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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. Is fleetpride a pai dealer?
  2. This is my test wiring
  3. I got the jake brake to work this weekend. The first issue I found was that there were no wires going to the throttle position switch After jumping around the switch I still had nothing. So I connected the solenoid wire directly to the battery and they worked. After separating the solenoids and playing with them a few times they were each working a working better . I wonder if it was sticky from not being used for who know how long. Today the dash switch was working, still with a jumper around the throttle position switch, there is a couple second delay and then the jake brake tries to kill the engine.
  4. How big is the shop, the ceiling looks a little low to be playing with big toys
  5. How do you take the cylinder apart, mine looks like the ends are crimped on
  6. The horn valve installation on the 1975 is similar but different from the installation on my 1985 RS688LST
  7. Not a $100,000 but they have created a group of dreamers and flippers this is combined with the decreasing number of available vehicles is causing a problem but this has been an issue for as long as I can remember just the TV shows have made it worse
  8. Looks like a uti student
  9. I received the emails Today's email was interesting because at 5 am they had already chosen today's winner?
  10. Nice, original low mileage trucks do exist I have a 1989 FT900 with less than 30,000 original miles that I just retired the last 4 original tires this spring before the trip to the Reno convention
  11. Pulled the headliner down and there is nothing obvious Except a bad roof repair What should the air horn valve look like? This does not look correct
  12. That's still the policy to enter this country legally, at least part of it. My drafter entered this country and applied for political asylum, once she had her application approved she brought here family over one at a time and had to guarantee that she would house and feed them for a year until they got established, green card and job. If you have a bunch of money saved up you can bypass the sponsorship
  13. Per 4.2.2 ...."If the vehicle does not have an ECM, an ELD may use alternative sources to obtain or estimate these vehicle parameters with the listed accuracy requirements under section 4.3.1 ELD Sensing of this appendix."
  14. That's going to be interesting The back portion of the gasket between the roof vent and roof is under the roof top AC I think I will remove the headliner tomorrow Can you get a replacement plastic headliner or how can the plastic be repaired?
  15. It's still leaking in the rain Any ideas on where to look, I don't see where it is leaking, I just have water on the floor Are the gaskets for the small lights available
  16. One of my projects is to mount a auto crane econoton on a steel pallet Depending on how thick your forks are the tubing may alloy it to twist too much 3x8x1/4 is the perfect size for my forks but they are 2x6x72
  17. Can you run an eld app? The eld needs to sense Speed, this is easy to accomplish with a generator on the speedometer cable Engine power, again easy to simulate using an ignition on circuit Miles driven, this is usually fed from the computer and may be hard to simulate and this may be the reason for the pre 200 exemption
  18. All painted and back in but it's dark so no picture with it mounted, just painted Is the boot that goes over the ball available? Also removed the floor mat and padding because the padding was wet. Lots of surface rust from some open holes in the roof and a big dent at the back corner of the AC unit. All caulked for now
  19. On the gauges did you just reverse the wires or did you actually change the gushes? My 1975 is also positive ground and I may convert it because it's the oddball in my vehicles
  20. This is typical for the news They have no ethics to portray the facts and twist it for there political agenda or ratings. I am also coming to the conclusion that the entire education system faces the same problem with ethics. In my business working for educators is worse than working for contractors This reminds me of an incident that happened on some rich guys property. The contractor convinced him that CAT padlocks were super secure, he goes through this whole speal to me all the while I am thinking the keys are under the seat on my truck.
  21. Maybe it means something in Swedish. Have you checked your setup language and set it to American and not kings English The internet says that in Swedish P can be an abbreviation for father. Congratulations on getting your ? pregnant You could always take it to Ikea, they might be able to understand it better that Volvo/Mack
  22. I cleaned up the bubble gum and got the spring back in there Now it's time for lunch, a shower and off to real work
  23. All three tabs are there With the pin being welded in place it's not going to come apart without some grinding, I was thinking about leaving it welded in there. Tomorrow I was going to clean up the welds, hopefully the welder v them before welding, and wire wheel the whole shifter and give it a coat of paint I was thinking about making a tool out of a harbor Freight screwdriver to help with getting the spring back in The tower did have some funny paint markings on it like the salvage yards use. I wonder what P30 means
  24. I pulled the shifter and the spring has popped out of its retainer The sides of the bottom of the shifter have what appear to be grinding marks but not much if any material is warn away The corners of the tip of the shifter are warn at 45 degree angles, should I weld them up? Here is the inside of the trans Also there are two welds on the shifter arm Suggestions
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