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Everything posted by KECorbin22

  1. Not a fair vote, kinda like women, I like them all. Some look good, some look great, some can cook, some can't, some can fish, some don't, but we all came from one.
  2. I seriously doubt that this could ever be pull off in todays situation. NO BEANS> NO BULLETS> NO FIGHT
  3. Wire brush, PB Blaster, More PB Blaster and some more PB Blaster.
  4. Where can I get that bumper sticker?
  5. FOR SURE.. Saturday morning at work, two oversized loads carrying track hoes, came through the parking lot and parked. The driver of the second truck, load had shifted and he asked the guys with the first truck if they could help him move it around that he did not know how to operated it, They unchain everything, and then the second driver slip off the rear of the trailer and hit his head on the trailer and spun around, falling to the ground just as another tractor passed by, the trailer ran over him killing him. Terrible accident that happen too quick. Being the manager on duty, I had to deal with everything and cleaning up. The driver would of been 70 years old next month, You just never know. Mine sympathy to both family.
  6. I move 26 tons one time, I will not try that stupid shit again. Paint is cheap, repairs are not.
  7. Have had quite a few come thru our shop, dead axle in the rear. Drivers complain about getting hung on uneven ground and loosing traction on takeoffs, in wet conditions. One driver said he got stuck on scales at a DOT check station, Officers had to come out and push him off.
  8. They learn that trick from the government.
  9. Great post. We still have a few years of Mr. o, I just hope Mrs. o don't decide to run against Mrs. c, We will be stuck in HELL.
  10. Block the axle on something solid, no jacks or jack stand. A BIG Hammer.
  11. It is for sure an upside down world, EPA recently dropped the requirements on DEF, they figure out that instead of the exhaust going into the air, it is now going onto the ground and into our water. The newer engines don't seem to last as long as the older ones, more temp = more wear out. Now with the push for LPG, The new engines are just converted with spark plugs and an electrical dist. , I asked some factory reps about upper cylinder lube for these new engines running on a dry fuel and so far none has been able to explain it to me. Which means shorter life and more money. The requirements for an oil change is more frequent then before in these converted engines. Makes me think of the old GM gas engine conversation to diesel (6.2), What a joke. The Chinese are building coal fire power plants at the rate of one a week, Our government is slowly choking our coal plants to death along with the people that works for this industry, and wants to charge farmers for cow shit. Go figure!!
  12. Yep, should of bought the Superliner.
  13. Ever check the crankcase filter ? connecting passage ways ? What type of Anti-freeze are you using ? Red with NO water, any water will not allow motor to heat up enough or have you changed out the thermostats, Check the temp of your oil after a good run, If not above 200 degree there is your problem. MAYBE.
  14. Wife's grandmother recipe, the same as on the back of KARO syrup with an extra twist, One level teaspoon of cornmeal. I mix everything except the nuts and only use whole 1/2 nuts and put them in after I pour the mix in pie shell, spoon the nuts down into mix, the smaller nuts have more taste. We grow our own nuts in the south. Use real butter also. Since pie shells usually comes two to a package I mix up enough for both pies and bake at the same time, That way you got one to give away. BEST Pecan pie you will ever eat.
  15. I am good cook, make the best pecan pie you will ever eat.
  16. Some of the best mechanics I worked with are female, at least they will listen.
  17. In 1976 I weight in at 141# joined the ARMY, In 1979 I weight in at 209# run 2 to 5 miles a day excerise continuously max out the Army PT test, best time was 14:15 for two mile run, after 1988 when I left the Army quit running so much but worked my ass off, quit drinking professionally in 1994, by 2001 had high blood pressure, started taken BP med's and CHL med's and didn't like spending money on that, now I don't eat pork and very little red meat with only a little white bread, it take me 3 months to finish a 1 liter bottle of brandy, I now weight in at 175# take NO med's BP is 135/70 and can out work the 20 and the 30 olds at work. Whenever they complain about feeling BAD, I jump up and say I feel GREAATT. Pisses them all off. Stay with whatever works for you and never feel bad about yourself.
  18. Great sense of humor from down under. We get it on weekly basis, yesterday a driver comes in says "I think I got a flat, There is no air in in"
  19. Sounds like my luck, a day late and a dollar short.
  20. No truer words have been spoken by a true citizen of the United States, only if we could get some in D.C.
  21. Like finding a GOOD woman, Why do you want to look any farther. I came across this site in my search for an OL'DOG, one to restore and spend some time with, I found one but yet to get it home so I been learning a lot just from being on this site. Everybody has been friendly and respectful to all, I hope to meet as many as I can in the future. If I can ever be of any help to anyone just let me know.
  22. My experience with military trucks, possible the wiper motor has a sticking directional valve, remove air hose to wiper motor and spray a little W-D 40 into and reconnect air line and allow to work for awhile. The other thing you might want to try is with the air off, move the arm back into park position manually (either to the extreme right or left) and check for air loss. Its been 20 plus years sense I work on them.
  23. In reply to Bullhusk, I served with Allen West (2nd LT) in the Army back in '83 to '87, over in Germany. I worked in the Brigade Headquarters S-2 unit, part of my job was doing Background Checks for Security Clearances, of the 100's of the Officers I did the work on, His was the only one that was completely and accurately filled out to the T. One of the reason that I remember him. The other reason I liked him was He is very smart and had NO superior attitude toward anyone. Politician's with a brain are not liked in D.C., especially a conservative Black person. Back in '07 and '08 when BHO was running against Dillary (she reminds me of Phylis Diller) someone asked me, Who do you think would win the primaries , I made the comment " That the Black Man got to vote before the White Woman did." That being said, Our next president will most likely be a female whether a democrat or a republican , WHAT DOES IT MATTER ? will only prove that it doesn't just take a white man to screw things up. IF I DECIDE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT, MY MOTTO WILL BE " Get EVEN vote Keven"
  24. Before obama, ( I actually started obama with a capital letter but went back and changed it, the second time I wrote the same name auto-correction capitalization it for me, I changed it to small letter, now both words are red underline, you think the computer is trying to tell me something) My insurance would only go up $ 30.00 to $ 50.00 a year, now it is double per month, next year the company or myself will not be able to afford it, and I too will be on the government health care system. Not only has the Liberty Bell cracked, but now it is split into. In reference to Farmer52 piece, the other issue at hand is the minimum wage, every time the government increased the rate so does the price of everything else increase also. Actually all this does is increase the government tax receipts. A tax increase that no one votes on.
  25. Why do the power to be continue to bring in more B-S laws that only hurt working people ?, because we are the only one's working and paying their salaries.
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