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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. I think it was built to haul someone's toy I would make a good early jeep or side by side hauler
  2. Just passing this on https://yuma.craigslist.org/cto/d/classicmack-semi/6758425406.html
  3. I would like a real measurement of an R700 hood. The pictures I have found are confusing, some make look like the difference is only 4", some look like 6" and some look really long unless there are different length hoods?
  4. How much longer is the R700 hood than the R600 hood?
  5. Since the swift driver is parking on the street side of the sidewalk he probably is technically parking on the public right of way, the street. It sucks that you have to build a building as a result of his stupidity
  6. Point Pleasant August 2017
  7. Some of the technology is helpful but there is a lot that is just plain distracting. The blind spot radar that illuminates a light in the mirror is helpful than The passenger side cameras because the cameras suck at night and in the rain The backup cameras are helpful but the rear beepers are just plain annoying
  8. I am looking for a sleeper for my 1985 RS688LST, my goal is a early 80's style 60" standup with a passenger side exhaust cut out I would prefer to find one in California, Nevada or Arizona to reduce shipping costs but I am open to all Anyone have one sitting out back or know where one is hiding?
  9. Show season? Is there a show season? Come to California the shows go on year round except when it rains
  10. Thanks, it's a starting point, what is the cross steel section made of?
  11. That's what the frame in the back is for, hint use pallets so you can easily remove the pallets, a forklift helps with the lifting. First he needs to center the cab on the frame
  12. I know this is an older post but can someone post some pictures of the mounting bracket and how these bumpers tilt to open the hood Thanks
  13. I like the fifth wheel cover
  14. Check the diagonals to make sure it is rectangular and not a parallelogram
  15. Be careful they multiply quicker than macks
  16. He is just an unhappy liberal that can't stand the president and the constitution that created this country
  17. The front bumper and hood could use some work
  18. Can someone help me identify my injector pump. The engine is a EC6-350 This is the tag on the pump Which parts are the check valves on this schematic
  19. Maybe he drove off of the pile
  20. I hope your being sarcastic At least Barry will look up stuff. The local dealer is stumped if it does not come up in the computer
  21. I would have liked to but it was all one sunbaked decal
  22. My painter stoped by this week and was able to get the decals off of the drivers door without much paint damage The passenger door already had some paint damage to it The decal removal did more paint damage, the primer is where it went to bare metal Both doors will get painted as soon as it stops raining until then the Mack is resting comfortably with some new friends Now I have to deal with the hard starting issue. The truck cranks for a long time before it lights off. It acts like it is losing its prime. Any thoughts on where to start looking?
  23. What! No more IRT! I am going to have to find a new comedy show I did like the king of obsolete, he had some interesting equipment.
  24. Contact information would help
  25. They are all drama caused by creative editing and people purposely doing stupid stuff for the camera. I always though the producers had a formula that included one experienced part, one normal part and the court jester. All of us that do not work in a PC Office could twist our day into a realty show. I spent half the day on the LA freeways and that was a bunch of comedy, then we broke into the site because it was easier to walk through an open door then get the key out of the lock box and that was just to get started in the morning
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