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Erin Dorn

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Everything posted by Erin Dorn

  1. I am sorry I am just seeing this. My father did live in Massachusetts, sadly he passed away at 68 in January 2022.
  2. They sold to Oneida in 81, Oneida went out of business shortly thereafter. My grandfather was Walter Dorn President of Dorn’s Transportation.
  3. Yes he does in Springfield, did you know my dad or grandpa Walt?
  4. Yes he does, he lives in Springfield. Did you know my Dad or Grandpa Walter?
  5. What job was this? What trucking company?
  6. They were parked on Rail Road aAvenue for years and years, they are gone now
  7. Who was your Uncle and your Dad?
  8. Hello John, My Uncle Fred did not die until 1997, he was alive and well when Oneida went under. My Grandfather Walter who ran the business for the last 30 years actually died 6 months before Fred. Walter was 78, Fred was 95! They actually had to sue Oneida for the last bit of money that was owed to them from the sale. And they won and Oneida had to pay although they tried hard not to.
  9. Awesome, thank you so much!!! I actually bought the book from the Amazon link you sent me Thank you! I added some newspaper articles related to Dorn’s and my Grandpa Walter Dorn
  10. And I asked my Dad and he remembers your Dad
  11. They did sell to Oneida, my grandfather was Walter Dorn he owned Dorn’s transportation. They sold the business. My father Robert Dorn and grandfather did sell the trucks under the name Dorn’s fleet Maintenance. But Dorn’s Transportation in-fact did sell in 1981 to Oneida, for around a few million dollars. Then Oneida went out of business.
  12. I have that original, my grandfather owned Dorn’s transportation
  13. Could you send pictures of Dorns trucks from that book?
  14. My grandfather Walter Dorn owned Dorn’s Transportation, they had multiple terminals in PA, NJ, CT, etc. Their main terminal was in Rensselaer NY before moving to Albany. He employed almost 800 people and his business was in operation from 1934-1981, when he sold it to Oneida Trucking. I have a lot of picture that I can post. Erin Dorn-Lewis
  15. the business was solD in 81, IT was in Renesselaer and then moved to Railroad Avenue, and they had many other terminals.
  16. How do you add pictures to this site?
  17. Hunter, was your dad Merton Phillips? He was terminal manager of Plattsburgh and then became VP
  18. Thank you for the warm welcome, Happy Holidays to you all
  19. They didn't die the company was sold in 1981 to Oneida and it was Oneida that went out of business
  20. Hunter 972, who was your Dad? We always talk about Dorns and family when my dad comes. My grandfather Walter Dorn owned Dorn's transportation.
  21. Dorns Transportation operated from 1934-1981 when it was sold to Oneida Trucking who then quickly went out of business. There first terminal was in Renselaer NY, when they moved to their Albany terminal in the 1950's. Fred Dorn was CEO and my Grandfather Walter Dorn was the president/owner from 1950- 1981, his brother fred was the owner before that, he was 16 years older. I have many pictures of Dorn's Trucks that I can post. Other Dorns terminals whee in Philadelphia, Secaucus NJ, Buffalo, Massachusetts and, their were 9 terminals in all, he employed over 500 people.
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