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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. I am looking for a single drive axle. I do check out Craigslist but all the ones I have seen are three axle, tandem drive axle, and spring suspension. I could make a air ride three axle work
  2. Contact the president of the Southern California chapter of the ATHS, he has a real nice one
  3. I park my trucks, and trailers, in the back yard. I live in the unincorporated area of the county for a reason. As long as you keep the weeds at bay all they care about is you don't dump oil on the ground. A friend of mine had a neighbor complain about his work trucks, 10 wheel dump trucks, and once the county found out that the two drivers lived at the house they suggested he get some of the green screening fabric and put it on his fence
  4. Does anyone have, or know of, any two axle R model tractors for sale in Southern California?
  5. I like your work table. I also use my forklift
  6. Is the air clutch, air actuated or air assist?
  7. Thanks, I figured the collection had left California since I had not heard of it.
  8. Where is this museum located?
  9. I have not been able to log into the site since about august 12th using tapatalk. It does not recognize my user name or password, my username and password work here. What is the issue? i prefer to use the tapatalk app on my phone than use a computer, just works better with my busy life
  10. If you have to ask you are a pow, prisoner of wife. A real man would just buy it
  11. Poor little crawler
  12. Now lets get back to the real issue. A person from an area that is ruled by warlords comes to this country and becomes a cop. So now the liberals think it is a good idea to give thugs badges
  13. It's 37% not 50% Military R&D has led to many of the things that you take for granted GPS, microwaves, Corning ware and the internet DOD pays for half of the federal highway budget. Our military has become the world's police because there are a lot of bad people out there. Pirates are a real threat on the seas in many parts of the world. They are a lot closer that you may know.
  14. Whisky tango foxtrot At 7 he does not know what transgender is! The mom is forcing an agenda on the poor kid and this sounds like borderline abuse
  15. You don't want to get me started on unions. I have had my share of them. They are basically a cult that has brainwashed there members into believing they are the best workers for a job. The reality is that they have many lazy incompetent workers that the union protects. Women in the field, any field, are great as long as they can do the job. I know plenty of women that work in non traditional employment and do a great job. Personally I don't care what gender or race you are, as long as you get the job done
  16. Nice deserted tracks A stop sign for? Then I turned around and realized I was still in la county
  17. There are actually quite a few reasons for this The most common reason is the owner is no longer able to show it for several reasons, lost interest, health, death, mechanical issues. One big reason is the vehicle was sold and is no longer in the area. The vehicle probably is in some private collection locally or someplace else A lot of the older are not driven much for various reasons. I have found several people that have vehicles but no means to transport it and are unwilling to drive it any distance.
  18. I find it interesting that the shooter declined to be interviewed Civilians are interrogated and the cops lie to them all the time The cops should be treated the same way a civilian is treated
  19. Post some pictures The second tans / transfer case sounds interesting, I would like to know what the drop is on it (the distance vertically from the input to the output shafts)
  20. I feel almost like I retired a decade ago when I switched from working for corporate America to an alternative employment situation. I am now self employed and could never go back to working for someone. There are advantages and disadvantages and it is not for everyone. The deciding factor for me was when I realized that I was working about half the year to support someone else's ego.
  21. A lot of tug boats have used locomotive engines in them do anything is possible. The nice thing about a marine application is you can have an almost unlimited cooling system.
  22. I think this has to do with the single little tail light
  23. I have never been able to log into the ATHS web site. I just look at it as an expensive magazine. The MVPA, military vehicle preservation association, is the same or worse.
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