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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by AZB755V8

  1. Man, That is one small hacksaw to cut that tank in half, you are a master of hand tools, LOL I do have the newer steps on my RW and the tanks are 22" they look nicer and work better, best of all still have them at Mack but $$
  2. The Brooks Show was this weekend up there. A really good one to get too!! There was some great trucks there I am sure to look at and a few for sale. Mackdaddy may be able to set you up with a good project truck or know of a few if he doesn't have one.
  3. Make only the 3 inch cross over pipe and no other parts with larger end diameters. The longer pipe to the drivers side was still good for me but both can be made out of a piece of thick wall tubbing/ pipe. I would make the pieces out of steel because cast iron gives me a real headache for a day from the dust but is easier to work with. The clearance between the mating parts is the problem and a tighter fit will stop the leak. I was thinking, for a quick fix the rope graphite seal and sealer that is used in wood burning stove door seals may work. It comes in different sizes, take the pipe out and put a ring of the rope and sealer inside of each collar and reassemble, there is end clearance. The rope would fill that and tighten things up.
  4. Mine was not as bad as yours. I loosened the springs up with PP Blaster wire brushed everything and used that runny exhaust sealer and it is holding. I have a lathe and will turn up a new cross over piece the next time increasing the end diameters to close up the worn clearance on the collars and add the spring groves. 8620 steel and about two hours lathe work. I'm a retired Tool Maker and with a little more time than most. I wasn't saying to get Headers but they are real nice. I think he would be the best bet for E9 parts, he had what I needed and fair on price, its just a phone call..
  5. There are 2 spiral wound spring seals at at each joint they will be stuck and not move in the slot in the pipe section. They slip into the collar at each end. There is not a lot of tension on them and the collars do wear a grove in them from the seals. All three parts are going to be worn. I don't have a good fix other than having a machine shop turn up a new larger pipe section and slip it in each collar. If you can get the 2 manifold bolts loose the manifold collar pieces will spill around to get the pipe out as well. I just did this thing to mine. Manifold bolts are $22-25 each from Mack and the gasket is $14-15. The only place that would have manifold parts anymore is Dale Francis in Ohio. 440-254-4046. Super helpful Guy.
  6. I have seen the short round tanks from time to time. Just so happens that there is one right here, maybe for sale, Take a look at the two rust free B cabs for sale recently. There is a shorty drivers side tank on that frame brackets and all. There could be a nice passenger tank there too. It just so happens the colors on that frame and cab match the B75 I got from Texas in 1996 and still have. My cab and tanks where in real nice shape.
  7. Hi, New here but the math is EZ. What you have is 1900rpm's ~ .86 Trans overdrive = 2,209RPM's I think it is .86 for your Eaton 13 speed. 2,209 ~ (gear ratio) = Y Tire roll out in feet = Z Z for 22.5's = 11.00 Z for 24.5's = 11.52 Y x Z x 60 ~ 5280 = MPH 5280 feet in a mile 60 minute in an hour This is like you said for what you have now 499.84 x 11 x 60 ~ 5280 = 62.48MPH Reducing the equation Y x Z x .01136 = MPH This works for any ratio and the two tire sizes For 4.17 ratio and 22.5's 529.736 x 11 x .01136 = 66.19 MPH I have 3.76 rears in my RW on 22.5's and I like them @ 73.41 MPH Hope this helps as I see rear ratios have come up more than once.
  8. They will interchange. I used a double disc pusher 864 clutch on my 866. All the 866 had a puller Clutch that I have seen.
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