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About bigrigpardo

  • Birthday 12/07/1991


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    freeport ny

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  1. been a while since I was one here figured I would bring this up to the top again and see if any body has come across my truck in the last few years. figure its worth a shot. you never know who ran across what now a days
  2. holy crap I cant believe there were so many replies and I never saw them. guys thank you so much I have been looking at some pics lately of my b and wished I was able to drive it once even if I had only gone in a circle in the yard once it would have been totally worth it. has any one seen or heard of my truck in the last year or so. it was scrapped at suscuahana (doubt I spelled it right) in Lindenhurst I think. the guy I talked to said he only bought the rear of the truck because he thought he could sell the bed and rob from Chester's sold the truck cut behind the cab to someone (supposedly upstate ny but who knows. he I think I have the frame rail numbers somewhere was getting ready to file for my new reg. only need a vin rubbing for pre 73 in ny. know its been over a year but to just have closure would mean the world to me. and possibly to get that motor fired. dam I was so close I had the injector box all freed up took like a whole can of pb to get the fuel rack moving again. then just all of a sudden I had this shit feeling in the pit of my stomach so I took a drive and she was gone. it broke my heart. to this day I still cry a little. its hard loosing your first b
  3. i know. i should have done this right away. wish you had said something. i am hoping that since it has beena while maybe some of the big macks guys upstate like all macks or oldmacks have seen it or been offered it or something. would like to just put the strings together and find the rest of it. as for the brockway i think he saved like 5 small pieces he wanted for his restored truck and then let the firedepartment jaws of life it and then burn it to the ground. idiots.
  4. the truck was being stored for free as he was a friend of mine. i used to go to the yard alot but it is about 2 miles from his shop and just never had a chance to go there and show my face. its my fault i should have been more diligent about it but you learn the hard way some time. the scrap yard guy who had the bed said it was offered to him a few times but he really didnt need any parts off it. he said the lot owner sold the front of the truck to a friend in upstate ny but he says he didnt and my ex boss says "i would never do that" god i hate being lied to on all parts. worst part is he got 1500 in scrap for the trucks back half and told me he didnt get anything for it and if anything i owe him money for having to dispose of it for him. boy he needs a punch in the face. if anyone knows him his name is rob and he owns chesters towing and recovery in port washington ny.
  5. about 6 months ago i get a disturbing feeling and want to go check my truck out at the storage yard. i hadnt been there in a while because of school so i felt it was urgent. when i arrived it was gone. the owner said that he lost my number so he called the p.o. a former boss of mine who i had a falling out with. and he said " i dont know where he is, since it was my truck and he isnt working on it just junk it." i had had the truck for about 3 years and had a lot of time invested in it and just about had it running. the truck was cut in half and from the cab back went to the scrap yard where i found torched pieces left. from the cab forward was supposedly sold to someone in upstate ny but could be anywhere. if any one has seen it. it is a 1959 b61 with a 673n/a and a duplex. no drover fender no light switch no horn button or chrome . it was a faded red and said BARTER SIGNS on the door. i have some pics and can describe the truck almost to a tee. if any one has seen it. i dont just want it back for free. it was bough unfair but fair as there were no papers to the truck and the property onwer was the one who sold it. i would like a chance to buy it back whatevers left of it or at least see it for one more time. it brought me to my knees when i saw her gone.
  6. Happy Birthday!!!!!

  7. wats up thad. long time no see. nope man i was thinking about ti and its really been like 3 years since i have done anything to it. damn i have been busy. but now they r trying to empty the place and make it a firemans training facility. the brock left a year ago along with most other things. soon my mack will have to go to, so heres were i am. stuck. i need to sit there and lube the hell out of the fuel rack to get everything flowing properly and start from there. maybe sunday the 26th i want to spend the day up there and try to start it again. in the mood to try again. always could use the help. well thats were i am at. going to seriously try to get her started that day. i mean hey its been 3 years and my wrench turning abilities have seriously changed since then. time to see some life in her. i want to go for the test drive.
  8. anybody? does anyone have an exploded view from an old manual. i cant seem to find mine
  9. well i guess my rack is stuck then cause my stop cable was always kinda stuck. there was a lever the cable was hooked to at the back of the injector block and that barely moved. i was able to move it in and out with some persuasion but it wasnt easy. does any one have some pics they can post of were to lube in order to fix the problem.
  10. i tried gravity feed. i filled my fuel filter bowl and fuel was reaching the front of the injector block but mothing was pumping out. my shut off lever was pretty stuck i think i need to lube up all of the injector lifters and wat not. i only started it on eithe once to make sure it would run and it did, sounded nie too. but getting fuel into it was my problem, whih is why i wanted to put a pump on it. i have heard from a lot of people that it needs to be pressue fed, but u guys say gravity will work? i m confused
  11. its been 4 years,man time flies since i have tried to start my b model. ok well lets see what we got. the electrical is shot but i am able to jmp the seres paralel and spin the motor i started it on either just to hear it and it sounded alright, but i have no fuel. tanks and origional priming pump are shot so thats out of the question. i need some ideas on how to prime the system to get fuel into the fuel injector block. wat could i use as a priming pump??????. i have a hose guy that will make me anyfitting for the tank and pump i choose, but i need to choose a pump and soon. i need to get it running and driving cause towing by me is rediculous. the guy wants 750 to tow it 20 miles. id rather put my fender back on and drive it. truck is a 59 b61 with a 673 non turbo and a duplex
  12. whpah were is this beauty.
  13. hey just another one of my tries at getting another truck. i found this guy in newville pa who has this 1946 or 48 mack.it looks like an l model. long wheel base and thats about its got nothing on the back. i wont buy this truck if i cant get it home truck needs a 200 mile haul from newville pa 17241 to long island. i kind of need toknow soon cause he has another guy who is about to jump on it if i dont. the guy only wants like 300 for it so i think tht is fair. no papers or anything and it has the gas motor in it so what the hell 300 buck is nothing for a truck.
  14. now were getting somewere. what should be spinning the springs or what???????????
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