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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. This is two pieces the first piece bolts to the hood through the center of the bracket you have, I think the bolt is 3/8" fine tread, then the channel shaped piece attaches to it with two screws and nuts The parts are NLA trough Mack but it looks like PAI now has them
  2. I went to the parts house today and they had the tie rod end on the shelf, that almost never happens for me. The box even says made in USA
  3. These are the mounts on the Hayward 1975 RS685LT These are the rotted mounts on the 1985 RS688LST
  4. The white truck is a 1985 and I like that style better but the drivers side bracket is rusted out, and it's the only rust I have found on the truck. The truck started its life with Texaco and i found it in California. At some point in its life the frame rails were replaced My 1975 has a different style on it and they need some serious repairs
  5. I finally got the tie rod end off of the pitman arm. After all the ideas on where to hit it failed it took some heat and one good whack with a big hammer to break it free
  6. Are the Hayward ones different? The truth is I need a drivers side bracket for the 1985, it all rusted out but that's the only rust on the truck so I am wondering if it was changed at some point. The 1975 Hayward Mack has different style ones on it that I think are ugly and need a bunch of repairs So I was hoping to find some replacements in better condition before I spend a bunch of time fixing what I have
  7. I picked up the new valve today, the only part that they reused was the adapter. They said that my old spool was actually bent
  8. Still looking for these parts
  9. Still looking for these parts
  10. Where is yours leaking?
  11. It would have been better if the car was a Volvo
  12. I am not following what you are recommending
  13. The draglink end is still stuck on the pitman arm and has not budged. I smacked the side with the 4lb and nothing. I then flipped the castle nut and hit it repeatedly and still nothing. I even tried some heat and that did is make the grease smoke Any ideas? The good news is I was able to unscrew the control valve by hand after removing the clamp This afternoon the control valve was delivered to garrison for rebuild or remanufacure. They said almost all the parts are still available. If the valve is leaking through the spool they said usually the bore cannot be honed and must be replaced
  14. We have a few around here like that. The is an area north of Pasadena called Hastings ranch in which most people go overboard on the decorations If you have the time, money and desire I say go for it
  15. Brings back memories of having the paper delivered to the truck. I used to enjoy reading the morning paper spread out on that giant Mack steering wheel while the two guys on the back humped the trash cans. The truck was geared for walking speed so unless someone had a huge pile out I just let the truck idle down the street Front loaders were plain nasty with that crap spilling on the cab Residential trash is not to bad but restaurants are nasty The most fun was loading stump boxes on the roll off and seeing if I could freak someone out by getting the front tires airborne Now I think the real reason kids like trash truck is they want to secretly throw the school bully in the truck. Now they have restorative justice and a hug is supposed to fix everything!
  16. Monday I am going to call garrison to see if they will rebuild the valve since they are local. How hard is it to rebuild one of these or should I take it to a shop to have it done?
  17. I am looking for a set of fender extensions and mounting brackets for my Mack's
  18. I am looking for an air tank and brackets to replace the tank that is under my passenger side battery box on my 1975 RS685LT
  19. What's the best way to remove the drag link, control valve. I changed the filter and fluid but the power steering only works turning right, no assistance turning left.
  20. Coasting down the road are you in gear or in neutral?
  21. What make is that trailer
  22. The jeepster is the two door convertible only available from the factory in 2wd The wagon is a jeep wagon The pickup is a jeep pickup The wagon and pickup were available in both 2wd and 4wd If you find a 4wd jeepster, old body style, it is probably sitting on a wagon frame I know where there is a nice big block 4wd jeepster sitting in a garage
  23. With no weight on the chassis the hard shifting is fairly normal PM me your email address and I can send you the operators manual
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