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Jeff M

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Everything posted by Jeff M

  1. Hmmmm. How about "Older, old, oldest." ?? :-)
  2. I haven't driven a twin stick in over 30 years, buy I sure like them. Enjoy!
  3. The Lund visor and the big markers lights add so much.
  4. Wow, that is a real weapon!
  5. This is getting up into collector car money, in my opinion.... https://nh.craigslist.org/hvo/5828764079.html
  6. Love it love it love it!
  7. Great pics. Love the Hayward wrecker.
  8. Last year on the Me Turnpike that truck passed me like I was tied to a stump.
  9. That combo also gives you five speeds in reverse. You'll find that third gear on the main works best in reverse.
  10. A 13 speed with a 4-speed auxiliary. Sheesh.
  11. Possible original road tractor that later had a dump body installed on it....
  12. Thank you for not swapping those spokes for shiny alloys. Spokes equate to toughness. Aluminum budds are for pretty Peterbilts. And I've said it before, but an R model with a Lund visor is a tough combination to beat. Nice truck!
  13. I am really enjoying these articles. Keep'em coming!
  14. That is a beautiful F-model. And, thanks for sticking with the original Daytons. :-)
  15. Very nice comments, Vlad, thanks. I am in total agreement with you about speed limits here. They seem to be designed for everyone's great aunt Mildred. I'm often comfortable ten to fifteen mph over the limits, and at 63 I'm no young hot rod. I've driven in both Sweden and Ireland and speed limits are much more reasonable, especially in Ireland. Owning a fast car or a sport bike in this country is a waste of money in my opinion.
  16. I agree with what a previous poster said about Petes being like Harleys. There's a lot about a Pete that's "retro" and that's the problem IMHO. Visibility when backing is tough (if you have a sleeper). I don't care for those pedals. Wipers are archaic, as is the hvac system. If you run a bug shield and like to sit on the floor you'll lose the vehicle in front of you in heavy traffic (be aware of THAT!). They do, however, look very nice, and that's the key for a lot of folks. Having said all that, I wish you the best of luck with your new Pete. It appears to be a looker.
  17. A Powerstroke with two sticks. Now there's an interesting combination.
  18. Good luck finding anyone on a fire department in 2015 who would know how to shift that. As such, everything these days has a slushbox. Sure is/was a beauty.
  19. Great story. Sure is funny the little twists and turns that life hands us.
  20. It does have two sticks, but I couldn't find a shift diagram anywhere. Proprietor of the shop where it's for sale claims the mileage is original, but I have my doubts. I think it's unusual to see 24.5" rubber on a small, early U. Looks like the tach, and a couple of other smaller gauges have been swapped out. Speedo could have come from some other "period correct" Mack, explaining the low mileage. Nonetheless, I slow down every time I drive by. I once drove an early R with a 673 and straight five speed. The only difference was that the gap between 4th and 5th was about half what it was with a 675, if that makes any sense.
  21. This I'm told is a '66 U model, asking price $4500. I was also told it has a 237 in it, but the pics show otherwise. It's only a mile or so from my house, so I can find out more if needed. The contact phone number is 207-655-6043. It's located in Raymond, ME. http://s37.photobucket.com/user/teebud/library/U%20Model%20Mack
  22. But.....the front wheel steering cut is excellent, HVAC very good, adjustable steering wheel best in the business, sun visors are much better than anyone elses's.
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