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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. Another add for the same truck https://inlandempire.craigslist.org/hvo/d/homeland-old-trucks/6892513138.html
  2. Tuesday I removed the lift pump and fuel lines and dropped everything off at the parts house so they could make new fuel lines and get a replacement lift pump and I am in a holding pattern until they get everything. I did find a lot of oil crud on the block under the injector pump. It has a wet look to it just in front of the tach drive cable, which was very loose. It could be old crud mixed with the engine cleaner or a leak. I will wait until the engine is steam cleaned unless anyone has any other thoughts.
  3. I woke the truck up today to move it from the dirt storage area to the asphalt so I can finally deal with the lift pump and fuel lines. Last weekend I decreased the injector pump and surrounding area with two cans of gunk engine cleaner and a bunch of water Today I refilled the fuel filters, the primary was down a couple of inches. The truck started without much issue The new problem is the air pressure built up until the pressure release vented. Do I also need to replace the governor or is there another issue?
  4. I have some questions What 18" steering wheel did you use and do you have a picture What insulation do you go with and how much of the cab did you do. Do you have any pictures of your hood mounts and rollers?
  5. Did you actually measure the air bags and frame height when the truck is actually sitting on a level concrete pad? How much difference are we talking? Are you measuring the bag height from mounting surface to mounting surface? Are both rear suspensions the same? A change in components over the years could create a slight difference. What is the truck, year model?
  6. The area code is 415, San Francisco
  7. Based on the listing it looks like America on Wheels is the seller http://americaonwheels.org
  8. Sorry but I think a R model Looks better, except a superliner. Just my opinion growing up in a part of New Jersey where R models where everywhere.
  9. My thought on the front bumpers is the bean counters did not want to replace the bumper Minor damage on hoods can be fixed with some fiberglass
  10. Very sad for the loss of the pilot I saw the plane about 2 months ago
  11. I would love to know the year and specs on the FT 800/900 roll off. I have never seen those badges on the cowl sides. The steel hood makes it a pain in the ass to work on the engine
  12. On my 1985 the stack is connected to the cab and the truck is a factory air ride cab according to the build sheet
  13. It's now slammed just like a low rider. Maybe he is going fora new look. It is kind of interesting that the cab is level, did the frame break under the cab?
  14. This is a cool little Willis, I would like to know more detail about it. To me the cab does not look like it has been widened, the visor is giving that illusion. The hood does look lengthened and the grill looks like a modified factory grill It may be on a cab and chassis frame that way the front end is not as wide as the motorhome
  15. It's the way the courts are now going in California, men have rights too. Men are keeping there property, businesses and toys today. Do you know what they say when an attorney represents them self?
  16. This is not that big of a job for the right equipment Growing up on the east coast we would tackle this regularly Unfortunately it sounds like the mom is looking for cash. The reality is any buyer will factor in the junk and potential environmental issues so the property could end up being worthless. If she just wants out from under the tax liability she could just give it to the son.
  17. Sad One of my wife's friends was complaining that she had to pay her ex husband alimony and they are both successful lawyers
  18. It was 76 here in Southern California today, it is supposed to break 80 this weekend, it needs to get back in the 60's
  19. Brings back memories Nj RT 17 I went to school at FDU in Teaneck
  20. If you park the truck on the shoulder and remove the straps it will self unload no need to wait to be unloaded
  21. A'n'd service 501 NJ17 carlstadt
  22. All this means is you have to own at least one old truck that is painted green, or it could be John Deere green
  23. It is probably the curtain just inside the door to prevent light pollution
  24. Just look at his shirt Does anything more need to be said
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