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Everything posted by richyung601

  1. Hello my CH 613 a/c works blow cold when I charge the system then it started to blow warm air so I looked around and heard a leak around the expansion valve that's sits near the firewall my question here is it a pain to change that valve. Someone told me that I would have to take the dash out to get to it but as I looked closer I don't think so please help thanks. I took a few pics
  2. ok the draining part which hose should i pull to drain is it the hose to the reservoir? thanks
  3. thanks for the help I have only water in the system now since its cold Im gonna put coolant in the system. Is it ok to just mix the coolant with the water already in the system by just pouring that in with it or should I flush the water out the system?
  4. Hello Everyone I wanted to find out what type of coolant do I have to use in my system. I have a Mack e7 427 engine thanks for the help.
  5. Hello Everyone I wanted to find out what type of coolant do I have to use in my system. I have a Mack e7 427 engine thanks for the help.
  6. No they stay on even with the key off and switch in off position. The park brake pulled out and fuse in only way to turn them off is pull fuse out.
  7. No they stay on even with the key off and switch in off position. The park brake pulled out and fuse in only way to turn them off is pull fuse out.
  8. Ok thanks so what do you recommend to get the lights to work when I push the button in on dash to turn them on? Is there a fuse for the lights if so what # fuse?
  9. Hello Staxx thanks for all the help the truck is back running great does not cut off since the new ECM has be programmed and out in. Now I have a situation with my head light since the new ECM is in all the clearance lights comes on but my headlights does not come on. They will work when you press the flash to pass button so I know the lights work. I put a fuse in fuse 16 spot #16 the lights comes on but when I turn all the lights off with switch the head lights stays on. What could cause this?
  10. This the same sensor that screws in at the fly wheel?
  11. Thanks for the help where is the tach sensor located? Thank
  12. Ok thanks very much!!!
  13. Thanks for all the help staxx!!! I have something else I noticed when I was driving the truck with the original ECM the rpm would studder around 1400 rpm do you think since the ECM is bad it will cause that? Thanks
  14. thanks for your reply I want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly when you say module you mean the ECM correct?
  15. my tech installed actually a certified Mack tech works at Mack Dealer. I've ordered the module hopefully that does the job because the other module worked
  16. VMAC II it is. The truck shuts down just sitting at idle also when your driving down the road but it does not with the other VMac II ECM that we pulled from the other truck. The original we pulled does not give you any codes but the other one gives electronic malfunction mil I got blink code 3-4 which is timing sensor that sits on side of injection pump we replaced that sensor the truck still shuts down.
  17. Thanks for the welcome!! My truck shuts off after I turn on it runs for a couple of minutes then just shuts off like you turn the truck off by key. I had a tech come out diagnose the truck at first he check the sensors all the sensors are good. Then he checked the fuel system everything seems good no air in the fuel system. Then he came to the conclusion it's the ECM the truck is a 97 mechanical engine there is no ECM on the block only in the cab on passenger side behind the kick panel. We had another Mack we pulled that ECM out put in my truck that shuts off and the truck runs until you turns it off. Do you all believe it's the ECM electrical problem?
  18. Thanks for the welcome!! My truck shuts off after I turn on it runs for a couple of minutes then just shuts off like you turn the truck off by key. I had a tech come out diagnose the truck at first he check the sensors all the sensors are good. Then he checked the fuel system everything seems good no air in the fuel system. Then he came to the conclusion it's the ECM the truck is a 97 mechanical engine there is no ECM on the block only in the cab on passenger side behind the kick panel. We had another Mack we pulled that ECM out put in my truck that shuts off and the truck runs until you turns it off. Do you all believe it's the ECM electrical problem?
  19. Thanks for the welcome!! My truck shuts off after I turn on it runs for a couple of minutes then just shuts off like you turn the truck off by key. I had a tech come out diagnose the truck at first he check the sensors all the sensors are good. Then he checked the fuel system everything seems good no air in the fuel system. Then he came to the conclusion it's the ECM the truck is a 97 mechanical engine there is no ECM on the block only in the cab on passenger side behind the kick panel. We had another Mack we pulled that ECM out put in my truck that shuts off and the truck runs until you turns it off. Do you all believe it's the ECM electrical problem?
  20. My 97 Mack CH613 shuts down while at idle and going down road. I was told it's the ECM. This is a mechanical engine so there is no ECM on the motor only in the cab on the passenger side behind the kick panel. Just for diagnosing purposes I got a ECM out of another truck put hooked it up in my truck it runs until I turn the key back. It also will take the truck down the street it does not have full engine power and it's smokes but it does not shut off so I've came up with it's the ECM!!! Any suggestions? PLEASE HELP!!!
  21. Will someone help me out here?
  22. My 97 Mack CH613 shuts down while at idle and going down road. I was told it's the ECM. This is a mechanical engine so there is no ECM on the motor only in the cab on the passenger side behind the kick panel. Just for diagnosing purposes I got a ECM out of another truck put hooked it up in my truck it runs until I turn the key back. It also will take the truck down the street it does not have full engine power and it's smokes but it does not shut off so I've came up with it's the ECM!!! Any suggestions? PLEASE HELP!!!
  23. Hello everyone my name is Ken from the state of Mississippi. I have a 1997 Mack CH614 with an E7-427 engine with dump body. I found this site and it seems to be a great place to come when you need great helpful information so I am glad to be a member. I'm having problems with my truck so I'm gonna need some help thanks.
  24. 97 CH 600 starts up run for a couple mins then shuts down. I've checked sensors and the fuel lines to see where air being sucked in also do you all think it could have some do with the ECM? Please Help
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