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Jeff M

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Everything posted by Jeff M

  1. 73 DM600 steel dash dump, brandy new. Wish I had a pic!
  2. I'm glad you fellows posted the info about the gold bulldogs, because from driving Macks in the early to mid 70's I remember well that the gold bulldogs indicated a Maxidyne engine. This shows that my memory hasn't entirely failed me....yet. :-)
  3. Always a good thing when someone reports back to the forum with these findings. Thanks!
  4. Should be if it's a '74.
  5. Well, that's a relief--at least I didn't imagine it. I've used the technique over the years on many trucks, but not all that often--usually when skip-shifting between gears with a roadranger. I've had numerous assigned trucks over the years and haven't worn out the clutch brake prematurely.
  6. I was browsing back through old posts and came upon one discussing proper use of the clutch brake. Most posters agreed that the only time the clutch brake is used is when engaging a gear to prevent grinding. That comment took me back many years........(flashback here)..... I was working for a sand and gravel company driving a White 2300 dump with the 555 Cummins. They bought two new DM-600 Maxidynes. They had the smaller cab w/green dash, six speed twin stick, but larger Mack letters on the front, which tells me they had to be at the very end run of the green dash versions, late 1973. Anyway, when I finished work on Friday afternoon I was told I'd be assigned one of the new Macks on Monday. I was so cranked up I could hardly sleep the entire weekend which actually crawled by cause I couldn't wait to drive the new Maxidyne. On a whim I grabbed the operator's manual and read it cover to cover over the weekend. And, I clearly remember reading about clutch brake usage, which of course described using it to ease gear engagement when stopped, but it also mentioned using it to shift the transmission faster between gears, i.e, you depress the clutch pedal fully to use the clutch brake between shifts, not double-clutching at all. Well, it worked. When I mentioned that to my boss, he said the clutch brake was only used to prevent rolling back on hills when stopped. I thought he hadn't a clue what he was talking about but kept that opinion to myself. :-) To this day, when describing the procedure I always mention that I learned it from a Mack operator's manual. So, I got thinking that perhaps someone on this forum remembers the same thing, or better still, someone actually has an original Maxidyne operator's manual that describes this procedure. I didn't post on the original BMT post which would bump it up to the front because it was at least five years ago.
  7. Dunno about all the other stuff, but I think the orange with black would look great.
  8. I went to Ireland this past summer and rented a standard shift Renault Megane w/1.5l diesel. First time I'd ever driven on the left/wheel on the right.. Shifting on the left took a little getting used to, but the toughest part was making a hard turn into a parking space like you'd do in a parking lot. I didn't trust myself, always backed in with the mirrors. I can just imagine what an absolute gas it must be driving that beautiful Mack. It will be an instant hit at the truck shows if you choose to take it. That fifth wheel setup is very interesting indeed. Thanks so much for sharing this with the rest of us. :-)
  9. Here are some more pics of this truck in its former colors. I agree that it looks better with this color scheme. http://imageevent.com/jctair/rs700lmacktandemtractorrealclean I would also say that it's new than a '74. All the numbers are in the pics, perhaps someone can confirm this.
  10. Can't say as I've ever seen a set of Mickey Thompson valve covers on a Mack...
  11. Judging by your avatar, I'd say you've made your mind up. Enjoy!
  12. They did sell it to Copp Motors, where it spent some time, but then ended up with some guy in Casco, I believe....but I haven't seen it now for quite a few years.
  13. All I can say is, you learn fast!!
  14. Great pics, thanks for posting. When it was originally for sale the seller had a lot of pics including the interior, which looked as good as the exterior. Wish I'd saved 'em all. It appears it belonged to a company known as Creative Paving. I've found their website with a few nice Mack pics, including the truck I've mentioned here: http://www.creativepavingnj.com/creative-paving-photos.htm Given that the truck belonged to a company that appears to be still in existence, I guess I'll change my avatar.
  15. I am a relatively new member to the forum and about once a week I see a truck that just blows me away. Well, this week it's yours. That thing is gorgeous. As far as selling it, sometimes we do what we have to do, but take your time and make sure it goes to a good home...and get a good price for it too.
  16. http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/25343-i-didnt-think-it-sounded-like-a-mack/
  17. Beautiful. I also like the spoke wheels.
  18. Nope, sold it some years ago. Someone removed the fire body and put a tilt flatbed on it. I still see it around occasionally. I always liked it--there's something about a B with the chrome grille surround.
  19. Looks like a pre-'73 U (or could it be a DM?) with a post '73 hood. Or at least the hood has the post '73 larger letters.
  20. Well, this is very interesting. Western R models are my favorite Macks--or trucks, for that matter--and when that one showed up I really liked it and saved the pic. Last year a buddy of mine went to a show in Massachusetts and snagged a pic of it in its new colors, which I also liked. I had no idea they were the same truck. I need to do further research and try to find out who owns it and when and where it will be shown so I can actually see it. Thanks to all who've provided info on this thread.
  21. That truck has a tip turbine engine and a two stick six speed. They posted a bunch of photos of it at the time and I wish I'd saved them all. It was a looker. Raymond, about twenty miles north of Portland.
  22. I'm a recent new member, and decided to use a pic I had stored on my computer as my avatar. This truck came up for sale, perhaps in New Jersey, a few years back. I liked it and saved a pic, but then it occurred to me that the truck may belong to someone on this forum. If so, I'll delete it as an avatar and put up another pic of a dog, probably my beagle. Does anyone know this '74 RS? Here's a vid, too:
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