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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. What type of switch do they offer?
  2. The new PC term is now “translucent frozen hydrogen dioxide” salt will no longer be applied to the roads in certain ethnic areas because it is bad for the resident populations health and could wind up in there food.
  3. This format is like stepping back in time to 2010 or using DOS. i have yet to find the flow of this format it seems very non user friendly just like DOS I use a program at work that is just like this and it has a 2” thick manual with it but that program and platform works in almost every environment The Tapatalk format is much more modern and user friendly
  4. This site has not been working on Tapatalk for about a week. I can’t login I also can’t view the content as a quest is anyone else having an issue
  5. They are not wreckers, they are heavy rescue trucks. Both Los Angeles county and city have them
  6. Cruise king is no longer selling cruise controls so I am interested in the responses
  7. The sliding base is back from the blaster and after some measurements I came to the conclusion that the old mounting angles will have to be replaced so I removed them this morning
  8. You are never to young to retire I feel like I retired when I was 40 and stopped working 6 months of the year just to pay for somebody else’s ego
  9. The XA-2009 will fit right on that base
  10. Why not just wear a mask
  11. I picked up a sliding mount for the truck Saturday It did come with a fifth wheel The base is disassembled and almost ready for the sand blaster. The sliding part will be powder coated
  12. Looks like a Volvo sticker
  13. It was 109 at my house today and I am not in the desert
  14. You need to set the bar higher Before this all started you couldn’t wear sunglasses and a hat in a bank, now you have to wear a mask and nobody would even look at you wearing gloves
  15. Relaxing by the pool
  16. I would like to know the history and specs on this truck It is cool looking I have noticed that a lot of Australian trucks have the cab raised, I bet it helps with heat in the cab during the summer
  17. Do you know why they are using nitrogen as opposed to say carbon dioxide? Since carbon dioxide is in liquid form in the tank there is an expansion factor of 10-1 but in high volume use the piston regulators can freeze.
  18. Looks good have you considered making the bottom into a shelf and adding a back stop to prevent tools and parts from rolling off of the back side of the bench and having to go dig for the missing item
  19. Took the truck out to stretch its legs yesterday little over 100 miles on the freeway. The truck ran great cold AC, nice and quite cruising at about 65 mph, the re arched derated front springs, new shocks and air bags rode pretty good. The only issue was the speedometer drive died after about 30 miles And the ford got to hang out with some other trucks, of course socially distancing was kept in mind
  20. Union workers are the minority in the us only around 10% Every one of the union workers I know has a bad attitude and spend most of there energy protecting there job. Unions generally box a worker into a job description defined by a contract that was negotiated by a committee. The problem that I have seen with this is it limits, or eliminates, the cross training with other specialities or trades. Being non union has allowed me huge leeway to expand my interests both professionally and personally.
  21. That’s normal in Southern California
  22. None or gone?
  23. They make SPATs to solve that problem Also very helpful when wearing shoes that not leather boots. Worse that welding is the slag from cutting. I do like my plasma cutter
  24. After calling Holland, getting advise, and still having problems I called my truck parts house and they referred me to the local Holland distributor. So I called them and they said It happens sometimes with the XA2009 because there are 4 different jaw designs. There recommendation was for me to bring them the plate and they would adjust it. They are probably going to grind the swinging lock per the Holland manual. I also brought them the second plate. These plates date from 1989 and 1978 and neither has much use. The 1989 plate had 33,000 miles on the truck and this plate is being rebuilt because the springs rusted up from 10 years of storage. This one received a full rebuild kit. The 1978 plate was taken apart because the grease had solidified on this one the parts were reused after cleaning because there was absolutely no wear. The dolly this is mounted on does not appear to have ever been used Both plates are on military surplus equipment.
  25. The truth never affected a hollywood writer
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