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About rigchaser

  • Birthday 04/20/1982


  • Location
    McClellandtown, PA

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    Mack, Ford, Caterpillar, John Deere.
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  1. No go with them, any other ideas anyone?
  2. Does anyone know if they offered stainless or chrome 1/4 fenders for behind the steering axle of a 1996 MR? Secondly, if so; does anyone have a set they'd be willing to sell? Thanks! Matt
  3. Hello, I have a 1973 Mack DM895SX with rock dump on the farm. It runs great. ENDT865 engine. 69000 rears. I know that these trucks are amazing. I'm near Ottawa Canada. Cheers,  Art

  4. Any western Pennsylvanians; Cooney Brothers Coal Co. had if I recall correctly a very stout black Superliner dump truck with a Ti-Brook aluminum bed in their hay day. Does anyone have photos of that truck they could share?
  5. This was such a cool truck in SWPA in the 90's and early 2000's...wouldn't take much to have it whipped back into shape!
  6. My one lonely reference photo and where we sit this evening...
  7. Josh: plaskit_resin@yahoo.ca Matt
  8. Why I was asking, I'm replicating the Bowser truck in 1/24th scale...
  9. Here ya go Josh, it's a sweet ride!! -Matt
  10. I need to know if they still have and perhaps a way to contact for a little science project!
  11. Anyone here familiar with Bowser Milk out of Kittanning, PA and their Mack Superliner tractor?
  12. Post photos of the truck please? And "Thunder Dog" as in a red MH cab over??
  13. I've seen guys go upwards of 1200 bushel and then some...
  14. Mosser! That truck is top notch, whoever bought got an awesome truck!!
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