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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. Is the scenery good?
  2. Why are you at a mall? All you see there are the pregnant teenagers Now the scenery is far better in downtown LA. The women dress that way because they want the attention. You just have to be nice about it complement them on there frontal projections, cloths or boots and you get smiles.
  3. It’s because a certain segment of the population can’t read
  4. The only bad thing I found was a good leak from the rear valve cover and the front valve cover is wet How hard is it to do the valve cover gaskets? How are the jake brake spacers held on? Or are they just sitting there? Should I use the cork or rubber gaskets?
  5. I took the dog out for a walk today. This is the first time it has been on the road in 11 years Then I came home and drained the radiator again. I will refill it in the morning with water again
  6. That won’t clean the crap out of the block
  7. What is the best way to clean out the radiator and block? The previous owner used water and no anti freeze so it is a brown mess. I have drained it several times and refilled it. Should I just keep doing that or is there a better way? Also there was some brown slimy goo that plugged the drain. It’s almost like soft pliable silicone. Any ideas on what that is?
  8. This post is from 2013 and today it was reopened with another engine?
  9. Pm sent
  10. The real problem is tongue weight. The class 3, 5,000 lb factory hitches are only rated for 500 lb of tongue weight The class 5 hitch I use is rated for 20,000 lb with 3,000 lb of tongue weight and my 15,000 lb equipment trailer maxes that out. Judging by the duel tires on this trailer it has a higher GVW
  11. I was at a medical briefing on Tuesday and the flu is more dangerous. The recommendations were to stay away from sick people, don’t shake hands, don’t touch your face and wash your hands regularly
  12. How about a military field hospital Remember the TV show mash, just a modern version
  13. It is sick but it goes with Vegas Vegas is all about the shinny new things. Trucks are just to get a job done and when they are old they are scrap. Living in Southern California I have found that it is odd that there is not a single yearly truck show I Las Vegas that features antiques.
  14. My 688 is a 350 hp, I thought the 686 was 300 hp
  15. What tan dash panels do you have? Do you have any pictures?
  16. Remanufactured valve, new hoses and tie rod end are installed and working, now I have to get some new radial steer tires
  17. I still need an air tank and the brackets
  18. Still looking for a set
  19. The conspiracy theorists would love this Working at night No pictures allowed Supposedly hauling a vintage aircraft We know the truth You were moving a weather balloon This sounds like Roswell in 1947 all over again
  20. The brisket was good
  21. Where are you located
  22. I was at a BBQ place tonight and I watched an older white guy take several of the big bottles of BBQ sauce to his table. I guess he didn’t understand what the stacks of little cups next to the six different bottles of BBQ sauce were for. Maybe he accidentally pick up the bottle of super hot BBQ sauce!
  23. I primarily work on industrial projects. It’s amazing that a tractor and trailer can fit through the space I left open but the new fancy car can’t. For residential projects I hate working in rich areas because of the people’s entitled attitude. I prefer working in middle class areas
  24. That explains why your hood looks like it is setup for the fixed cab The passenger side channel is for the fixed cab, I actually need one of those You will need two of the channels and two spacers
  25. The plate you have is the one that is riveted to the hood. Make shore the rivets are good and use the correct ones if you have to replace them. McMaster Carr has the rivets for the fiberglass You just need to register on the PAI website and you will get an email with your password and then you can log in and view/print the catalog pages
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