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Jeff M

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Everything posted by Jeff M

  1. Rough ride for this Mack.... http://www.pressherald.com/2014/12/11/listing-ferry-makes-it-to-north-haven-after-trucks-on-board-get-knocked-over/
  2. I agree that you most likely won't see a huge difference with air suspension when bobtailing. This has been my experience with many trucks I've driven. They are, after all, trucks--and designed for weight--lots of it.
  3. Nice clean B you have there. The 6/71 is not typical in a B, and you may hear some muffled groaning on the forum, but it's a good engine. Simple, lighter weight, starts easily even when it's cold out. Not as much power, tends to be louder, and usually leaks oil. However, I never met a 13 speed I didn't like. There was a day when the 6/71 ruled the highways; Detroit built a ton of them. I think you have an interesting combination there. Good luck with it! PS I agree with the others about changing out the fuel filters.
  4. What a sweet ride. That guy deserves so much credit for keeping a working truck like that in such beautiful condition. And, the steering wheel isn't even cracked! I too like that wheel much better than the later two spoke black wheel. Beautiful truck. Thanks for tracking it down.
  5. Now that's a Hood with a capital "H"!!!!
  6. X2. I just love the gold bulldog sitting proudly out on the front of that long hood. :-)
  7. They did indeed do it for commercial trucks which were ordered direct. That's a very nice untouched Hayward, and I see from earlier posts that our BMT folks pretty much nailed its worth. I am very pleased that you saved it from the dark side. I would raise a question asked earlier, though--how did a 237 end up in a long hood? Early in my career I drove an R without power steering. I put a steel suicide knob on it even though I was warned that I could get hurt, which I took as nonsense. Sure enough, one day I was on a jobsite and the left front dropped down into a big pothole and the wheel spun. Suicide knob almost broke my wrist. I usually don't condone unmuffled trucks, but I'd lose that muffler in a hearbeat. I think there's nothing that sounds any nicer than a straight pipe Maxidyne, and as there's no engine brake you won't upset anyone. Again, great score!
  8. That looks to be a 73 or newer DM600,
  9. The first tip turbine I ever drove was a '74 DM with the reverse scoop. The tip turbine was pretty loud, and was slower to spool up and down than later ones I drove which had the dual air cleaner inlets rather than the reverse scoop. These had a higher pitched turbine and were quicker to spool up. Anyone know why these sounded and drove differently?
  10. I'm no expert, but something just doesn't ring true here. Wouldn't a 1985 have had the black steering wheel?
  11. Check this out: http://maine.craigslist.org/hvo/4657734611.html
  12. I always like the sound of an straight pipe Maxidyne.
  13. Some turn up their noses at wood dashes, but I love 'em. Yours is looking great.
  14. Su-weeeet!! But, it should be for the price. I wonder if that's part of the McKean collection...
  15. As much as I like Mack power, a driveable V8 Detroit R700 is a find. Great score! Someone sure went to a lot of trouble to paint everything yellow including the engine and cab interior. If it were an R600 it could have been owned by a municipality, but I'm thinking an R700 not so much. Interesting to know its history. Beautiful truck, congrats!!!
  16. I drove (or at least thought I drove) one of those back in the late 60's. I've never seen or heard of another one--not even on this forum, so I was beginning to wonder if I'd dreamt it. Thanks for restoring my sanity. :-)
  17. I agree that the square one is a Lund, and I don't believe they're available any more.
  18. Great, great pics Rich. I still say there's nothing that looks any better than an R with a Lund visor. Love the Autocars, though. And the Oshkoshes. Thanks for posting! Matt, yours are great too. I just spent the last hour looking over both sets. Love it!
  19. I saw that green R model dump headed down I-95 a day or two ago and couldn't catch it in a 65 mph governed truck.
  20. Vlad, your posts are very entertaining. Keep it up!!
  21. This one's on CL locally: http://maine.craigslist.org/hvo/4427884536.html
  22. Yep, looks to be a Bostrom Levelair seat, too--quite a seat in its day. Looks like a newer Bibeau body.
  23. If there's anything that looks like it means business it's a DM 800, and that big bumper doesn't hurt either. Big single airhorn, too. That gizmo on the driver's side fender just adds to the general panache. Who needs twin stovepipe stacks? I hope you end up with that big ol' fella.
  24. I've been a company driver for over 40 years now but have never been an owner operator, for all the reasons previously listed. I think it's a tough way to make a living. Best of luck which ever way you go.
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