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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. That's what I did if I was running around town growing up on the east coast but not if we were going to run down the highway or freeway. My current work truck has locking hubs as do my old jeep
  2. Did you try flipping the fifthwheel slider switch to see if you have air out of the second line?
  3. Chains? I haven't put chains on in decades living in Southern California. Did get yelled at by the CHP for pulling into the chaining area to lock the hubs on my truck.
  4. How is the spring held in there?
  5. I know it's been a year but this project has been on the back burner The ford F800 is almost finished so I have decided to get to work on this It seems to me that the manual steering box, with partially working garrison assist, takes more turns lock to lock than the power boxes on my F800. Am I right or is this just me? Does anyone have a parts breakdown for the 5 speed direct shifter tower? There is a lot of up down play in the shifter.
  6. You could look to see if there are any extra air lines in the frame ahead of or behind the tandems
  7. The chain holding up the step is just as classy
  8. The face of the air gauge says turner quick lift. Turner and page merged at some point so that gauge may be related to the lift axle. I do agree that the wires going to the brakes are probably for an early abs system. It seem to remember that the early abs was a POS and commonly disabled or removed. I think there is the remains of an ABS system on the military dolly in my storage yard The wire goes into the flange the holds the brake spider to the axle housing The sheet metal covers, held on by the small bolts, are really just dust covers. We remove the dust covers and leave them off so that junk does not get trapped in there and you can easily tell if an axle seal is leaking
  9. Page did make a spring retracted air suspension lift axle The air switch below the lift axle psi tag looks like to is for a sliding fifth wheel Did you request the package from the Mack museum
  10. It's an old Air Force trailer
  11. It looks like the flattened remains of the cab is sitting under the trailer
  12. Photograph of the driver after the accident
  13. Was it equipped with an ejection seat?
  14. Back when all the powder coating equipment was large it kept the small shops out of the market Now you can get much smaller equipment so everyone is doing it. My opinion is if you are adding a service to an existing shop and the payoff from doing your own work in house is good then it is a wise investment. What is the capacity, size, of the oven? Will an axle housing fit in there?
  15. There are plenty of them in Southern California Go to any mall and you will find also the city of LA is making owners prewire all new construction, and remodel, garages for electric charging stations. The few people that I know that have electric, or plug in hybrids, charge them at home and work. I have been toying with the idea of building an electric cobra but it wouldn't sound right. I was also thinking that i could charge it with the diesel generator to really mess with some people's heads
  16. You should see Southern California, a little drizzle and everyone acts like an idiot. I stay out of it because I don't want to deal with the idiots. I don't know what's so hard about driving in a little rain.
  17. This does not sound like it will work well A 3.90 would probably work if you also installed a 4 speed allison in there. This was designed as a city bus and not a highway bus
  18. Does the manual box take more turns to go from lock to lock than a power steering box?
  19. That NSN looks like it goes back to 1963 and was probably superseded but it looks like this should be the TM https://www.liberatedmanuals.com/TM-5-4930-230-10-HR.pdf This is the operators manual https://www.liberatedmanuals.com/TM-10-4930-236-13-and-P.pdf
  20. That tank has been replaced by the sixcon, six of these lock together to form a 20 shipping container
  21. I like how they are upset that trumps daughter used a personal account for scheduling but Hilary kept classified data on a private server, that got deleted, and Obama used a personal cell phone that we are to believe that he always talked about the weather on There was a proposal for the military to randomly test the Japanese cars for emi, electro magnetic interference, susceptibility that died in Washington
  22. The driver said "last week I was riding a camel, this white stuff is a strange type of cold sand!"
  23. Can you read the NSN, national stock number, off of the metal tag? I may be able to find the TM, manual, for the tank
  24. He may be from down under so it may have to be translated into American
  25. You can handload 44 mag for rifle pressures and it will stop just about anything in the lower 48, I should have my marlin ported
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