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EM6285 last won the day on September 25 2011

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About EM6285

  • Birthday 08/20/1977


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    Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

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    Race cars
    Big machines.
    Engine Overhaul
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  1. Promo says; ZERO EMISSIONS, You bet it will be MACK BET (Battery Electric Trucks) I was hoping for a NEW CAB (Not a Volvo cab clone) and new Diesel Engines options...but that now are just dreams
  2. Vocational refuse packer truck. It is a cew of 3 working men for trash collection.
  3. Here is the thing I HATE most on new MACK TRUCKS... That bump-forward center console at the dash. Very uncomfortable ride for a 3 men crew. Whoever sits at the middle gets the worst ride. MACK TRUCKS needs to fix this "lump" on their dash-board design... And why MACK TRUCKS needs to cram 1/4 of the engine under the cab? I wish they will go to a flat firewall cab structure with ALL THE ENGINE IN FRONT OF IT and not part of the engine under the cab.
  4. MACK TRUCKS also needs to do an UPGRADE on its headlamps. Replaced all of them... On all 4 MACK GU813s But, they still are rubish. Poorly built headlamps from TYC. They get foggy, yellowish and tarnished so easy and they get water inside.
  5. I would start with the rubber weathering stripe on doors. MACK TRUCKS uses a flimsy, saggy-soft rubber piece that falls appart miserably... All of our 2018 GU18s suffer this issue. MACK TRUCK salesman blames the new door panel design that presses into the rubber stripe striking it off its place when opening the doors. I can't beleive NAVISTAR makes a better / decent job with the rubber seals (weathering stripes) on the doors of its new cab design. This is our 2022 INTERNATIONAL MV and so far I like this cab better than the cab in our 2018 MACKs.. 2022 INTERNATIONAL MV ⬇️ 2018 MACK GU813 ⬇️
  6. I don't know why HINO TRUCKS quit on their own diesel engines that have been proven to be reliable and eficient. I don't buy that story about the HINO A09C 9.0L Diesel Engine not passing E.P.A Emissions Certifications when they do pass the more strictier European Emission Standards. Same for the J08E 7.1L Diesel Engine wich HINO TRUCKS have been using until now WITH NO ISSUES. Something pushed HINO TRUCKS into going with CUMMINS for Diesel Engines, maybe taxation on imported components went higher and we know HINO imports their diesel engines from JAPAN. Maybe CUMMINS pushes HINO to buy its diesel engine in exchange for HELP with electrification of HINO TRUCKS. Too bad HINO will use the same generic diesel engine as its competirors, if there was something that set HINO TRUCKS apart was their own diesel engines known for being reliable and trouble-free. Our 2007 HINO J08E 7.1L Diesel Engines have been more reliable than our 2018 Cummins B6.7 (International Truck) I was expecting to order some new HINO XL7 trucks with HINO A09C 9.0L Diesel Engine (360 HP / 1050 lbs/ft and "Jake Brake") it was a superior specification than what a MACK MD7 offers with a Cummins B6.7 only 260 HP / a mere 660 lbs/ft and NO "JAKE BRAKE" HINO TRUCK loose big time now.
  7. MACK MD on the list? It is a recent product. Wonder why there is no HINO TRUCKS on the list🤔...their 338 model (Now HINO L7) sure is a great truck with an outstanding reputation.
  8. I don't want any of Navistar products after all the problems we got and still have with their Maxxforce engines.
  9. I will welcome these new HINO XL-7 and XL-8 trucks and watch them perform. We are looking to replace 2 2012 INTERNATIONAL Workstar trucks soon because they are nothing but trouble with their Maxxforce 9 engines. Finally HINO TRUCKS grow to a size they can be spec'd for the Municipal market. I hope our HINO TRUCKS dealer brings some demonstration trucks XL7 single axle and XL8 tandem axle with rear-loader refuse compactors (Heil, New Way, Mc Neilus or Loadmaster)... Too bad NAVITRASH trucks with Maxxjunk have no resale value and no one wants them in trade-in We have 2 2007 UD 2600 trucks that are powered by HINO J08E engines and they have been very reliable. One thing I like is HINO TRUCKS' warranty of 5 years /250,000 miles.
  10. I like the industrial look of it compared to a bald and boring looking International LT Series (a reworked ProStar) I got mixed feelings about MACK TRUCKS staying or keeping an ageing cab structure that dates back to year 1988, but hey we got the R-Model cab or its variants (made by Superior Coach's Sheller-Globe) for almost 40 years also. Sure I would have love to see some change on doors like an incorporated indentation that follows fender design. At least is not VOLVO's VNR / VNL wide cab. Can wait to see one in day-cab form pulling a tri-axle dump trailer and painted Mack Green. They look tough. I hope grille design gets a change.
  11. I think MACK is making its frames in-house now.
  12. It seems that it will retain the basic cab structure (CH/ Vision/ Pinnacle) and it will sport a brand new hood design, completely new interior design and a new sleeper design. If retaining the ageing "Mayflower cab", at least it is a relief it will not be or use a cloned VOLVO Trucks cab....
  13. I always dreamed of an extended or long hood CHU Rawhide sporting the MP-10 engine with some external "air breathers"... For the retro-look MACK should be inspired on the MACK LTL Trucks hood and round fenders... Too bad I am not expert on digital computer graphics
  14. Engine is a recently top rebuilt E6 Tip Turbine 2 valve 285. New cylinder heads from MACK, New turbocharger from MACK, New head gaskets set,New fuel pump. Check turbo and it is clean. It has been rebuilt for about a year. Fuel pump has been "opened" and advanced to 22° Any ideas on what could be causing the oil leak?
  15. Mack V8 Diesel Engines 32,199 built in the years 1960 to 1999 END864 – Naturally Aspirated (All variations) 864CID, 5 x 5 ½ 1960to 1972 7,612 Built ((IncludesEND864 (255 hp), END864A (270 hp), ENDD864 (237 hp), ENDI864 (255 hp), END864B (270 hp), ENDD864C (240 hp), and END864C (270 hp)) ENDT864 – Turbocharged (All variations) 864CID, 5 x 5 ½ 1965to 1972 661 Built ((IncludesENDT864 (325 hp), ENDT864A (355 hp), ENDTF864 (350 hp), and ENDTI864 (255 hp)) ENDT865 – Turbocharged Maxidyne (All variations) 866CID, 5 ¼ x 5 1969to 1980 14,240 Built((Includes ENDT865 (325 hp), ENDTB865 (325 hp), ENDDT865 (285 hp), ENDT865A(324 hp), ENDTB865 (325 hp), ENDDTB865 (285 hp), and ENDT865C (325 hp)) ENDT866 -Turbocharged non-Maxidyne (All variations) 866CID, 5 ¼ x 5 1971to 1979 3,839 Built ((IncludesENDT866(375 hp), ENDTB866 (375 hp), ENDTB866C (355 hp), and ENDDTB866 (325 hp)) ET1000 – Turbocharged non-Maxidyne (Allvariations) 998CID, 5 3/8 x 5 ½ 1978to 1980 261Built ((Includes ETAXB1000 (400 hp), ETAZ1000 (400 hp), and ETAZB1000(400hp),ETCX1000 (400 hp), ETCXV1000 (400 hp), ETCZ1000 (400 hp), ETCZB1000 (400 hp)) ET1005 -Turbocharged Maxidyne (All variations) 998CID, 5 3/8 x 5 ½ 1976 to 1979) 142 Built ((IncludesET1005 (360 hp), ETB1005 (360 hp), ETZ1005 (360 hp), ETZB1005 (360 hp),ETB1005A (360 hp), ETZB1005A (360 hp), (ETAAZB1005 (360 hp), ETCZ1005A (400 hp),ETCZB1005A (400 hp), and ETAZB1005A (400 hp)) EM9 – Turbocharged Maxidyne Chassis MountedCharge Air Cooled (All variations) 998CID, 5 3/8 x 5 ½ 1979 to 1986 1,676Built (Includes EM9-400, EM9-400R, EMC9-400, EMC9-400R, and EME9-400) E9 – Turbocharged non-Maxidyne Chassis Mounted ChargeAir Cooled (All variations) 998CID, 5 3/8 x 5 ½ 1981 to 1999 3,768Built (Includes E9-400, EC9-400, E9-440, EE9-440, E9-441, E9-450, EE9-450,E9-500, EE9-500, and E9-525)
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