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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. I put the rebuilt lift pump in, along with new hoses and filters. After priming the truck ran good. That night it started right up after sitting for 5 hours. Today it was back to its old self in the morning but did start easily Now it has a new issue the fuel shut off lever will not move its full travel, it appears to be stuck in the run portion and won't rotate to the stop position. It moves about half of what it used to and the truck will not start So I am at a loss, what happened
  2. Once you determine the length and end fitting style you can get a speedometer cable made any length or just order a universal one Do an internet search and a lot will come up
  3. Have you tried to call the two people listed in the add to see is they have any information? Have you contacted gov deals and asked them to get you in contact with the buyer?
  4. My information for the suffix is as follows T - Tractor S - Six wheel chassis L - Light weight components X - Extreme duty Before Don Schumaker retired you could get a copy of the FS2 form (Factory Order) practically overnight, but now it takes months to get the information. His knowledge is missed.
  5. The shop I got 4 tires from last month used one and they made it look like nothing to mount tires. But the reality is there is a skill to it. At another shop I watched two guys mount my 4 tires. The old guy mounted his two, did the third and then helped the kid who was still struggling with his first tire.
  6. At least the mechanic could shift, it could have been worse, he could have just ground it into gear.!
  7. Please give me the part numbers I have the grill denser on mine, which is in place of the original center grill What did you do for the grill? Can you post some pictures of the condenser installation? Did you switch the compressor from the York style to the saden style?
  8. What do you have to change to convert from R-12 to R-134?
  9. This is the part number that is on my unit in the cab on my 1985 RS688LST I have been unable to find any reference to this unit on the Red Dot website or in there parts book. Does anyone have any information on this unit and know if parts are still available? I need the evaporator core and expansion valve
  10. The real one is at home at the la county fire museum https://www.lacountyfiremuseum.com
  11. We saw that hood sitting on a trailer in Reno My door shells were keeping it company in the trailer storage yard
  12. I heard a similar thing from my friends that live in Reno, everyone in town New something involving trucks was going on at the GSR but there was no advertising. I think this has to do with this being the ATHS national convention and not just a truck show. To me it's not a big deal to not have a bunch of idiots off of the street wandering around my truck. I prefer industry shows over public shows. We have had more issues with vandalism, theft and stupid idiots at public shows. At industry shows I have found this being almost non existent
  13. I had a great time in Reno, where else can you see 975 trucks in one place, walk about 25 miles and ride in a golf cart an unknown additional amount of miles I met many nice people who were very friendly and talkative. The only issue I had was with a few drunks at the casino A whole group of us went there together, It was a fun but uneventful 1000 mile road trip Yes it did cost $35 to enter a truck, $50 for a show pass and $50 for the awards banquet. These costs where a fraction of the cost of fuel, lodging and meals to attend the show. The fee to enter the truck and attend the event is related to the cost to rent the facility. The vehicles were displayed indoors in two indoor rooms and the auction hall. Outdoors they were displayed in the RV park, two dedicated parking lots and a third overflow lot. Additional facilities included the unloading lot with loading ramp And the trailer storage lit. The $50 for the awards banquet is not unreasonable considering what my friends are paying for wedding receptions at similar places. My registration and insurance card are in the cab, as required by state law. My only complaints were the sound system in the hotel banquet room needed an upgrade and ATHS should have given the paperwork out to those that were not preregistered when they first entered the rv park.
  14. I am looking for a way to integrate a CB radio into my current sound system Currently I listen to music and make calls on my iPhone Unfortunately I have to turn the music off to hear the CB radio Is there a way to integrate this? I know cobra makes CB radios with Bluetooth for calls but that would not help with the music
  15. It's probably the combined weight of the truck and a tag or turntable trailer
  16. Same stuff goes on today like the Toyota pulling the space shuttle in LA
  17. Since I was up in the Bay Area last week to attend my son's graduation from Berkeley and to bring both kids home from college I asked the parts house to send the pump out to see if it could be rebuilt. UDS a local shop that has rebuilt injectors and pumps for me in the past rebuilt the lift pump. This pump is noticeably bigger that the pump on the 235
  18. What insurance company are you using?
  19. Based on the photos and an aerial view The locomotive needs to move forward on tracks that longer exist and the right of way is grown over with trees and the switch has been removed
  20. Relisted at $350,000
  21. 1985 engine
  22. Based on the PAI catalog the correct lift pump should be ESP-3597, unfortunately this pump is NLA What pump can I use? What are my options? According to the PAI catalog ESP-3581 is only good up to 250hp
  23. The seller listed it as a 262
  24. Forgot to add that since the truck is local to me I contacted the seller The price started at $6,500 then went down to $5,000, and then to a buy it now price of $3,850. I was thinking about looking at it but I don't need another project and it might upset the wife.
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