companies when evaluating the contract and held ‘misleading’ meetings with the company about the bid. Related reading - http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/43150-us-army-orders-oshkosh-to-resumes-jltv-work/?hl=jltv
  8. Workhorse Group Press Release / November 7, 2016 Workhorse Group Inc. (www.workhorse.com), an original equipment manufacturer of battery-electric vehicles, has commenced development of an electric pickup work truck with range extender for fleet usage. Expected to be in production 2018, the new Workhorse W-15 light duty platform design is an extension of the E-Gen electric technology used in Workhorse medium-duty delivery trucks. With an expected 80 mile battery range using Panasonic 18650 Li-ion batteries, the Workhorse W-15 light duty design expects to provide economical, clean and powerful performance. The expected 80-mile range from the battery pack of the Workhorse pickup truck is expected to cover the vast majority of miles driven in a day by fleet owners of locally driven trucks. If needed, the gasoline generator will then operate after battery power has been depleted, allowing the driver unlimited range to complete the days' tasks. As many fleet operators are committed to the "greening" of their fleet, the Workhorse W-15 electric truck will be designed to dramatically lower emissions. Lower fueling and maintenance costs are expected to deliver lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for fleet managers. Workhorse has already received non-binding letters of interest from Duke Energy as well as the City of Orlando municipal fleet. For a number of years, Duke Energy, along with other electric utilities in the country, has been asking manufacturers to build plug-in electric vehicles that could replace the highest volume vehicle types within our fleet. The Workhorse truck does exactly that, in a manner that is expected to reduce fuel consumption as well as significantly lowering fleet emissions. Including proven components such as the range-extending generator package in the design, is expected to ease many of the concerns companies have when introducing new and innovative products into their fleets. Millions of Pickup trucks are sold in the United States each year and pickup trucks are a leading vehicle platform of choice for fleets. The electric powered W-15 represents an opportunity to bring tremendous fuel savings and emissions reduction to the streets of America without sacrificing functionality. Additionally, the W-15 's goal is to be the safest Pickup truck on the market with its large frontal crumble zone and low center of gravity. "We believe this will be the first plug-in range-extended electric pickup truck built from the ground up by an OEM in America. It's not a conversion vehicle," said Steve Burns, Workhorse CEO. "We feel the extended range capability from the combination of Panasonic batteries and an on-board generator, will deliver the performance that fleet managers expect from a work truck." Fleet managers who would like additional information are directed to contact Jeff Esfeld at jeff.esfeld@workhorse.com or 206-228-5400. .
  9. SPEED LIMITERS: Opponents of mandate cite safety concerns of differential speeds Land Line (OOIDA) / November 7, 2016 More than 5,000 comments have been filed already. The majority of those opposed to a proposed mandate to speed limit vehicles weighing more than 26,000 pounds say the risks posed by increasing vehicle interactions via speed differentials outweigh any purported safety benefit of slowing large trucks and buses down. A Sept. 7 joint notice of proposed rulemaking by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, seeks public comment on a variety of issues connected with speed limiters, including whether to set the speed at 60, 65 or 68 mph. The agencies claim that reducing the travel speed of large vehicles will lead to a reduction in the severity of crashes, thereby reducing the number of fatal and serious injuries and reducing property damage. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association opposes a government mandate speed limiting trucks, pointing to research that contradicts the fed’s claimed “safety benefits” of speed limiters, as it would force a speed differential between heavy trucks and other vehicles using the highways. That would lead to more vehicle interactions, unsafe maneuvering and crashes, a study of speed differentials shows. Many of the comments submitted by professional drivers and owner-operators echo the sentiments shared by Marek Kosarewicz, who says a proposed mandate would cause more problems than it would solve. Among the problems Kosarewicz cites in his comment is that speed limiters would not address the issue of trucks traveling faster than the posted speed in work zones or other areas where the speed limit is less than highway speed. “One of the main issues I see with a mandate is that it will not prevent speeding in towns with lower speed limits and especially work zones; actually it will become more common, putting workers at risk,” Kosarewicz stated in his comments. “I lost count of how many trucks from the megafleets I have seen flying by me running against their governed speed and tailgating me when I’m driving the posted work zone speed limit.” Bill De Witt, who identified himself as a commercial driver with more than 42 years of experience, commented that there is no way to ensure equal speed on all trucks, because of differences in tire wear and gearing. He also said his experience running in states with split speeds such as California and Oregon allowed him to see the risks of speed differentials firsthand. “I have had cars pass me on the right and left shoulders as two trucks pass each other on a two lane interstate. It already blocks traffic when two fleet trucks with 65 mile-per-hour limiters pass each other,” De Witt stated in his comments. “Having run in split-speed-limit states (i.e., California, Oregon, Washington) for years, I have seen firsthand the rear end accidents and near misses as cars pass on the right to get around a slower vehicle.” The issue of tire wear and gearing ratios contributing to potentially inaccurate speedometer readings was also raised in comments filed by the Truck Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA). In its comments filed Oct. 21, the group requested an additional 30-day extension of the comment period to research the impact of the issue further, noting that inaccuracies in the number of revolutions per mile for a particular tire would affect the accuracy of the vehicle speedometer. “Those inaccuracies are particularly concerning as we consider the performance requirements in the proposed Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 140 in the NPRM,” wrote Timothy Blubaugh on behalf of EMA. “Since the manufacturer would need to certify compliance with FMVSS No. 140 before introducing a vehicle into commerce, we are carefully analyzing the proposed requirements to assess whether they include tolerances that are appropriate for production vehicles.” The agencies announced a 30-day extension of the comment period last week. Other national groups who filed comments opposing the proposed mandate or expressing concerns with the current proposal include the National Motorists Association, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Groundwater Association, and the National Federation of Independent Business. Many of the comments in favor of the proposal also voiced support for any mandate being extended to include retrofitting all heavy vehicles with speed limiters. Groups who filed comments in support of the mandate include the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the National Safety Council, and the National Transportation Safety Board. NTSB also filed comments in support of the measure, but referred to the current proposal as an “interim step” toward an eventual requirement that all newly manufactured heavy vehicles be equipped with “advanced speed limiting technology” such as variable speed limiters and intelligent speed adaption devices, which would address concerns that electronic engine control unit-based speed limiters do not prevent speeding in locations where the speed limit is lower than the governed speed or stop vehicles from exceeding the governed speed when traveling downhill. OOIDA’s website, FightingForTruckers.com, has more information about the Association’s opposition to the proposal, as well as ways for truckers to contact their lawmakers via letter and oppose a mandate. The FightingForTruckers website also includes a link to a list of talking points members can reference when filing comments for NHTSA and FMCSA to consider during the rulemaking process. Drivers who currently drive or have driven speed-limited trucks are encouraged to share their personal experiences and real-world, on-the-road problems they’ve faced when using such devices. OOIDA encourages its members to submit comments via Regulations.gov at Docket FMCSA-2014-0083 or Docket NHTSA-2016-0087 (All comments received will be duly considered by the joint NHTSA and FMCSA team; comments only need to be posted to one docket). The public comment period will close Wednesday, Dec. 7.
  10. Mammoet Rallysport Press Release / November 7, 2016 Mammoet Rallysport, the race team of legendary Dutch heavy haulage company Mammoet (http://www.mammoet.com/), is testing the new Renault Trucks Sherpa rally truck for the Dakar 2017. The Renault Sherpa is a tactical military vehicle that, coincidentally still uses the “club of four*” [Mack Mid-Liner] cab, which had been jointly developed by Saviem (merged into Renault), DAF, Magirus and Volvo. The Renault Rallytrucks proof to be very succesfull. Van den Brink already won stages in Silkway and Dakar rally with the Renault Trucks K- rallytruck. With the Sherpa the Olybia Rally and the Libya Rally were won. Later this month the trucks will be shipped from France to Argentina for the rally. The start of the Dakar 2017 rally is on january 1. * Officially known as the Euro Truck Development Group. . . .
  11. Volvo Launches Renault Trucks Defense Sale Defense News / November 4, 2016 Volvo kicked off the sale of its Renault Trucks Defense (RTD) subsidary on Friday by holding consultative talks with labor unions at its government sales division. The deal reflects a move toward European consolidation, said Volvo Group spokesman Joakim Kenndal. “Volvo Group has conducted a strategic review of the Governmental Sales business area and intends to initiate a process to divest this business,” Volvo said in a Nov. 4 statement. “There are great opportunities to grow the business even further, however, we believe that a new owner may be better placed to take the business to the next level,” said Jan Gurander, Volvo deputy chief executive and chief financial officer. “Consequently, we intend to start preparations to divest the business." The start of the sale is “subject to the finalization of mandatory consultations with staff representative bodies,” Volvo said. Acmat, Mack Defense in the US, Panhard, RTD and Volvo Defense make up the government sales business, which employs more than 1,300 staff. Renault Trucks Defense, the lead unit, posted 2015 sales of some €500 million (US $556 million) and had a target to double its annual sales by 2018 or 2019. Growth by acquisition had been ruled out. Renault Trucks Defense was among the most profitable Volvo units, with annual profit close to double digits, according to an industry executive. There was, however, sensitivity over arms sales, which required Renault Trucks Defense to seek approval from Volvo. Volvo’s search for a buyer has raised questions over whether Nexter, Thales or German manufacturer Rheinmetall might make a bid. Any offer by Nexter would need an agreement with its partner KMW, a second defense executive said. A purchase of Renault Trucks Defense by Rheinmetall would lead to a European landscape where two French-German companies compete for a foothold in the land-based arms sector. Nexter and Thales declined comment. Nexter is the leading French land-based arms manufacturer, while Thales supplies onboard systems and builds the Bushmaster and Hawkei Australian light transports. The planned divestment will raise questions over Renault Trucks Defense’s role in the French Army’s €6 billion Scorpion modernization program, which includes developing and building a Griffon multirole troop carrier, Jaguar combat vehicle and a light scout vehicle. A production contract for some 2,000 Griffon troop carriers could be worth about €1 billion, based on a basic unit cost of €500,000 excluding onboard systems, the first executive said. Renault Trucks Defense is one of the core industrial partners with Nexter and Thales on the Scorpion program, with the Volvo unit receiving more than 30 percent of the 2014 development contracts worth almost €752 million, the second executive said. RTD will supply engines and drivelines for Jaguar and Griffon, which will have a high commonality of equipment. Renault Trucks Defense and Nexter are partnered on maintenance of an infantry fighting vehicle, dubbed Véhicule Blindé de Combat et Infanterie, and a troop carrier, Véhicule Avant Blindé, which this year marked its 40 years of service. Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Nov. 2 in the lower house of the National Assembly that the government was ready to consider speeding up deliveries of the Scorpion vehicles, Agence France-Presse reported. “We can think about the issue concerning the years ahead. I am open to this discussion.” That readiness follows remarks in September by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Jean-Pierre Bosser, who referred to studies for speeding up the Scorpion vehicle deliveries. The Army would like to see a faster introduction by five years of the Jaguar and Griffon so there would be four or five battalions equipped by 2025 rather the present plan of 2030, the second executive said. That would reduce the maintenance cost of a variety of fleets including the new Scorpion vehicles, VAB, and aging combat vehicles AMX 10RC, Sagaie ERC 90 and VAB HOT to be replaced by the Jaguar. Renault Trucks Defense chairman Emmanuel Levarcher told the French parliamentary defense committee on Jan. 27 that Volvo had not blocked export deals. “Volvo group has never prevented us from exporting material,” he said. Volvo chairman Martin Lundstedt lived in France when he was head of the Scania truck company, in Angers, western France, and sold Scania trucks to the Direction Générale de l’Armement procurement office. As the Ukraine crisis deepened in 2014, Renault Trucks Defense froze talks with its prospective Russian partner UralVagonZavod to develop a 30-ton infantry fighting vehicle named the “Atom”, as the company waited for instructions from Sweden and France.
  12. Scania Group Press Release / November 7, 2016 How Italian pumps fitted with Scania engines use technology that helped save the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It’s not often that you witness the assembly of a product as rich in technology as high-pressure pumps. At the heart of these two high-performance machines lie two Scania 16-litre V8 industrial engines: 515kW/690hp and 566kW/760hp (US Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IIIB emissions-compliant respectively). We follow the process along the assembly line with expert guide Cesare Melegari, president of Tecniwell, a company from Piacenza, Italy, that designs and manufactures jet grouting equipment (pumps for cement mixing and injection systems). Italy: leader in the field The history of development of jet grouting is very interesting, as Melegari explains. “The idea and its embryonic development took place in Japan. This was later imported to Italy and used for the first time in the consolidation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. “The technology presented on that occasion was developed and improved in our country for the creation of increasingly complex and sophisticated machinery also used in the oil industry. This continuous technological development has strengthened the role of Italian companies in the field of jet grouting, making us in fact the absolute leader in this field.” Insisting on Scania engines “These two pumps are destined for South-East Asia and the Spanish markets. The latter have been commissioned by the Keller Group – a world leader in the construction industry – which for its machines insists on the exclusive use of Scania engines,” Melegari says. The pumps have two uses: in the construction sector the pumping and injection of cement, and in the oil sector the stimulation of wells through high-pressure water injection. In both these cases very powerful equipment is needed. The work takes place in extreme operating conditions, where the overall reliability of the individual components must be at the highest possible level. How was Tecniwell born and how did it grow? “We recently celebrated 30 years in business. We started as a true pioneer in the production of jet grouting equipment, which is machinery capable of reaching pressures up to 900 bar. Over the years we have consolidated our position at the national level and then expanded abroad with clients operating in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.” “Currently our turnover is based almost exclusively on orders from markets outside of Italy. The history of our company has had an interesting corporate path and I would say is against the normal trend.” “From 1999 to 2014, the company was part of a US public company, Layne Christensen, an engineering group in which we took care of the technological and operational aspects of jet-grouting. About a year ago we returned to being completely Italian, committed to the continuous evolution of our products.” Can you describe some technical innovations that distinguish your work? “We have worked a lot on the improvement of motor pumps moving from traditional “chain drive” to “crown and pinion”, guaranteeing a higher level of both performance and quality. This technical aspect makes us unique in the market.” “We also operate in the maritime field, producing a machine for the construction of submarine rods/supports contributing to the restoration of the docks of the port of Ravenna. Another example of unique equipment is our ‘mini-jets’, very compact units for the injection and mixing of cement. This is a popular product, especially in the United States.” What are the distinctive aspects of your partnership with Scania? “Our cooperation with the Scania brand dates back to 1991, and since then contact has never been interrupted. What I would like to emphasise is the support we have always received from Scania with the technological development of our products and for resolution of problems, especially with those also outside our national borders. With Scania we know we can count on a serious and reliable partner, always!” .
  13. Windsor Star / November 7, 2016 Ford Motor Co., will invest $613 million in its Windsor plants to launch a new global 7.0-litre engine program — the centrepiece of a new four-year tentative agreement that was approved on the weekend by 58 per cent of about 6,700 hourly workers in Ontario. “It’s really a huge victory for the community of Windsor,” Jerry Dias, Unifor national president, said following a ratification meeting Sunday for about 1,400 members of Local 200, who voted 88.7 per cent in favour of the deal. “It’s about giving people who’ve been laid off for so many years opportunities,” he said of the 280 members who remain off the job. “We really hit a home run in 2016 bargaining.” As of 7:45 p.m. Sunday, the results of Local 707 in Oakville were unavailable. The Windsor office units represented by Local 240 voted 97 per cent in favour, while Local 1324 in Bramalea had 100 per cent approval. Under the deal, the new program will be installed at the Ford’s Annex facility, which produces cylinder heads for the Windsor Engine and Essex Engine plants. It is designed to replace the 6.8-litre V-10 engine assembled at the Windsor Engine plant, and will power Ford’s top-selling vehicles, such as the F-150 pickup, said Dias. “It’s more fuel efficient, smaller, lighter, with more torque, more horsepower. It’s a big deal.” The new engine “will supply next-generation, high-volume products planned for the 2020 model year.” The 600 workers at Windsor Engine will continue to build the 6.8-litre over the life of the deal, and will be eventually be integrated into production of the new engine program. The Essex Engine plant, which employs about 800 workers, has been designated as “the sole source for all 5.0-litre engine assembly and any potential derivatives based on its platform.” That engine program will receive “significant technology upgrades.” “We still have a ton of open floor room at Essex Engine that one day hopefully we can do something with,” said Chris Taylor, president of Local 200. “The Annex right now has open floor space; there’s just old, redundant equipment.” Ford also has committed to spending another $100 million at the Oakville vehicle assembly plant for mid-cycle upgrades of the Ford Edge and MKX crossovers. Ford of Canada said the “globally competitive” deal ensures “a strong future for our employees, our customers and our communities.” “This competitive agreement with Unifor enables Ford of Canada to further strengthen its business and positions the Canadian operations for future success,” Steve Majer, vice-president of human resources, said in a statement. “Ford continues to speak with the federal and Ontario governments to ensure long-term sustainability for Canada’s auto manufacturing sector.” Earlier in the day, ratification votes were held for members of Local 707, which represents about 5,000 hourly workers at the Oakville plant. The new agreement, was modelled after pattern agreements recently reached with General Motors and Fiat Chrysler. Unlike the Windsor Local 200 meeting, which showered the bargaining committees with sustained applause, the Oakville session was rancorous. “People have the right to express their point of view, and they certainly did just as they did in Windsor,” said Dias. The Oakville union, which represents a majority of Ford’s unionized workers, opposed the GM pattern because it kept new hires on a 10-year pay grid. The rift prompted the Windsor local to issue a public statement a day before the Oct. 31 strike deadline that a strike could prompt Ford to move its plants out of Canada. Dias said Sunday Ford had presented the union with an exit strategy, that included moving its export vehicles from Oakville to its plant in China. “All of the export vehicles were gone within three months; that would mean between 800 and 1,000 jobs,” said Dias. “To quote Ford, they were going to drop a nuclear bomb on Oakville over the life of the agreement if, in fact, they went on strike.” Ford was the last of the Detroit Three automakers to ratify a new contract with Unifor, which made new product investment the top issue in bargaining. And it was Ford’s investment commitment in Windsor that prompted workers such as Jay Hillis to give the tentative deal the thumbs up. “I voted absolutely yes,” said Hillis, a 28-year veteran at the Windsor Engine plant. “It brings a lot of product to Windsor and job security for at least 10 years, and that’s what we need right now,” he said. “It’s a good pattern all the way around.” In all, Unifor secured about $1.5 billion in new investment from the Detroit Three, with the bulk slated for Windsor. The union’s agreement with Fiat Chrysler secured $323 million in new spending, while its deal with General Motors promised $554 million in investment.
  14. NAV hits new 52-week high on Monday.......$24.43 The stock of Navistar International hit a new 52-week high and has $36.47 target or 51.00% above today’s $24.15 share price. The 5 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the $2.00B company. The 1-year high was reported on Nov, 7. About 111,447 shares traded hands. If the $36.47 price target is reached, the company will be worth $1.02 billion more. The 52-week high event reflects very positive momentum. NAV has risen 99.74% since April 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed the S&P by 97.79 percent.
  15. Volvo Trucks USA Press Release / November 7, 2016 . . . .
  16. Renae Merle, The Washington Post / November 7, 2016 Eight-years after taxpayers rescued the U.S. financial system, some of the country's largest banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government data. Wells Fargo is eligible for up to $1.5 billion in bailout funds over the next seven years. JPMorgan and Bank of America could receive $1.1 billion and $964 million respectively. The continuous flow of funds is a remnant of the $700 bailout effort, known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program or TARP, put in place during the financial crisis. Some of that money, about $28 million, was carved out to help distressed homeowners by paying banks to lower their interest rates and monthly payments. The program, the Home Affordable Modification Program, has undergone several revamps over the last few years and fallen short of helping the 3 million to 4 million homeowners the Obama administration initially hoped. But it continues to operate -- HAMP will accept its last homeowner application at the end of this year -- and big banks continue to be paid for helping. The stream of cash for the big banks is worrisome to Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or SIGTARP, the chief watchdog of the financial crisis-era bailouts. Many of the banks have repeatedly broken the rules of the program, including kicking homeowners out unfairly or making it too difficult to apply for the help. "Why are we paying for nonperformance?...At what point is somebody is going to say enough and is enough?" said Christy Goldsmith Romero, special inspector general with the Troubled Asset Relief Program, who investigates crime at companies that received taxpayer bailout funds. "If a homeowner doesn't follow the rules in HAMP they get knocked out of the program. If a bank doesn't follow they still get paid by Treasury." The banks and the Treasury Department, which oversees HAMP, defend the program. The "error rates" have fallen significantly, Mark McArdle, deputy assistant secretary for financial stability, said in a statement. The SIGTARP report is "inaccurate," Wells Fargo said in a statement. "We respond quickly to correct any errors we identify or that are brought to our attention." Bank of America said it has helped more than 2.1 million customers avoid foreclosure through HAMP and other programs. "These initiatives continue to help those who face financial difficulty today, even as the economy has recovered overall," the bank said in a statement. JPMorgan, which has more than $2 trillion in assets, says most of the money it receives through the program is passed on to investors and homeowners who receive incentives for paying their mortgages on time. The biggest beneficiary of the housing program, by far, is little-known financial company Ocwen. The Atlanta company services millions of mortgages for investors, including collecting payments from homeowners. It has already received $2.9 billion from the HAMP program and over the next seven years, it could receive $2.6 billion more. "We are extremely proud of our performance and our success in helping struggling borrowers remain in their homes," Ocwen said in a statement.
  17. Fleet Owner / November 7, 2016 The U.S. Department of Transportation is establishing a network of 55 alternative fueling and charging corridors for electric, natural gas, hydrogen, and propane fuel vehicles. The corridors will help drivers find routes with places to recharge or refuel an alternative-fueled vehicle and make it easier for drivers to move to alt-fuel vehicles, especially electric ones. It spans 35 states and Washington, D.C., and 48 out of 55 routes will be designated as electric-vehicle charging corridors.The corridors will include signage developed by the Federal Highway Administration indicating a charging station or alternative-fueling location. Along the corridors, drivers can expect either existing or planned charging stations within every 50 miles. The corridor designations were divided into two categories: signage-ready and signage pending. Signage-ready corridors currently have enough alternative fueling facilities to warrant signage along the corridor. Signage-pending corridors have demonstrated plans for future operational infrastructure. A spokesperson for the FHWA told HDT that there are not currently plans for specific signage indicating fueling stations that could accommodate commercial vehicles, but the plan is in the early stages and is still being developed in participating states and organizations. “Alternative fuels and electric vehicles will play an integral part in the future of America’s transportation system,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. “We have a duty to help drivers identify routes that will help them refuel and recharge those vehicles and designating these corridors on our highways is a first step.” U.S. DOT website - http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/alternative_fuel_corridors/ Interactive map - http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/alternative_fuel_corridors/maps/
  18. Sean Kilcarr, Fleet Owner / November 7, 2016 If you’re in the business of selling vehicle parts, then you may be about to witness a healthy uptick in sales volumes for a stretch – this despite record sales of new vehicles over the last few years, especially where cars, sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and pickup trucks are concerned. That’s because older models – especially ones around five years in age and ones 12 years or older – are staying on the road longer and accruing more mileage. That means (tah dah!) they’ll need more parts and services, at least according to the data analyzed by research firm IHS Markit. During the annual Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX) held last week in Las Vegas, Mark Seng, director, global automotive aftermarket practice at IHS Markit, noted that while new vehicle sales are expected to reach nearly 90 million units globally this year, the number of global vehicles in operation is expected to exceed nearly 1.4 billion vehicles by 2021, with two billion vehicles in operation expected by 2040. [In the U.S., new vehicle sales are expected to reach 17.4 million units this year, a slight decline from last year, before rising to 17.5 million units in 2017, he added.] That means – despite the record pace of new vehicle sales – the population of older vehicles will keep growing. The aftermarket definitely felt the 40% drop in new light vehicle registrations experienced during the downturn of 2008-10, Seng noted. However, the impact of that on the vehicles in operation indicates the volumes of vehicles in the new to five years old category will grow 16% by 2021, and while vehicles in the six to 11 year-old range will grow just 5%, the population of vehicles that are aged 12 years or older will grow 10%, according to IHS Markit projections. Indeed, it is the number of older vehicles on the road that are growing the fastest – with vehicles 16 years and older expected to grow 30% from 60 million units today to 81 million units by 2021. IHS Markit research also indicates 20 million vehicles on the road in 2021 will be more than 25 years old. “Some believe that high new-vehicle sales are not a good thing for the aftermarket,” Seng noted during a presentation at AAPEX. “However, I don’t see it that way. Anytime you are adding vehicles to the fleet that’s a good thing. It’s our ‘new business pipeline’ if you will. [It means] simply more vehicles to repair down the road.” Vehicle miles traveled in the U.S. continues to increase, too, driven partly by a continued spate of low fuel prices – adding to the “aging” process for vehicles. For the past two years, consumers have traveled more than 3 trillion miles per year, which is up from seven years of declining or flat miles traveled between 2006 and 2013, according to the Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) numbers. From a global perspective, light duty vehicle miles traveled are estimated to reach more than 10 trillion miles this year, according to IHS Markit. “The aftermarket must be prepared to address the needs of the aging vehicle population,” Seng said. “More repair opportunities will abound for these older vehicles, including from consumers who may be a vehicle’s third or fourth owner.” But what kinds of light vehicles are we talking about here? IHS Markit’s data offers some further insight: The firm tracks nearly 30 different vehicle segments but just four represented nearly 60% of new vehicle registrations in 2015. Compact CUVs or “crossovers” are commanding nearly 19% of the market year-to-date in 2016, with traditional compact cars (13.4%), mid-size sedans (12.7%) and full-size pickup trucks (12.3%) rounding out the top four. In the U.S., import brands are outpacing the traditional domestic brands, which allows for growth among import parts providers and service experts, according to IHS Markit. Market share of new vehicle sales held by traditional domestic brands in the U.S. is declining – accounting for just 46% in 2015. IHS Markit forecasts suggest import nameplates will account for 57% of U.S. light vehicle market share by 2021. As a percentage of vehicles in operation, cars with import nameplates increased by more than 50% since 2002, and likewise, import branded light trucks have nearly tripled in number over the same 14 year timeframe. One final though thought here as we talk about replacement part demand in the light vehicle space: don’t forget that much of this is computer related, meaning repairs will be vastly more complex than in times past. For example, IHS Markit noted that new premium vehicles today rely on more than 100 million lines and over 50 onboard computers to function. “This level of technical sophistication is virtually unmatched by other industries,” Seng emphasized. “This technological complexity is the foundation for the coming autonomous and connected car,” he added. “And even though these vehicles will not dominate the market for another couple of decades, the technology found on those future vehicles are entering repair bays more and more.” That’s going to put further stress on the need to find skilled technicians – savvy in both computer learning and mechanical repair skills – to keep today’s vehicles up and running on the road. That particular challenge isn’t going away anytime soon.
  19. Transport Topics / November 7, 2016 Engineering and research company PIT Group and truckload carrier U.S. Express announced they had begun the first in-service fuel-efficiency test in the United States with a variety of Class 8 trucks and various powertrain combinations to compare actual performance levels. The weeklong test at a U.S. Express facility here involves three Model 579 tractors from Peterbilt Motors Co.; two from International Truck, a new 2017 LT model and 2017 ProStar ES; a 2017 Cascadia from Freightliner; and a 2017 T680 from Kenworth Truck Co. U.S. Express called the trucks the most fuel-efficient vehicles offered by the respective truck manufacturers. Peterbilt and Kenworth are brands of Paccar Inc. Freightliner is a brand of Daimler Trucks North America. International is the brand of Navistar Inc. “We are in the largest [equipment-related] transition period since deregulation and the hard part is this is a low-margin business, so you have to be skeptical,” said Gerry Mead, senior vice president of maintenance at U.S. Express. “The key to the road test is getting a third-party result” that analyzes the test findings using the various combinations and understands how they were achieved “so we know what is the best,” Mead said. “This is a competition,” he said, “and that’s how we are looking at it. So we are going to see who wins.” One truck will ultimately stand out, PIT Group said. “It will be the best truck in terms of what U.S. Express needs,” not the best truck for every fleet, said Yves Provencher, director of PIT Group. PIT Group selected a 60-mile test course on highways and local roads. To mimic typical fleet operations, the tractors will pull new Hyundai TransLead 53-foot trailers loaded identically, PIT Group said. Also, an in-cab observer from the company will ride with and monitor the carrier’s drivers operating the test trucks. Each truck carries an identical 50 gallons of fuel in a special fuel tank whose weight has been certified. PIT Group said the overall test qualifies as an ISO-17025-certified process. The fuel consumption test is based on RP 1103A, a recommended practice from the Technology & Maintenance Council of American Trucking Associations, the company said. U.S. Express Enterprises ranks No. 19 on the Transport Topics' Top 100 list of the largest U.S. and Canadian for-hire carriers. .
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