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Everything posted by RowdyRebel

  1. So with it being as hot as it is, and my Mack not having AC, it's a little too toasty in the cab of the truck for ol' Dozer. So, I've been leaving him at home, and stopping by during the day to let him out. Anyway, on Friday there was a bunny playing in the yard...old enough to hop, but not old enough to get away from Dozer. At first I thought he was just going to play with it for a bit like he did with the one he caught the other day....he wandered off with that one in his mouth and I had wondered what he did with it. I figured he just got bored with it and it hopped away after a bit. Nope. This time, he came right over by me and layed down. About the time he did that, the body of the bunny dropped to the ground. It was twitching around pretty good and that's when I noticed it was missing it's head. Dozer chewed it about 2 times and then swallowed. As I reached for my cell phone trying to get the camera activated, he picked up the body, chewed it about 4 or 5 times and swallowed it, too. We're talking 15-20 seconds tops he had that entire bunny devoured. Sadly, I didn't get any pics. Maybe next time.
  2. If sleep deprivation were an affirmative defense for wrongdoing, I would never be able to be held accountable for ANY of my actions.... Dammit...that would've been a fun day to be there.
  3. 3 big-ass bucks (11 pt., 10 pt., & 7 pt.) antlers tangled together drowned in a creek.... http://gothunts.com/ohio-bucks-locked-togethe/
  4. OK....it says it's a 3 part series. Where the #@$ is part 3?
  5. It was a world record attempt....longest golf shot caught in a moving vehicle....or something like that.
  6. ...now are we talkin' special brownies? Or just brownies?
  7. If the answer to that question isn't "Kate Upton", you aren't the luckiest guy on earth.
  8. That camera guy is probably the 2nd luckiest guy on earth...
  9. I'm starting to see why I've always liked girl scout cookies...
  10. How 'bout this one?
  11. ...in regards to money & politics: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/06/20/guess-progressives-dont-really-love-free-speech-as-much-as-thought/
  12. While I haven't bought Budweiser since they sold out to that Belgium company, and I have NEVER tried Bud Select, if I were in that pool I sure wouldn't mind taking a sip.... ....even though they got NOTHIN' compared to Kate
  13. ...to teach your kids how to respect & safely handle your firearms. Boy done good...and I would guess he'd been to the range a time or two with his dad. After all, he hit his target and effectively neutralized the threat against himself and his younger siblings! I'd hate to think about what could have happened had they lived in a place where "safe storage" of guns "out of the reach of children" were required...or even if ammunition were required to be stored separately and locked up. Good job, kid.
  14. A female judge named PORNchita had a problem with the nudity... She should change her name to PRUDEchita.
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  15. It was the best TV commercial since the mechanical bull ad for the Western Bacon Thickburger.... Can't find the full length one...only the 30 second ad. The long version used to say "Sure, we could show you a bunch of cowboys, sitting around a campfire, eating the new Western Bacon Thickburger from Hardees...but who'd want to watch that?"
  16. I swear there's a country song about EVERYTHING!
  17. ....and I'd DEFINITELY like to eat a burger with her http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdGsKzmCgB0
  18. She looks like she'd be a fun girl to hang out with... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcJScBLIEX4
  19. She's got a tan line...
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