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Everything posted by RowdyRebel

  1. I've seen rat traps...look just like the mouse traps I use, only bigger. Bet they'd work great for squirrels, rabbits, coons, cas, and any other similarly sized critter.
  2. As long as there are deer, squirrels, rabbits, coons, snakes, coyotes, etc. running wild in the woods, I'll never even consider the possibility of putting Dozer on my dinner plate. Hell, every year when the weather turns cold, I go to war battling the damn mice that try to move into the garage. For some reason, this year has been worse than past years.....been catching 3-4 mice per day. Good news is they are getting smaller....so I'm thinking it's got to end soon. Had a couple try moving into the truck, too, since it parks in the same spot every night. I was sitting there doing my paperwork one night when I saw one of those little fuckers poke his head out, but dissappeared before I could grab the hammer to whack him. Set a trap & had him caught in 2 minutes...reset the trap and got another one overnight. Caught a third one the next night, and then the truck traps haven't produced....not like the garage traps. Speaking of which, when I run to town today to pick up some grease for the truck, I've got to get some more traps....
  3. I don't even know what it would cost...but if the truck is reliable and the only thing wrong is the tweaked frame rails, I'd be hard pressed just to write it off as an old truck. ...then again, I spent around $4000 this year fixing up a motorcycle that's probably only worth $1500.....new tires, rebuilt the entire brake system, rebuilt & upgraded forks, new radiator, etc. The ONLY vehicle I've ever owned that I don't still have was my first motorcycle...and I still kick myself over that one, but I was a broke college kid at the timeand was wearing that little 500 out pretty quick....and needed to trade it in for a down payment on a bigger bike.
  4. I like Caramel Delights.....
  5. Are they made with real girl scouts?
  6. Frame rails can be changed....seen it done at the local Mack dealer. Not sure what it costs, but certainly it would be cheaper than replacing the truck. Have you looked into that option?
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/11/10/peta-thanksgiving-billboard-asks-kids-would-eat-your-dog/ Ummmmmm.......because it tastes good? Isn't that reason enough? Besides, Dozer likes to eat turkey too...so .
  8. That's how I make Thanksgiving dinner....couple hungry man turkey dinners and a pecan pie.
  9. AMENDMENT XVII Passed by Congress May 13, 1912. Ratified April 8, 1913. Up until then, Senators were appointed by the state legislators to be the STATE'S voice in the federal government. The people HAD their branch....the House of Reps. So, now the states lost their voice (weakening the 10th Amendment) and the people controlled the whole Congress, meaning EVERYBODY in the legislative branch could get reelected by seeking the approval of people unlikely to be paying attention to (or even CARING about) what is going on....as long as they get their handouts. National debt 1913 = $2,916,204,913.66 6 years later in 1919? When "the people" have elected the entire Senate? $27,390,970,113.12 And it has been climbing higher ever since. Funny thing...even in those "balanced budget" years in the 90's, the deficit still grew....albeit at a slower pace. The budget hasn't been balanced since 1955-1956. Eisenhower was President, Nixon the VP. Not since then has the national deficit actually declined. That was 56 years ago....
  10. The House of Reps is NOT the problem. They passed a budget. They've passed plans to curtail the out-of-control spending and bring down the deficit. They have passed a stack of legislation that dies in the Senate without ever being considered. It is NOT the House of Reps that is unwilling to compromise. The Senate under Harry Ried is the do-nothing branch of Congress. If the Senate doesn't like what comes out of the House, they need to pass their own version of a bill...then the two sides confer to bring the two versions together. That cannot happen until the Senate at the very least debates the bills sent over to it from the house....but Harry Ried will have none of that. The House of Reps DID change in the 2010 midterms to help the little people like us. Prior to the GOP gaining control of the house, it was a rubber-stamp for everything Obama wanted, whether the PEOPLE wanted it or not. Obamacare was unpopular with the people....hell, MASSACHUSETTS even elected a Republican to fill Kennedy's seat in order to try and stop that atrocity from passing...but the Democrats bent the rules to pass it anyway under reconciliation so that they wouldn't need the 60 votes to break a filibuster....thereby bypassing the will of the people. Here's the dirty little secret: The Democrats don't give a flying FUCK about the little guy. They don't want you to succeed, because if you succeed, you'll find that you don't need their handouts, and therefore you will no longer vote for them. They don't want you to succeed, because when you make that switch from welfare recipient to taxpayer, they will lose your vote. They don't want you to succeed, because as long as they can convince you that you are a "victim" and that you are entitled to a portion of what others have worked hard to earn, they know they will have your vote.
  11. I've noticed that with other products, too. Those cardboard juice containers that USED to be 1/2 gallon....64 ounces? They are now only 59 ounces. Folgers coffee singles don't come in a 20 pack...they are a 19 pack. 19? I can see 15: 3 weeks worth of M-F...or 14: 2 full 7 day weeks....but 19? WTF is 19? I try not to browse too much at the grocery store...just pisses me off. If I can run in, grab a stack of frozen pizzas, a couple gallons of milk, some ground up coffee beans, some toaster breakfast items, and sammiches for the week, I'm good.
  12. BTW, anyone notice what the stock markets did today?
  13. but..but...but...but....OBAMA said "if you like your insurance, you can keep it"! Unfortunately for a lot of folks, that only works if THEY were the ones who bought it and therefore control it. Their boss looks out for the business's bottom line, and if it is cheaper to pay the penalty, a crapload of people are going to be on their own. Personally, I've had my own individual policy for 5 years now...and been fighting to keep the policy I bought. The day they decide I have to pay a higher premium in order to only have to pay a co-pay at the doctor (instead of everything out of my pocket until the deductible has been met), I'll cancel the fugging policy. And that tax form declaring your policy coverages? I'm not going to fill that out. I'm not going to pay their penalty. When they show up at my door looking for that form or wanting my insurance information, they'll be staring down the barrel of a 12 guage when I tell them MY decision whether or not to have health insurance is NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS!
  14. The map looks a LOT different when you look county-by-county... This one might be easier to see:
  15. On the bright side, Paul Ryan won the election in his district in Wisconsin and will retain his seat in the house....
  16. Feel like I just got kicked in the gut...watch the stock markets tomorrow when investors start pulling money back out in preparation for the higher cap gains rates that are coming when the "Bush tax cuts" expire....glad I don't have any money in them, but my job is heavily dependent upon coal...so it doesn't look good. Hope Scalia & the other ancient conservative justices can hold out at least another 4 years....otherwise we are REALLY screwed.
  17. Fox has Mitt @ 154, Obama @ 143 The Blaze has Mitt @142, Obama @ 130
  18. Of course I'm right. I'm ALWAYS right.
  19. I think the truck was parked and the loader hit the truck. Look at the way that right front tire is folded under the truck, as well as the way the ground is dug up...the front of the truck was pushed sideways. If that were my truck, that'd be one DEAD loader operator.
  20. I don't know...I like knowing who won before I go to bed at night. A lot of these predictions are based upon polling data, voter turnout data, as well as the historical vote tally in the various states and regions of the state. I remember one year watching and the ® gubernatorial candidate here in Illinois was up nearly 70/30 and they called it for the (D)...the reason? The votes from "downstate" had been tallied...but the votes from Chicago had not. Sometimes they are wrong (i.e. Florida in 2000 when they called it for Gore forgetting that the panhandle was still voting...then when those votes started coming in they changed their mind). These pundit predictions and projections really don't mean squat, though, because the OFFICIAL tally happens when ALL of the votes are counted and the Secretary of State validates the results. ...and if you let some political hack talk you out of voting by saying your candidate either "won" or "lost" certain other states, you must not have felt very strongly about the election to begin with. Hell, in a lot of states, voting has been open for a MONTH!!! Why on earth would you wait until the last minute to cast your ballot?
  21. Capt. Kirk is gonna be PISSED!
  22. Whew....I'm wore out just READING about all that work!
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