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Everything posted by OakleyTankLines

  1. Bare with me guys. More to come soon just wait lol
  2. Mack truck restore is almost done. Interior left
  3. Here are some more photos of the F model Restore Project. Air Lines Are in now the electrical system then final paint and then the interior. The Last Photo is what we started with!
  4. Guys im trying to track down the fuel injection pump for this truck. 1978 Mack F ENDT-676 With Turbo anyone know of anywhere? email me nkwiek@oakleyindustrialservices.com Thanks
  5. this was a stretched frame from the factor. he had it custom ordered. longer fifth wheel slide to. wait until you see the hidden LEDS and the flush brake lights.
  6. Parts of the roof where sealed with Seam sealer others with lead. after awhile the seam sealer would dry and crack. this one is brazed 100% the center supports under the cab were weak and over time the center floor would dip down 1-1.5" we made the supports bigger and stronger while reducing weight. those are just two.
  7. every bolt has been removed and replaced. every part gone through and either replaced or repaired. everything is getting paint. thanks everyone for the spot light but it really needs to go to the old dog. put the word out there we just want to show it off once complete. maybe let her pull a few loads locally to show our customers. we even fixed some engineering mistakes and made it better.
  8. Here are a few more Photos of the Mack Restoration for you Guys to Check Out. Now if only We had the attention of a few Magazines or TV Shows! Help Put the word out guys! Oakley Tank Lines in Virginia is brining the old Dog back to life!
  9. About 100,000-150,000 Depends on how much the cancer has taken a hold of her!
  10. its hard to believe that we started on this truck 16 months ago. we are in the final stretch. cant wait to drive her!
  11. Finally we got the cab on
  12. it was the first truck that started Oakley Tank Lines back in 1981. Tom Oakley drove it himself. sold the services to customers, dispatched the loads, delivered the loads and even washed his own tankers. now 33 years later we have 40 company power units and 45 OO trucks and over 80 trailers. a full service garage and Tank wash. also offer HM183 Inspections and VIK. the truck was on the road up to about 99 then it was used as a yard jockie for a few years then parked for about 10 years until we decided to bring it back to life.
  13. i had to get a donor cab and take the two cabs and make one complete. both had rough spots but we were able to make a complete body. everything else is original.
  14. thanks spread the word i need a show on the discovery channel. call it the mack shop......
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