So with it being as hot as it is, and my Mack not having AC, it's a little too toasty in the cab of the truck for ol' Dozer. So, I've been leaving him at home, and stopping by during the day to let him out. Anyway, on Friday there was a bunny playing in the yard...old enough to hop, but not old enough to get away from Dozer. At first I thought he was just going to play with it for a bit like he did with the one he caught the other day....he wandered off with that one in his mouth and I had wondered what he did with it. I figured he just got bored with it and it hopped away after a bit. Nope. This time, he came right over by me and layed down. About the time he did that, the body of the bunny dropped to the ground. It was twitching around pretty good and that's when I noticed it was missing it's head. Dozer chewed it about 2 times and then swallowed. As I reached for my cell phone trying to get the camera activated, he picked up the body, chewed it about 4 or 5 times and swallowed it, too. We're talking 15-20 seconds tops he had that entire bunny devoured. Sadly, I didn't get any pics. Maybe next time.