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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. This story appears to be inaccurate The bill deals with the ranking of the schools and not the students When I was in school it was coming to grade on a curve when the professor gave a difficult exam. Unfortunately I used to destroy the curve. I even got one professor in trouble for giving really impossible exams
  2. I am looking for the brackets and heat shield to convert my r model to the skinny exhaust
  3. Rollback? Looks like a flatbed
  4. What Mack trans is that
  5. How did you plumb the dual master cylinder into the booster?
  6. I just answer with the business name, and usually they just hang up, but if they do stay on the line I am out of the office. If I get the car I should tell them I have a red Ferrari and my name is Thomas Magnum!
  7. Mine was Bostrom 108707
  8. You will need to add the dash valve for the trailer, a tractor protection valve and the associated plumbing You can also add a trolley valve Here is a kit I found https://www.anythingtruck.com/product/322-PP7TPDTKIT.html
  9. Is the red item in the bottom of the pictures a hydro-vac?
  10. I was able to locate one new power window motor and it arrived today
  11. Thanks, another Mack manual I did not know existed that I now want.
  12. Anything unusual on the road draws attention. I get all sorts of attention driving my 10 wheel drive ford, the pictures are normal. I have had people take videos of the truck on the road Pictures are required
  13. I like the cab mounted hydraulic pump and valve
  14. Where did you find those fuel specs? My manual does not cover the EC6 350
  15. The real cause of most of the transfer case issues is the Allison MT654's ridiculously low gear ratio in reverse compounding the engine torque to the point of failure. This is why you should never use reverse in low range on these trucks. Why did the the throttle stick? Did the operator pull the emergency shutoff?
  16. Not yet Will a lift pump still pump if the check valves are bad? If the check valve is bad the efficiency of the pump should be greatly reduced. I was hoping that the fuel pressure gauge would give me some instead to the condition of the lift pump. The nice part about this truck is that the fuel filters are readily accessible sitting on the outside of the frame This makes it a project to get to the lift pump that is now hidden behind the fuel filters. Looking at it it looks like the best way to get to the lift pump is to remove the fuel filters for access. I am to the point of being frustrated and thinking about just replacing the lift pump and all of the fuel lines Does anyone know what the PAI part number for the lift pump and rebuild kit?
  17. That topic used to have 45 posts in and now there are 41
  18. I just replaced the leaking airbag in my seat. I got it from the local parts house I took the old airbag in and they got me the new one The only issue that I had was the supplied bolts were to long
  19. That transfer case has a habit of doing that, especially in low range. Where are you located?
  20. On or about February 9th there were four posts to my topic about my 1985 RS688LST that dealt with the hard starting issue and these have disappeared. What happened to them and why are they gone?
  21. today I got the truck running with the pressure gauge in the secondary filter. I ended up checking the fuel filters and the primary was 1/2 full and the secondary was about 3/4 full so I toped them off, added about 9 gallons of fuel, and it was able to be started. The fuel pressure is about 16 psi at 800 rpm and when I increase the rpm's it goes up to about 21 psi When I shut the truck off it drops to zero by the time I climb down and get around to the filters There are to visible fuel leaks any place that I can find Any thoughts where to check now? Several posts to this topic on or about 2/9 about this starting issue have disappeared! Who deleted them? And why?
  22. Quickfarms


    Even out here in California we do not need the AC now
  23. The knee is healing and I am going stir crazy not working on my projects and dealing with my clients. Today I installed a pressure gauge into the existing port on the secondary fuel filer that is after the lift pump. I tried to start the truck and it cranked for a while then lit off but died I repeated this On the third try the batteries were getting really low so it was time to disconnect them and charge them. So much for today, tomorrow is another day
  24. For reference
  25. Sounds like San Diego with all of the abandoned scooters parked on the sidewalks
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