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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. You are probably correct, if not I have an idea where it might be in Southern California there are three places that come to mind but I think they are all closed due to Covid 19 Do you have any more pictures of it?
  2. It would be interesting To know where it is today. Hopefully it is spending time inside
  3. 250,000 to 440,000 deaths per year in us Third leading cause behind cancer and heart attack https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/02/22/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-america.html
  4. Rebuilding the Holland XA-2009, FW2000, fifth wheel has turned into a pain in the ass. The Holland instructions make it sound like a piece of cake. They say to make a helper block out of hardwood or steel, they should just say steel, that oak block I made did not work until I wrapped it in 1/8” steel strap. After that and greasing everything it went ok until the instructions said release the handle, easier said than actually accomplished. The real frustration occurred when I adjusted the lock wedge with a piece of 2” steel tubing in there, it’s the same diameter as the small part of my kingpin. Now when I pull the handle the lock retracts like it should but the jaws don’t open! If I back the adjustment off it works So I tried it again using a new king pin with the same results I am wondering if I can’t pull the handle far enough because the fifth wheel is not attached to the truck. The rebuild procedures, XL-FW134-01, reference Holland publication XL-FW225, XL-FW303 and XL-FW340. I have been unable to find these 3 documents on the Holland website.
  5. Rebuilding the fifth wheel has turned into a pain in the ass. The Holland instructions make it sound like a piece of cake. They say to make a helper block out of hardwood or steel, they should just say steel, that oak block I made did not work until I wrapped it in 1/8” steel strap. After that and greasing everything it went ok until the instructions said release the handle, easier said than actually accomplished. The real frustration occurred when I adjusted the lock wedge with a piece of 2” steel tubing in there, it’s the same diameter as the small part of my kingpin. Now when I pull the handle the lock retracts like it should but the jaws don’t open! If I back the adjustment off it works I am wondering if I can’t pull the handle far enough because the fifth wheel is not attached to the truck. Any thoughts
  6. I really like my new 36 volt makita cordless chain saw. I use it all the time and have not started either gas saw since I bought it
  7. What happens when your helper presses on the foot valve?
  8. We had a rather uneventful day today at the Jerry springer show headquarters
  9. But you are here now
  10. We design, layout and build everything that is on or connected to the ground. No, that industry is full of the fruits and nuts!
  11. By what authority can they suspend the constitution
  12. Where I work, sexual harassment is a requirement, the females turned casual Friday into sexual harassment Friday. Violence happens and is just called stress relief, it’s funny when you see an 85 year old man throw a printer at the wall ant it explodes into pieces. The first time shocked me but IT just picked up the debris and put a new printer in the old ones place Functional alcoholics are common
  13. This week has been productive Allison fixed the speedometer signal drive issue so now I have a speedometer but no odometer. Now to check the calibration of the speedometer and drop it off at the speedometer shop with a spare or two so it can be fixed. I also found a few more air leaks In the course of rebuilding the white and green truck I stripped 3 cabs so I have a bunch of spare parts. Most of the work was because both of the trucks now have factory air conditioning in the cabs.
  14. Probably better quality than made in China
  15. So the union was offering an endorsement with hooks. You did not ask the candidates there option on the issues but wanted them to pledge support without allowing them to consider all the facts. I am happy that he turned down a special interest group such as a union. Union workers are 33.6 % of the public workers and only 6.2 % of the private workers https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/union2.pdf
  16. Must be related to the officer who tripped over the curb or the one who fell out of the office chair, both had to retire due to there injuries
  17. It’s so the suits can make shore the drivers shoes are spit shined
  18. I think he is from the other side of the pond and they speak kings English Oops, I meant to edit my previous post. Darn all day online meeting has turned my brain to mush. Time for a margarita
  19. Probably means flashlight
  20. My advice is you need to read the actual vehicle code and not rely on what DMV says or publishes in there manuals. If the vehicle code supports what you are doing then you should keep copies of that section(s) in the vehicle and make them available to the LEO if you get pulled over.
  21. Did the mainstream drive by media show these pictures? If not they will claim they are fake. What do you expect from a career politician
  22. I think the state employees would strike if they were forced to drive a yuppie car
  23. I have two of them and have no complaints other then they are not powerhouses. They were used to power vocational trucks and do a good job at that. They were never, to my knowledge, marketed as an over the road engine. My research indicates that the engine was used in combines. The funny thing is I can get mechanics to work on the 7.8 easier than a Mack engine around here. This is because until CARB banned all older, mechanical, engines there were a lot still working. There will be quite a few still working under the low mileage exemption.
  24. A quintuple combination pumper or quint is a fire-fighting apparatus that serves the dual purpose of an engine and a ladder truck. “Quintuple” refers to the five functions that a quint provides - pump, water tank, fire hose, aerial device, and ground ladders. Another thing to consider is equipment standardization. Here in LA county all of the county pumpers are set up the same. Many stations have the primary pumper that is numbered to reflect the station, say 152 for example, and many stations also have a reserve or backup pumper that would be numbered 552. This allows the county to quickly deal with equipment breakdowns on call in a crew that is off to man the backup pumper for an emergency such as a large fire. I do agree that the SCBA argument is mute for most stations. I have never seen the entire crew of the truck jump off the truck as soon as they arrive on scene and run into a burning building. This behavior would be reckless and dangerous. It is better to arrive on scene, assess the situation, develop an attack plan and execute it, all of this can happen very quickly.
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