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    im a lover of mack trucks

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  1. Have a sterling lt8500 with a cat 3126. I want more hp and want to put in a bigger engine. What engine will be best for the engine swap
  2. What will be the best cab to turn ion measurement for a 14ft tank to be on a truck
  3. What model and Hp engine you have?
  4. Good day which turbo is better for a Mack etech 400 a Schwitzer s300 or a borgerwarner 174832 s400. Which will have better performance under heavy loads?
  5. Ok, how about the American trucks, which is the strongest out off all of them
  6. Good day I’m doing a survey to see which brand trucks have the strongest crash test rating
  7. I ask because I have a series 60 380hp with a VGT turbo and it feels more aggressive than my Mack etech 400
  8. Does the Mack etech turbo have a wastegate or it’s non wategated?
  9. With 8ll and 6.14 ratio will give me 89.39 %reduction in ll and in ll reverse 93.45 % wouldn’t that be good
  10. What’s the difference with Mack top loader vs meritor axles if they had the same differential ratio
  11. 44 meritor axles with 6.14 ratio
  12. Truck is a 2001 with etech 400
  13. How will do in a stop and start situation?
  14. The hills is between 20-30% grade steep
  15. Goodnight how will a Mack e7 400 with 8ll and 6.14 diff carrying 4000 gallon of water perform on hills 30-40% grade. Will turning off be good with 6.14 ratio
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