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Everything posted by RowdyRebel

  1. $#!+...the GOP had better block any effort by Obama to appoint another damn lib to replace him. They have the majority...they need to USE it to force a nomination closer to the "moderate" Kennedy and less like the far-left Sotomayor and Kagan. I think that's probably the best case scenario, though, and hopefully the next president can replace a lib or two on the court with scalia-esque justices. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/02/13/supreme-court-justice-scalia-dead-at-79.html
  2. "Converted" being the key word. If built from scratch, the vehicle was never certified. If it was a production vehicle that has been certified by the manufacturer, then it cannot be modified.
  3. Nascar and the NHRA teams that build their cars from scratch are fine, as they were never certified to meet any standards. However, the guy who gets screwed is the little guy who starts with a production car and modifies it to race it. Demolition derbies will be a thing of the past, as will mud races and any other event where "production" vehicles have been altered to make them competition-ready. Personally, the EPA can KMA. I'm going to build whatever I want to build and modify it however I need to in order to make it work for me...because if it doesn't do what I need it do do, there's no point in having it.
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2016/02/09/epa-proposal-would-restrict-road-to-racecar-conversions/
  5. Rubio is having a hell of a good night. Cruz talking about his half sister's drug problems almost made him sound human. Even Christie sounded good on that issue, though. Still not much substance from Trump...just his usual bravado and "I'm the best" attitude.
  6. Wow...NH debate tonight on ABC...Eminent domain the topic. Trump crash & burn. Audience booing. Trump ripping the audience. Going to be interesting to see how the voters respond on Tuesday.
  7. What makes America great is not some guy in Washington who says, If I had more power, I could fix it all unilaterally.' Thats not the American tradition. May not be the American tradition, but it IS what Trump, Bernie, Hillary are all saying. It is also what Obama expressed with his whole "We are the ones we've been waiting for" line of crap. And yes, there are folks in the race who have made a career out of fighting against the growth of government, standing in the way when government overreaches its authority, and making enemies out of those who would "go along to get along" if befriending them would mean breaking promises made to the people whom he serves. Personally, I'd like to see a solid conservative like Ted Cruz as president with a fierce libertarian such as Rand Paul as his VP. Put Ben Carson as HHS Secretary, where he could focus his attention on what he knows best, figuring out how to get out from under the Obamacare debacle and transition to a free market approach. I'd also like to see either Scott Walker or Chris Christie heading up the Labor Dept. because both have shown they are capable of standing up to union thugs and doing the right thing. Trump would do best as Secretary of State pounding out whatever deals need to be made with foreign governments, but with the oversight and guidance of a president who has the best interest of the US in mind, not just what's in the best interest of Trump. ...and speaking of the electoral college, some states passed laws following AL Gore's loss in 2000 so that their states electoral votes would go to the winner of the NATIONAL poular vote, essentially rendering the voters in their state irrelevant. Those laws won't take effect until enough states pass similar laws that the electoral vote tally will be the 50% + 1 required to "win". Illinois is one such state, passed by democrats. http://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/001000200K5.htm
  8. But "the law" WAS what she was abiding by. Kentucky law banned same-sex marriage. Kentucky law also required her signature on the license for it to be valid, which she could not in good conscience do. The federal court overstepped it's Constitutional power by ruling on a matter in which it lacked authority to act. The governor of Kentucky also could have called the legislature into session to change the law thereby removing the requirement that she validate the license with her signature. Nobody should have to resign from a job they've held for over 20 years because an activist judge illegally changed the job description. It will be curious to see if the people in her county reelect her once again for the stand she took. Remember, though, it wasn't JUST the county clerk. There are PRIVATE florists, bakers, property owners (venues), etc. who have all been attacked and penalized for exercising their religious freedom. If one baker doesn't want to bake your wedding cake, FIND ANOTHER BAKER! If this florist won't create your wedding bouquet, there are PLENTY of gay florists who will be more than happy to oblige. If this clerk won't issue the license, drive 20 miles to the next county and get it there. NOBODY should have to violate their religious beliefs.
  9. Constitution does not give the federal government the power to define marriage, nor prohibits the state from defining marriage. Therefore, according to the 10th Amendment it is a matter for the States and the People of each state to decide for themselves. The federal court overstepped its authority injecting itself into a matter in which it lacked jurisdiction. Then there is the 1st Amendment, where congress shall make no law infringing upon a person's free exercise of religion. If a person's faith teaches that homosexual relations are sinful, then the government is prohibited from forcing that person to violate their religious beliefs by participating or sanctioning the union. I'm not saying it was right or wrong for her to do what she did...just that it was wrong for the federal court to do what IT did. Nobody should be locked up in jail for abiding by their faith...and that's why conservatives were fighting on her behalf. If the government can dictate what you must believe, and will lock you up for disagreeing, how are we any better than N. Korea, China, Iran, the old Soviet Union, or even ISIS?
  10. Problem with a filter in the suction line is that if the filter is too restrictive (especially possible in winter) the pump could starve for oil.
  11. Trump says you keep what you work for, as long as you can line the pockets of the politicians. If you're a little guy and your home isn't generating enough tax revenue for the city, the city ought to be able to use eminent domain to take that home from you give it to a developer who intends to build a shopping center or a hotel on that property which will generate a considerably chunk of tax dollars for the politicians to spend. That's the Kelo decision that Trump supported "100%". Trump isn't for the "little guy" or the "working man". Trump is in this for Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And if a candidate truly believes in limited government under the Constitution...and that just as the Declaration states, that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." why does that mean they are cow towing to the "religious right"? Because they believe there is a Creator? Or perhaps that they believe government should protect LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of Happiness? Or maybe that they believe without the consent of the governed, that the government has no power? Or that (as the 10th Amendment states) the powers NOT delegated to the federal government by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states RESIDES WITH THE. STATES AND THE PEOPLE? Yup...somebody with those beliefs is a religious nut and has no idea what a conservative is.
  12. Don't know. I've always just replaced when worn out because I needed it back up yesterday and didn't have time to rebuild when the pump was in stock.
  13. Put a gauge on there to check the pressure the pump is generating...might be worn out.
  14. The CB antenna on my Mack reached to 15'6" when it was new...102" whip mounted on the lower mirror bracket. Needless to say, it gets into EVERYTHING (even hit a 15' bridge on the highway), so I've come to expect it over the years. The end curled around and the tip broke off...so it's not as tall as it once was...but it's still 14+ if not 15'.
  15. 12 or 13 years ago, I had just got hired by a company who put me into a brand new petercar with all of 400 miles on the odometer. I was on my way to pick up a load one day (flatbed), and when I saw the bridge marked 12'8" I didn't think twice about it, because I KNEW the truck was 12'...so I should have 8" to spare. My heart sank REAL quick when I heard the "thud" as I passed under the bridge. I thought for sure I had knocked back the stacks or broke the amber light off the roof. Then I remembered my CB antennas measured 13'6". That's the closest I EVER want to get to knowing what it feels like to hit an overhead structure.
  16. Yup. And like I said, I will vote for whoever the GOP puts up in November for that reason...but Trump is the bottom of the barrel as far as the choices go. People don't like politicians...but he's acting more like a politician than anybody else in the race...saying and doing anything he feels might win him a vote today, even if it wasn't what he was saying yesterday or the day before and projecting his own worst qualities onto the other candidates to make them look bad. I've never been a fan of making yourself look better by attacking your opponent any more than I've been a fan of the idea that you can help the poor by attacking the rich. It doesn't work like that. Trump stopped talking about why people should vote FOR him a long time ago, and has since engaged in a campaign of why you shouldn't vote for whoever he feels is his biggest threat. Hell, I don't think he even believes most of the crap coming out of his own mouth. Does he even know what a conservative is? Other than being "what you have to say you are to win the nomination", of course...
  17. Trump is the LAST GOP contender I would like to see as POTUS. Only way I'll vote for him is if he is the nominee and it's him or a socialist. Why? The next president is probably going to get to pick 3 or 4 justices to the SCOTUS. What kind of justices would Trump pick? Go back and look at his support for some of the WORST decisions to come from that court (Kelo, etc...) and you get an idea of the kinds of justices he will pick.
  18. "Please clap?"
  19. Almost feel sorry for the guy. http://abcuni.abcnews.com/progressive/98330877-5095-4ac9-9a8c-7cdcd3944274/9a0483aa-91ad-47ca-9593-1f04fb66fee2/74ba4d0b-a347-11e4-bfdb-005056837bc7/0/0/659820517/content.mp4
  20. I got into an argument with a friend of a friend several years ago. He was trying to tell me "there are no jobs". Sure there are...help wanted signs up all over town! "I shouldn't HAVE to work one of THOSE jobs...I have a college degree!". OK then, what did you study? "Graphic design.". So get a job in that field! "I can't...I don't have a laptop.". Ok, so get a job you CAN get, save your money, buy a laptop, and then go after the job you want! "I shouldn't have to...America is supposed to be a free country...". You're FREE to PURSUE happiness...doesn't mean your happiness should be handed to you for free. Dumbass.
  21. If you're 20 and not liberal, you have no heart. If you're 30 and not conservative, you have no brain. Free stuff is all well and good while you're young and on the receiving end. Then you get a little older and want to start working...only to find that the $15/hr minimum wage essentially set a $15/hr maximum wage too because if the employer MUST pay the otherwise useless broom pusher $15/hr, there isn't money left to pay the production staff what they would otherwise be worth...and the broom pusher jobs aren't as plentiful anymore either because if he's got to pay the broom pusher as much as his producers are making, there really isn't any reason to keep broom pushers on the payroll. Then, if they're lucky enough to HAVE a job, they discover that such a large chunk of that $15/hr is being confiscated by the government in the form of taxes...because SOMEBODY has to pay for all that "free" $#!+ you so willingly voted for. So, you're essentially worse off than you would have been making student loan payments and working a $6/hr job with hopes of moving up the pay ladder as you developed some job skills. First thing we learned in economics class back in high school was "TINSTAAFL"...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH! Somebody somewhere had to pay the tab. I'd much rather pay my own way, and let everybody else do the same. Right to pursue happiness is not the right to be happy. If you're too lazy to pursue your own happiness, why should I have to put my own pursuit on hold to pay for what you think might make you happy? Why should your happiness get a higher priority than my pursuit...when I'm the one expected to pay for it? Screw that. You pay for you. I'll pay for me. If you're lazy and end up miserable as a result, NOT MY PROBLEM!
  22. Ouch. Comparing Rubio to Obama like that isn't doing him any favors. NOBODY wants to "echo" Obama on ANYTHING...unless, of course, you're a crusty old socialist.
  23. They sure are spending a lot of time talking about the democrat race...and then a blurb about the republicans before spending another 10 minutes on the democrats. Checked the Fox News website and they have the vote totals for all of the candidates...and I was right. It is a pretty close race between their top candidates and our last place ones.
  24. So I'm sitting here in a restaurant grabbing a bite to eat, and they have CNN on the TV. I find it odd that they have vote totals and percentages for the GOP candidates...but only percentages for the dems. Wondering why...could it be the Dems have a pathetic turnout and the GOP caucuses are packed? I'm kinda curious how many votes the indictment waiting to happen is getting vs the socialist...and how their vote totals match up with the various GOP contenders. It'd be kinda sad if our last place guy got as many votes as their top candidate...maybe that's why they aren't giving dem vote totals?
  25. I prefer Shiner...but the empty miller bottle worked in a pinch. If it'd been full, I probably would've just watered the hay field with it to get the bottle. It's only alcohol abuse if it's GOOD beer.
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