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About R.E.D

  • Birthday November 11


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    Houston , Texas

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  1. I remember my pops had a ch with the stiffest clutch ever.. ended up being wrong cable, I think it was too long.
  2. R.E.D

    B model

    Not mine .local marketplace.
  3. It's my buddy's truck ..I haven't spoken to him since last post.ill keep y'all informed
  4. Do you happen to have the part number of the fitting with the clear window in it? In order to see if there's any air in the fuel?
  5. He says it's felt 1100 rpm and under the most
  6. I'm guessing at some point he's going to have to do that. Forgot to mention he also replaced the boost sensor.
  7. So I'm posting this for my buddy. He has a slight engine Miss that's been driving him crazy. 98 E-Tech 460. Engine Miss comes and goes. In the past month he has replaced all eups, injectors, and both timing sensors. He also ran the overhead. Idle fuel pressure is around 50 to 60 PSI. Goes up to 70 Max revs. He's going to do the fuel pressure test under load. Is there a clear fitting that can be put in line in the fuel lines to determine fuel aeration? I know they have some for some Cummins engines, just wondering if anyone has the part number. No blink codes active, he did have some before but they were for the eups which have been replaced. Thank you for your help guys Red
  8. Facebook Marketplace, not mine.
  9. In my opinion, you should replace the u bolts and torque them to proper specs. I think JoeH is right, a transverse torque arm is needed for this application. You can add one to the front diff, the torque arm bracket has a circular hole in order for the drive shaft to pass through it. Most front diffs aren't threaded for this ,therefore you would need to remove it and have a machine shop drill and tap for you.I had this done on my rd that has 38k Camelback suspension with rubber bushings and did not come with the transverse torque arm.Granted I did it to the back diff but it would be the same procedure.
  10. They made cl733 (Cummins engine) at least up to 07 . There is a few for sale on truck paper right now.
  11. What model mack? Best would be a cl,it has the legroom for a Detroit..they made them with Detroits (cl743) back in the 90s ,but like I've said before they are rarer than an honest politician .
  12. Use some grease or Vaseline to make sure the crush washer sticks to the injector tip .Torque lines to appropriate torque specs , if you're replacing them it should be with the new single nut style.While your there , wouldn't be a bad idea to check overhead.Just my .02 ¢ . Red
  13. The vmac 3 service manual is available for downloads from mack e media for free.Part number 8-211.
  14. I believe 2180 which is the older model has a bit more overdrive.71 instead of .73 of the t318..so you would be loosing a tiny bit of top speed..also I think the older model trans ptos will not work on the t318 .. hopefully someone will chime in and verify this . Red
  15. If everything mentioned above checks out , have someone move steering wheel left to right.. paying close attention to u bolts and springs.
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