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About FayettesFinest

  • Birthday 03/13/1991


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    Fayettnam, Pennsylvania

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  1. Well, we ended up buying adding two more Macks to the fleet. A whopping total of 3 right now. The first one is an 85 R with a turned up 300, 6spd, triaxle roll back with double frame. No rust ANYWHERE. Cleanest R model I've ever seen. Second is a 74 R686 300, 6spd, triaxle, double frame, steel bed. Typical frame split around the tandems. Typical cab rot around the rear window. Bed needs some love. Hasn't been started in 4 or 5 years and it fired without making a full revolution. Runs like a top. Not going to be a road truck, bought it for an off road truck. One of these days I might throw a cab and a set of frame rails at it and make it a log truck or something. I dunno. I'll have pictures tomorrow.
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  2. I know this is a sore subject to us Mack guys, but I want to talk about exporting. Why us? Why send all these workhorses over seas when there are so many other options. I wouldn't necessarily send any Peterbilt or KW of any condition over there, but if you look on all the truckpaper-type sites, we are completely over run by Freightliners, Volvos and Internationals... I dont' know all the proper model numbers for these trucks, but why not send over some of the FLD120s? You can find them under any rock and pick them up for a song and dance... I just don't get it... If anyone could explain to me why all these perfectly good R's and DM's are being sent out, I'd probably still disagree, but some clarity would be nice...
  3. Sweet truck! I've got a Lincoln SA-200 that would look perfectly at home on that flatbed!
  4. "Six Days on the Road" - Sawyer Brown, though I can't remember who sang it originally... and Eddie Rabbit's "Driving My Life Away" seem to make me push a little harder, no matter what I'm driving. "Radar Love" makes me wanna run until the engine scatters!
  5. I think there's a Cruiseliner on truck paper. Real sharp, black, aluminum wheels, etc. Decent price for the condition it's in. It looks just like the ones you posted. I think the company lettered on it is Schwind/Schwindt/whatever...
  6. Been looking for this truck for a few years now. 1981 Kenworth K100. 15/O tranny, KTA 600 Cummins. My dad's buddy owned it while I was growing up. Then he sold it and C&S Transport out of Breezewood, PA acquired it. Not exactly sure if they bought it off of Bob or not, but they're the last ones to have it that I know of. They had it on eBay a couple years ago and I have no idea what happened to it. I found this picture on a forum a couple weeks ago. In the topic they said it'd been turned up to 1450hp. So my guess is that it was turned into a pulling truck. If you guys have any knowledge to it's whereabouts or have even seen it, any information would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
  7. Damn... if only you were in PA.... mine needs a transplant. Over 400k and it's had a hard life that got even harder after I bought it. Whoever said injectors are 15$ a piece, I would like to know what kind of drugs you are on.....and who your supplier is, lol
  8. Has he been eating or drinking at all?
  9. Keep him hydrated. My dog had a problem like this. Moped around for a week with stomach problems. It was something gastrointestinal, which from what the vet said, wasn't too serious. The vet gave us some kind of medicine and she was fine in a few days. Hopefully it'll be the same for you. Good luck
  10. You'll need a drag strip to parallel park it!
  11. Yeah, for 300,000$, I want something where the air horns will stay put, lol. I just think its crazy that Mack makes something that makes a DM800 look like a toy!
  12. That's crazy that this is an old Eidemiller truck. Both my dad and my uncle worked for them when they were my age. It's crazy how big they used to be and now they just have the little yard behind the bread store... From what I've been told, they had their own tire shops, machine shops, along with quarries, ashpalt plants, etc.
  13. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-Truck-1981-For-Sale-/231126546738?pt=Ultility_Vehicles&hash=item35d0373932#ht_538wt_1105 Hands down the biggest Mack I've ever seen. I get that it's an oil field, gin-pole truck, but what model? Never seen anything like this. 16v-71 Detroit with air start? Holy hell.... Any information on this truck would be appreciated. Never seen one before...
  14. There's one a few miles from me. I believe it's a farm truck. Not sure who owns it. Maybe Green Dash knows, considering he's pretty close to me. It's on 201 between 51, outside of Perryopolis and Gillespie/Fayette City...
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