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Everything posted by sllimec47

  1. It's a Jacobs. I assume the valves were adjusted when the brake was rebuilt. Are you talking about the regular valves or the brake lash adjustment?
  2. Hey all. I have a 95 CL with a 454 E7. The Jake brake activates (both stages) but doesn't seem to hold back the truck much. It's also very quiet. I had it rebuilt but it didn't make any difference. I used to drive a 94 RD with a 350 E7 and even hauling heavy I rarely had to use the brakes. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I was told the tough part about finding jakes for an E6 is the motor uses a lot of metric hardware and not many jake set ups do. I ended up going with a used dynatard set up. works as good as my old 285 with a jake did.
  4. How about similar issues on a 95 454 E7? (both heads work just not effective)
  5. Do you run with a dynatard? I had one installed on my 86 Rd. helped out shifting a lot quicker and made a big difference.
  6. What engine do you have in your CL?
  7. Did you figure it out?
  8. Thanks for the imput
  9. Hello all. It's looking like I need a replacement cac for my 95 713 with an E7 454. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to get a new one? It looks like there are quite a few choices with some differences in pricing to go along with them. I would sure welcome any input from someone who has been through it. Thanks
  10. Beautiful, I love the combo look of alum buds and rear spokes.
  11. Does anyone know if Mack made a true 55000lb set of rears or just 50000lb?
  12. I'm looking for a good set of 50K or 52K spring ride cut offs preferably with pilot hubs
  13. Has any one had any sucess fitting 58K rears from an RD into the frame of a CL713. Also does anyone know a good source for a set of 50K cut offs?
  14. Any one a source for good clean r model doors?
  15. I believe the L motors will pull from 1000 rpm
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