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Everything posted by RowdyRebel

  1. Hell, I've woken up doing 90 on the shoulder...on my motorcycle. 2 seconds later and I would've been in the ditch. No alcohol needed...just a really busy day around the house then pull an all-nighter trying to make a long trip to be somewhere else by morning. I try not to do that anymore...
  2. Just this last week, there were 2 ladies killed trying to help a car that had wrecked...live wires on the ground & they stepped in the water from the busted hydrant. http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-car-hydrant-downed-power-lines,0,2404618.story
  3. Now why would you wanna do a silly thing like that? Crooked roads are FUN!
  4. They're racing @ Bristol tonight...so work only gets done during the commercials.
  5. Couple wrenches and a 12 pack?
  6. How many times ya gonna quote me?
  7. ...one small step for man...one giant leap for mankind... He walks no more. Passed away at the ripe old age of 82.
  8. Whuddaya need brakes for? All they do is slow ya down!
  9. 'tis better to be known as a smartass than a dumbass.
  10. Group sex w/ multiple males and only 1 female? Sounds kinda gay to me...sausage party.
  11. It's what I was taught when I first started driving wreckers... "If somebody does something stupid in front of you, do not leave your lane. If you swerve to miss the idiot and you turn yourself over in the ditch or take out the family in the minivan in the lane next to you, it is YOUR FAULT. The person you missed by swerving is unaware they caused any problems and they are on up the road....THEY DON'T EXIST! Maintain your lane. Apply the brakes. Pray you don't kill them. You'll probably still get a ticket, but at least they'll be sitting there with their shit tore up too, so you'll stand half a chance of convincing the cop what actually happened."
  12. That idiot is lucky I wasn't the one driving that tractor....the bucket would have gone through the back glass. I don't swerve to miss idiots: If you're going to cause me to wreck, you damn well better believe that your shit is gonna get tore up too.
  13. Teen falls out of party bus onto highway; nobody on board calls 911 ...who needs enemies?
  14. There were certainly a few hot teachers....but no hot, horny teachers.
  15. Where the heck were all of the hot, horny teachers when I was in school? Seems every other week, another one is in the news... http://www.foxnews.c...ith-4-students/
  16. I've noticed fewer people drive aggressively around me when my shotgun is in the back glass.
  17. You've got to take a road test in a vehicle of the size/class you are upgrading to....even for a C.
  18. You're right..."compasionate conservatives" are just "liberal light". Sure, GWB was more conservative than Gore or Kerry...but that really isn't saying much.
  19. If I had anything CLOSE to $5000, I'd give 'em a call. Unfortunately, I don't.
  20. NOTHING you do to a v*lv* is going to make it look "better"....except maybe running it through one of these:
  21. Reminds me of an old joke.... Just because you pray doesn't mean God is going to send angels with wings & halos down from the clouds to swoop in and take you to safety. He works through us and through those around us...like the police officer, the guy in the boat, and the helicopter....and if you refuse that help, don't go trying to blame God. Just because the building happens to be a meeting place for religious folk...a "church", if you will...it is still just brick & mortar, timbers, tiles, and drywall. The building is just that...a man-made structure subject to the same calamities as any other man-made structure.
  22. A family has the "right" to bury their fallen soldier in peace. In my opinion, that "right" supercedes the "right" anyone might claim to be an idiot. The mere fact that this bunch calls themselves "Christian" also bothers me. From Mark chapter 12: God does not "hate" anybody....not even "fags".
  23. I was into the project until I saw they were putting a v*lv* nose on the thing....
  24. When my brother would deploy, he knew if anything happened to him that those idiots at Westboro wouldn't show up at his funeral...and if they did make an appearance, they'd leave in body bags. He's no longer active duty, though....enjoying life as a civilian once again.
  25. Those radiators seem to be located in a precarious location...gravel roads will pummel them with rocks, and a blown tire? Kiss that radiator goodbye.
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