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Everything posted by RowdyRebel

  1. @ $9.50/bu, $8000 worth of beans would be 842 bushels, and you aren't hauling that legally in a 3-axle straight truck. A 5-axle t/t the most I ever hauled was 850-860.
  2. See, now this year I'm absolutely torn. I'm a National League fan through and through...was a big Cub fan up until the strike, and when they weren't in it anymore would cheer on whoever was representing the league...BUT I hate Calif***ya and everything that comes from that wretched liberal hellhole. My wife is from Texas, we got married in Texas, and that's likely where we'll end up someday (if anyone ever buys this house we're in...but then who in their right mind moves TO Illinois?). LOVE Texas. Can't stand the American League...just ain't right that not everyone who plays the field gets to bat and somebody gets to bat without having to play the field. So, I can't really cheer on either team...one from Calif***ya and the other in the American League.
  3. Dammit! If it were a 2-stack and 4.17 rears, it would be spec'd identical to mine...just a little older. Wanna trade? Only 130K on a ReMack motor in mine...came off the line June of 2000, so "officially" a 2001. Same 240" wheel base, 2180B trans in mine, and 38K rears on air ride. 'Course trading would only really benefit me if I were running my own numbers. Company is requiring ELD's without regard to truck age if I stay with them. Need to talk to an attorney, because they are requiring "compatability" with their peoplenet system, and want to charge me $12/week for the priviledge of helping to reduce the workload in the office doing paperwork. Way I figure, if it benefits you, you should pay...and federal leasing regs prohibit making the purchase of ANY product or service from or through the carrier a condition of entering into the contract. Bad enough it'll tie my hands (I've already told 'em I won't shut down a stones throw from home, no matter WHAT that stupid box says)...but to make me have to pay for it too crosses the line. Shit...just noticed it's just a 350. MIne is a 460P, and I don't think I'd want to give up 135hp making that trade.
  4. Turned out to just be the relay in the box on the firewall under the hood. I hate electrical problems.
  5. I was under the impression those were illegal. Seem to remember some trick with a string on an M1 Garand running between your finger, the action, and the trigger that would cause the action to pull the trigger for you for follow-up shots as fast as it would cycle and load the next round, until you released the string or the clip ejected. Also seem to remember seeing where M1 Garands that had the string on them were deemed to be "fully automatic" by the ATF and therefore illegal. That was probably 15 years ago, though, so maybe I'm just not remembering right. Those bump stocks work in a similar manner. Sure, the trigger has to be pulled 1 time for each shot, but the gun isn't supposed to be pulling its own trigger.
  6. If the 2nd Amendment is primarily to protect against a tyranical government, then why would you think our founders WOULDN'T want the good citizens to have access to the same weapons that the tyrant would have to use against them? The Minutemen didn't show up at Lexington and Concord carrying knives and swords. They had guns similar to that of the British army, because if they didn't, they wouldn't have stood a chance. Standing up to a tyrant with weapons at the government's disposal carrying nothing but handguns and single shot rifles today would be the equivalent of the Minutemen carrying knives and swords. What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" don't you understand? A law abiding citizen could have a nuclear arsenal in their basement and it wouldn't concern me...because they are law abiding and as such would never use those weapons against innocent civilians. I would rather a criminal not have even a bb gun, because they do not respect the law or the rights of others and that bb gun will likely be used against innocent civilians. The problem lies within the heart and mind of an evil person, not the tool he might choose to use.
  7. Best video I've seen so far is the guy standing there looking towards the hotel to see where the shots were coming from, sipping his beer, as those around him are taking cover and urging him to do the same. Then, he calmly flipped the bird to the gunman before finally taking cover. I'm guessing he'd either "been there, done that, wore out the t-shirt" fighting with the military overseas or he was just too drunk to care. Apparently the newspaper that ran that article is trying to track him down to get more info.
  8. Perhaps "difficult" tasks are that way for a reason? Not everybody SHOULD be pulling a trailer around behind them, no matter how much they'd LIKE to. Besides, it's fun laughing at people who spent big bucks on high dollar toys who lack the most basic skills needed to enjoy them.
  9. The South attempted the same maneuver here in the 1860's, calling the federal government out for the gross breech of contract that was occurring under the Constitution at the time. Lincoln, instead of allowing the South to depart in the same peaceful manner in which they came to form their own government for their own newly formed country, declared war to "save the union" and many lives were lost as a result of that aggression by Lincoln in his effort to retain power. Those in power tend to abuse that power, and don't take kindly to folks saying "you've crossed the line, so we'll just part ways peacefully". It doesn't matter which part of the world you're talking about or even which century...some things never change. The powerful don't care how many lives are lost or destroyed, so long as they keep their power.
  10. No it ain't. That now unemployed SF QB started it all last year...long before Hitlery lost.
  11. If I were a coach or team owner and a player decided to sit during the national anthem, I'd assume they enjoy sitting and that's exactly what they'd be doing a lot of during the game. If you want to play, show respect to the nation you live in where opportunities such as the one you have been enjoying are possible. If you want to protest against police brutality, do it some other time...on your own time...and when you aren't wearing my uniform. Make sure you've got your facts straight, too. Anyone who assaults and attempts to murder a cop is probably going to get shot. Doesn't matter what color you are, try to murder a cop and the cop is probably going to do his best to neutralize (i.e. KILL) the threat. The "gentle giant" in Ferguson had just robbed a convenience store, tossing the clerk around like a rag doll...and then beat the hell out of a cop INSIDE the cop car as he tried to take that officer's gun, and was shot in the process. This latest on in St. Louis was a known felon and drug dealer leading police on a dangerous high speed chase, not only using the car as a weapon but also waving a gun around inside the car as he was fleeing. Bottom line, you assaut the police and present yourself as a threat to not only the officers but to the general public, well, you're probably not going to like the outcome. I may not like the police, but I will defend the ability of ANYBODY to remove a threat to their safety. Try to kill someone...ANYONE...and I will defend their right to end yours instead.
  12. Trailer brake lights sometimes hang up and stay on. Brake lights on the truck are off, though...only the trailer lights are staying on. Hit the brakes with 5-10 psi application and release quickly and the lights go out like they should. It's a little frustrating, because unless I'm driving at night I have no clue if the trailer brake lights are on or not...unless I'm on the brakes. They always come on when I apply the brakes. They just don't always shut off on the trailer. If the tractor brake lights were also doing that, I'd say it would likely be the switch on the pedal...but it is ONLY the trailer brake lights acting up. Is there another switch or relay or something I need to find? 2001 CH613.
  13. SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't wake the baby!!! ...nevermind.
  14. DAMN this kid is a heavy sleeper! Took him to his first truck & tractor pull tonight and he pretty much slept through it. He DID wake up once after overloading his diaper...so a wardrobe change was in order...but overall, a good night.
  15. Nah. He's just jealous the kid is the center of attention now instead of him. At least it isn't the violent aggression as is the case when I show the wife's dog even the slightest bit of attention...ol' Dozer lets her know I'm with him as he chases her off and takes her place under my hand. With the kid, though, he just nuzzles in and sniffs, looking at me begging for a scratch behind the ears. I usually oblige. He's always been a good and loyal dog...and very protective of his people. He's got a new people now.
  16. 2 weeks old already...
  17. Amazing how thin they used to be able to make quality wrenches. I've got a few in my tool box from my grandpa as well, and they'll likely outlast most of the thicker wrenches I've bought more recently. Then again, I'm not as likely to abuse grandpa's old tools the way I'd torture a tool I bought...
  18. My wife has a 9mm. My smallest handgun is a .45...and smallest rifle is a .30-06...and my smallest shotgun is a 12 gauge. I just don't see the point in making pinholes when I can blow craters through my target. IF I have to shoot someone, I want 'em to know good & well they done been shot.
  19. The only thing a looter is owed is a hot piece of lead at a high rate of speed. These "officials" wanted as many folks as possible to evacuate, but anybody who had worked hard for what they had would be hard pressed to abandon the fruits of their labor by evacuating knowing full well when the house likely survives the storm their belongings will disappear at the hands of these low-lifes before the homeowner is "allowed" to return. I know I wouldn't be inclined to evacuate under those circumstances. If I go, I'm either taking my stuff with me, or I'm not going farther than what allows me to keep an eye on things at home.
  20. So let's see some of all y'alls old tools you can't imagine life without...stuff they just don't make anymore that make your life easier because you happen to have one. My wife and I enjoy browsing antique shops. She looks at furniture and stuff for the house, and I can spend hours looking through piles of old tools. I need to know what sort of things I ought to be looking for beyond "that's pretty darned cool" or "I might be able to come up with a use for that"...
  21. I USED to carry a pair of fencing pliers...'til I found these. Actually these are my second pair. I'd been carrying the first pair (a little newer...1948) for probably 6-8 months and bought these for my dad (I usually try to find a new tool he doesn't have every year), but the screwdriver side of the handle on the 1922 pair doesn't stick out as far and more closely matches the length of the other handle, so it isn't quite as likely to poke holes in chair backs and such. Anyway, these are without a doubt more useful than fencing pliers. Jaws open wider, grip is stronger, and the "hammer" on fencing pliers is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. About the only thing I've ever found fencing pliers particularly useful for was as a seal puller, as the seal pullers you find at the parts store are rather flimsy. I suppose the pointy end is also useful to grab that piece of dunnage that is JUUUUUUUST out of your reach. Other than that, there are tools that perform better and are less hassle to have with you all of the time. Personally, I don't see why they would've quit making these. Most useful tool in my arsenal. Not sure which one I'll give my dad...or maybe I'll get the plates done (matching set of 1926 Illinois license plates) and I can give him those to run on the 1926 Model T that he inherited from his dad. Illinois lets you run "period" plates on an antique as long as you've got the "official" registration and plate in the car with you. Kind of leaning towards the 1948 pair right now, but I really bought the 1922 pair for him since I was already carrying the 1948 pair. The finish on the 1922 pair also looks a little nicer, but the 1948 pair has engravings detailing the features of the tool (as well as the original price the tool sold for at the time) which is kind of cool, too. I guess I've got a few months to figure all of that out.
  22. Adjustable jaw opens to 1-1/2", with flat surfaces to get a good grip on nuts and bolts. 10:1 gear reduction in the clamping force. It comes in real handy during pre-trips...snug up an air fitting here, loose bolt there...and with one handle that doubles as a screw driver, it is handy to pop light bulbs out for replacement as well. Has some wire cutters, too, as well as different shaped lower jaws that can be swapped around depending upon the needs of the job you're doing. I prefer the flat ones, though. Originally patented in 1916, this pair was manufactured in 1922.
  23. I can't believe the stupidity of some people when they start to panic. Heard reports of some places charging $20-$30 for a case of water...which they can do because enough people are dumb enough to pay it. Don't they realize there is this thing in their house called a "sink" , and that on this "sink" is a "faucet", and that if you turn a knob or lift a lever on said "faucet", that WATER will flow from it? Grab some old milk jugs, etc...clean 'em out and fill them up. Water situation solved, and you didn't have to fight anyone for it or pay an arm and a leg to someone trying to profit from your state of panic. Anyway, good luck to ya'll down there...it's been pretty bad on some of the islands it has crossed paths with. Heard 95% of the buildings on Barbuda were destroyed. Granted, they weren't likely to have been built to anywhere NEAR the same standards as those in Florida, but it's still pretty serious. Keep your heads down & stay safe!
  24. Well, REALLY not looking forward to getting this bill. Still don't have him home. They decided to go ahead & put him under the smurf lights today. Didn't get much time with them because I had to step out to handle business with the ferrier and run a couple more errands, and the time I WAS there, he was under the light. Good news is the cradle is ready for the kid. Bad news is he's still not here to sleep in it. Maybe tomorrow. On a positive note, we DID find some ear muff style hearing protectors for him to wear the next couple weekends at the fair. Will feel better about taking him to the grandstand events if I'm not worried about the noise and his tiny little ears.
  25. Well, another night alone at the house. The little guy was doing MUCH better by the time I got there. They are "supplementing" his diet...mom feeds him as much as he'll eat, then bottle feed a little more...and so I got to participate in a couple feedings and he's definitely got more of an appetite. Apparently, he coughed up a lot of stuff from his stomach...making room for more milk...and eating more also helps. Never needed the light, just more food intake. Already trying to roll over...got onto his side to watch momma & poppa eat THEIR cold dinner. Don't think I've had a hot meal since he was born. Always one thing or another...visitors in the room, baby's feeding time, etc...pushes our dinner off for a bit. It's all good, though. We've got the ferrier coming out to the farm at 2:30 tomorrow, and hopefully the wife and kid will be with me when I head up that way to tend to that. Of course then we'll have to make the rounds at the antique stores where we've been acquiring a lot of the furniture we've got in the house. The people that run them have all been excited for us when the pregnancy was announced and as it has progressed...only seems right to introduce the little guy around town. Of course next weekend there is a truck & tractor pull and a crash-em-up derby to attend...he'll have an exciting first couple of weeks, arriving just in time for the district fair...heck, even Charlie Daniels is going to be there Wednesday night, but whether or not we can go to that depends on how late I work and how early of a start I'll need to get in the morning. Just gotta find some ear protection so we don't overwhelm his tender little ears. Our neighbor will have a couple cars in the crash-em-up derby...not really a fan of the "county fair" style of battle, but whatever. Always more fun to cheer on a friend, though, so we'll see. It'll be nice having the wife home on the weekends when I'm home for the next few months...I can pretty much count those weekends since we've been married with fingers left over. Only redeeming factor about her work schedule is that when she does eventually return to work, there are only 2 days one of us isn't going to hav the day off. Just got to find a babysitter for those 2 days by mid-December. Fun.
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