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Jeff M

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Everything posted by Jeff M

  1. Hmmmm, wings on both sides and a Massachusetts plate. What's wrong with that picture? Answer: this truck would never find work in a Mass plow line, where almost none of the trucks have wings. Nonetheless, that is a sweet truck.
  2. 250 Mack, eh? Well, that's better. Thanks for the info, those are great pics.
  3. Not full-width shutters indicates it might be a Scania? If so, too bad.
  4. 8V-53, never knew those even existed. I wonder what it sounds like.
  5. There's just something about a DM 800 that no other trucks have. Love it.
  6. Plus three cab and minus ten sleeper.
  7. A B model with a V8 which is still being used, how rare is that? I'm happy that you are as committed to it as you seem to be. The quad will get easier with time, trust me. And if you like hot, loud trucks that smell like oil I'd say you've got the right stuff. Best of luck with it, and don't forget to keep us posted.
  8. Illegal in California? You're kidding.
  9. Your post didn't confuse me. Just sounds like someone who's a tad excited. Which I would be too! She's a beaut.
  10. Ad says top speed is 52 mph. Ouch.
  11. That's not a grille guard, that's artistry.
  12. Steel nose is the one with the Cat, perhaps?
  13. Gawd, those are nice. I don't know where you get all your pics, Jim, but I sure enjoy 'em. Best part is just one or two at a time so we don't suffer from sensory overload. :-)
  14. Mack R. Lund visor. Excellent.
  15. I agree. Best trucks ever built.
  16. Google Earth streetview shows it hooked to twin trailers. Can't see it close up, however.
  17. That story looks to be 18 years old.
  18. The Bendix is no fun, but at least you can disable it by shutting off the cruise--you can't do that with the Meritor OnGuard. It is, in my opinion, dangerous.
  19. 147 step pre-trip? Wow! Good job!
  20. Those are very nice. Having said that, I once worked for an outfit whose maintenance director had once upon a time driven a 1946 White. He thought anything any nicer (or newer) than that was an exercise in coddling the drivers. As such, he didn't like power steering, air ride seats, and of course a/c, and unfortunately he was in charge of spec'ing the new trucks. Accordingly, they had the lowest hp rating available, the cheapest seats (ever heard of a "Duraform" seat? You don't want to), and when they came through with cruise control as standard equipment, he disabled each and every one of them, telling us that he thought the drivers would "abuse cruise", whatever that meant. I grew weary of that after a fashion, and moved on.
  21. Six speed. Five speeds on the left stick and reverse, lo, and direct on the right stick. Non synchro. Oops, I see it has a silver bulldog, might not be a Maxidyne (237) after all, and if it's not, it would have five on the left stick with reverse and two, three, or four on the right stick. Pretty unusual by '74, though, most were Maxidynes by then.
  22. I never saw anything like that around here, and I don't believe tandem doubles have ever been legal in Maine.
  23. I was thinking the same thing.
  24. Autocars are a close second to Macks for me. Particularly that first one, '69 or '70 I'm thinking? Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for putting them up.
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